Algengi líkamsskynjunarröskunar á Íslandi |
Disclosure of incurable illness to spouses : do they want to know? : a Swedish population-based follow-up study |
Guilt after the loss of a husband to cancer: is there a relation with the health care provided? |
Hin hliðin á krabbameini : aðdragandi og framvinda sjúkdómsins tengd áföllum og sálrænni líðan |
Hospitalization for osteoarthritis and prostate cancer specific mortality among Swedish men with prostate cancer |
Hydrogen sulfide and particle matter levels associated with increased dispensing of anti-asthma drugs in Iceland's capital |
Immediate risk for cardiovascular events and suicide following a prostate cancer diagnosis: prospective cohort study |
Impact of parental cancer on IQ, stress resilience, and physical fitness in young men. |
Increased attendance rates and altered characteristics of sexual violence |
Increased stress among women following an economic collapse--a prospective cohort study |
Injuries before and after diagnosis of cancer: nationwide register based study |
Is a cancer diagnosis associated with subsequent risk of transient global amnesia? |
Lifetime exposure to violence and other life stressors and hair cortisol concentration in women |
Long-lasting improvements in health-related quality of life among women with chronic pain, following multidisciplinary rehabilitation |
The loss of a husband to cancer : additional and avoidable psychological traumata |
Low preparedness before the loss of a wife to cancer and the widower's chronic pain 4-5 years later-a population-based study |
The Manifestations of Sleep Disturbances 16 Years Post-Trauma |
Maternal geographic residence, local health service supply and birth outcomes |
Measuring anxiety and depression in the oncology setting using visual-digital scales |
Medication use in populations exposed to the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption: an interrupted time series analysis |
Mental health indicators and quality of life among individuals with musculoskeletal chronic pain: a nationwide study in Iceland |
Midlife metabolic factors and prostate cancer risk in later life |
The mother's risk of premature death after child loss across two centuries |
"Närståendeprojektet" : identifikation och insatser för närstående med särskilda behov inom den palliativa vården : systematisk prevention af långvarig psykisk sjuklighet : slutrapport |
Need for and access to bereavement support after loss of a husband to urologic cancers: a nationwide follow-up of Swedish widows |
Number of visits to the emergency department and risk of suicide: a population-based case-control study |
Obstetric and neonatal risks among extremely macrosomic babies and their mothers |
Oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer risk: A cohort study of 16 928 women 48 years and older |
Parental cancer diagnosis and child mortality--a population-based cohort study in Sweden. |
Perceptions of inadequate health care and feelings of guilt in parents after the death of a child to a malignancy: a population-based long-term follow-up |
Physical Activity from Early Adulthood and Risk of Prostate Cancer: A 24-Year Follow-Up Study among Icelandic Men. |
Pineal Gland Volume Assessed by MRI and Its Correlation with 6-Sulfatoxymelatonin Levels among Older Men |
Poorer self-rated health in residential areas with limited healthcare supply |
Pre-diagnostic 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and survival in cancer patients |
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertensive Disorders before and after a National Economic Collapse: A Population Based Cohort Study |
Psychological distress among health professional students during the COVID-19 outbreak |
Psychological distress is associated with cancer-specific mortality among patients with cervical cancer |
Psychotic illness in first-time mothers with no previous psychiatric hospitalizations: a population-based study |
Psychotropic drug use among Icelandic children: a nationwide population-based study |
Quality of life of adolescents born with extremely low birth weight |
Regional differences in mortality, hospital discharges and primary care contacts for cardiovascular disease |
Registration and definitions of mental disorders in Swedish survivors of the 2004 southeast Asia tsunami--Authors' response |
Risk factors and health during pregnancy among women previously exposed to sexual violence |
Risk Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Avalanche Survivors: A 16-Year Follow-Up |
Risk of infection-related cancers after the loss of a child: a follow-up study in Sweden |
Risk of psychiatric disorders among the surviving twins after a co-twin loss |
Rye bread consumption in early life and reduced risk of advanced prostate cancer |
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors during pregnancy and risk of stillbirth and infant mortality |
Self-injury in youths who lost a parent to cancer: nationwide study of the impact of family-related and health-care-related factors. |
Sexually transmitted infections after bereavement - a population-based cohort study |
Smoking and obesity among pregnant women in Iceland 2001-2010. |
Spousal loss and cognitive function in later life: a 25-year follow-up in the AGES-Reykjavik study |
Stress and cancer: Nordic pieces to the complex puzzle |
Stress-Related Disorders and Autoimmune Disease-Reply |
Stress-Related Signaling Pathways in Lethal and Nonlethal Prostate Cancer |
Stress Resilience in Late Adolescence and Survival among Cancer Patients: A Swedish Register-Based Cohort Study |
Suicide among patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
Suicide and suicide attempt after a cancer diagnosis among young individuals. |
Suicide attempts and self-harm during a dramatic national economic transition: a population-based study in Iceland |
Talking about death with children who have severe malignant disease |
Teenagers want to be told when a parent's death is near: A nationwide study of cancer-bereaved youths' opinions and experiences |
Time to abandon early detection cancer screening |
Towards better measurements in bereavement research: order of questions and assessed psychological morbidity |
Unnur Anna Valdimarsdơttir. The loss of a husband to cancer, 2003 ;: |
Unrelieved symptoms of female cancer patients during their last months of life and long-term psychological morbidity in their widowers: a nationwide population-based study |
Urinary melatonin levels, sleep disruption, and risk of prostate cancer in elderly men |
Use of antidepressants and association with elective termination of pregnancy: population based case-control study |
Vardagskreativitet |
Waiting time for cancer treatment and mental health among patients with newly diagnosed esophageal or gastric cancer: a nationwide cohort study |
When death appears best for the child with severe malignancy: a nationwide parental follow-up |