Margraf, Jürgen, 1956-
Jürgen Margraf
Margraf, Jürgen
Margraf, J. (Jürgen)
VIAF ID: 54370957 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Jürgen Margraf
- 200 _ | ‡a Margraf ‡b Jürgen ‡f 1956-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Margraf, J. ‡q (Jürgen)
- 100 1 _ ‡a Margraf, Jürgen
- 100 1 _ ‡a Margraf, Jürgen ‡d 1956-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Margraf, Jürgen ‡d 1956-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Margraf, Jürgen, ‡d 1956-
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (12)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Basel ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a Bochum ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 510 2 _ ‡a Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina ‡4 affi ‡4 ‡e Affiliation
- 510 2 _ ‡a Ruhr-Universität Bochum ‡4 affi ‡4 ‡e Affiliation
Title | Sources |
Agorafobia e transtorno de pânico | |
Agoraphobie und Panikstörung | |
AKV Fragebogen zu körperbezogenen Ängsten, Kognitionen und Vermeidung ; Manual | |
Clinical guide to exposure therapy, 2022 | |
Diagnostik der Angststörungen | |
Diagnostisches Interview bei psychischen Störungen DIPS | |
Exposition und Konfrontation | |
Generalisierte Angststörung Ein Therapieprogramm | |
Gesundheits- oder Krankheitstheorie? saluto-versus pathogenetische Ansätze im Gesundheitswesen | |
Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Verfahren und Rahmenbedingungen psychologischer Therapie | |
Identifying characteristics of non-completers in fear conditioning paradigms with children and adolescents | |
It's all about control sense of control mediates the relationship between physical activity and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany | |
Kosten und Nutzen der Psychotherapie eine kritische Literaturauswertung ; mit 36 Tabellen | |
Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie | |
Leitlinienorientierte Psychotherapie | |
Methodenpapier zur Koordination der Datenerhebung und -auswertung an Hochschul- und Ausbildungsambulanzen für Psychotherapie (KODAP) | |
Methodische Ansätze in der Public-Health-Forschung | |
Mitral valve prolapse and panic disorder: a review of their relationship | |
[Myocardial infarct, functional heart symptoms and panic syndrome] | |
Negative mood induction and unbalanced nutrition style as possible triggers of binges in binge eating disorder | |
Overdiagnosis of mental disorders in children and adolescents (in developed countries). | |
Pandemia wryje nam się w pamięć | |
Panik Angstanfälle und ihre Behandlung | |
Das Paniksyndrom und seine psychologische Behandlung | |
Personal value orientations as mediated predictors of mental health: A three-culture study of Chinese, Russian, and German university students | |
Physical activity and respiratory behavior in daily life of patients with panic disorder and healthy controls | |
Positive mental health, positive affect and suicide ideation | |
Post-exposure cortisol administration does not augment the success of exposure therapy: A randomized placebo-controlled study | |
Prävention von Angst und Depression im Jugendalter | |
Predictors of remission from panic disorder, agoraphobia and specific phobia in outpatients receiving exposure therapy: The importance of positive mental health | |
Primary prevention of anxious and depressive symptoms in adolescents | |
Pschyrembel Psychiatrie, klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie | |
Psychologische Therapie bei Indikationen im Erwachsenenalter | |
Psychometric properties of the Positive Mental Health Scale (PMH-scale). | |
Psychophysiological studies of panic attacks | |
Psychosocial Aspects of Obesity | |
Psychosocial factors and therapeutic approaches in the context of sexual history taking in men: a study conducted among Swiss general practitioners and urologists | |
Psychotherapist trainees' professional self-doubt and negative personal reaction: Changes during cognitive behavioral therapy and association with patient progress | |
Randomized controlled comparison of two cognitive behavioral therapies for obese children: mother versus mother-child cognitive behavioral therapy | |
Ratgeber Phobische Störungen Informationen für Betroffene und Angehörige | |
Recognition and therapy of eating disorders in young women in primary care | |
Recovery from social phobia in the community and its predictors: data from a longitudinal epidemiological study | |
Recurrent binge eating | |
Reduced belief updating in the context of depressive symptoms an investigation of the associations with interpretation biases and self-evaluation | |
Relationships between addictive Facebook use, depressiveness, insomnia, and positive mental health in an inpatient sample: A German longitudinal study | |
Risk-taking propensity and (un)healthy behavior in Germany | |
Screening for anxiety in an epidemiological sample: predictive accuracy of questionnaires | |
Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung der Kinderängstlichkeit | |
Separate and combined effects of genetic variants and pre-treatment whole blood gene expression on response to exposure-based cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders | |
Separation anxiety and agoraphobia in eight-year-olds | |
Simple rules for detecting depression | |
Simply avoiding reactivating fear memory after exposure therapy may help to consolidate fear extinction memory--a reply. | |
Sleep enhances exposure therapy | |
Somatoforme Störungen Ätiologie, Diagnose und Therapie | |
Specific phobia predicts psychopathology in young women | |
Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter | |
Strukturierte klinische Interviews zur Erfassung psychischer Störungen über die Lebensspanne | |
Subtypes of social phobia: are they of any use? | |
Suicidal ideation in primary care patients suffering from panic disorder with or without agoraphobia | |
Survey method matters: Online/offline questionnaires and face-to-face or telephone interviews differ | |
Symptom trajectories in patients with panic disorder in a primary care intervention: Results from a randomized controlled trial (PARADISE) | |
Systematische Desensibilisierung | |
Temporal Stability of Sexual Excitation and Sexual Inhibition in Women | |
Testing measurement invariance of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (DASS-21) across four countries | |
To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect of post-trauma sleep on intrusive memories of analog trauma | |
Training sozialer Kompetenz Anwendungsfelder, Entwicklungslinien, Erfolgsaussichten | |
Trennungsangst und Agoraphobie bei Achtjährigen | |
Die Unterdrückung unerwünschter Gedanken: Vergleich zweier Varianten eines experimentellen Paradigmas | |
Use of medication and in vivo exposure in volunteers for panic disorder research | |
Vor lauter Sorgen ... Selbsthilfe bei Generalisierter Angststörung. Mit Online-Material | |
Weg met vet de nieuwe methode om af te slanken | |
Weg mit dem Fett! der neue Weg, um satt abzunehmen ; [mit allen Infos über Xenical] | |
Wenn Spielen pathologisch wird | |
Zulassung der psychologischen Psychotherapeut/innen zur Krankenversicherung? mögliche Varianten und Kostenfolgen in der ambulanten Versorgung der Schweiz |