Abdelazer. Air (No. 6)
Abdelazer. Air (No. 9)
Abdelazer. Extraits
Abdelazer ... Lucinda is bewitching fair
Abdelazer or Moor's revenge (suita orkiestrowa)
Abdelazer Rondeau
Abdelazer. Selections
Ah! cruel nymph! you give despair
Ah! few and full of sorrows
Ah! how pleasant 'tis to love
Airs Cembalo Z 676 d-Moll
Airs Clavecin Z 641 Sol majeur
Airs, clavecin, Z. 641, sol majeur
Airs Clavecin Z T676 Ré mineur
Airs, harpsichord, Z. 641, G major
Airs, harpsichord, Z. T676, D minor
O, all ye people, clap your hands
Allemandes Clavecin Z 643 Sol majeur
Amidst the shades and cool refreshing streams Z 355
Amphitryon. Air
Amphitryon. Fair Iris and her swain
Amphitryon. Minuet
Amphitryon; or, the two Sosias, Z.572
Amphitryon. Suite
Anthems 1 à 10 voix, basse continue
Anthems (wybór)
Anthems Z 2
Anthems, Z 44
Arie. a-moll
Arie (wybór ;
Arise, my muse
Arise, my muse. But ah, I see Eusebia drown'd in tears
Arise, ye subterranean winds
As Roger last night Z 242
Ask me to love no more
At the close of the evening Z 599
Awake, and with attention hear
Awake, put on thy strength
Awake, ye dead
Bacchus is a pow'r divine
Be merciful unto me
Begin the song and strike the living lyre
Behold, I bring you glad tidings
Behold, I bring you glad tidings. Ritornello, G minor
Behold, I bring you glad tidings. Z 2
Behold, now praise the Lord
Beneath a dark and melancholy grove
Blessed are they that fear the Lord
Blessed be the Lord, my strength
Blessed is he that considereth the poor
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven Z 8
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiv'n
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
Blow up the trumpet im Sion Z 10
Blow up the trumpet in Sion
Blow up the trumpet in Sion. Z 10
Bonduca ... Britons, strike home
Bonduca. Jack, thou'rt a toper
Bonduca O lead me to some peaceful gloom
Bonduca. Sing ye druids all
Bonduca. Song-tune (No. 3);
Bonduca. Vocal score
Bow down thine ear, O Lord
Call for the reck'ning Z 244
I came, I saw and was undone Z 375
Canterbury guests. Good neighbour, why do you look awry?
Canterbury guests Z 591
Cease, anxious world, your fruitless pain
Cease, O my sad soul
Celebrate this festival
Celebrate this festival. Z 321. Crown the altar, deck the shrine
Celemene, pray tell me
Celestial music did the gods inspire
Celestial music did the gods inspire. Her charming strains
Chaconas cuerda, Z. 730 sol menor
Chaconnen Streichinstrument (4) Z 730 g-Moll
Chaconny. Instrumenty klawiszowy. ZT 680. g-moll
Choral music
Choral music. Selections
Cibell, clavecin, Z. T678, do majeur
Cibell, harpsichord, Z. T678, C major
Cleomenes, the Spartan hero. No, no, poor suff'ring heart
Close thine eyes and sleep secure
Come, lay by all care Z 484
Come, let us drink Z 245
Come, my hearts, play your parts Z 246
Come ye sons of art away
Come ye sons of art away. Bid the virtues
Come ye sons of art away. Come ye sons of art
Come ye sons of art away. Partition de chant
Come ye sons of art away. Sound the trumpet 'till around
Come ye sons of art away. Strike the viol, touch the lute
Come ye sons of art Bid the virtues, bid the graces
The compleat flute-master, 1695
Complete Chamber Music
O consider my adversity
Courantes Clavecin Z 644 Sol majeur
Cupid, the slyest rogue alive
Dido and Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas. Ah! Belinda, I am prest
Dido and Aeneas. But ere we this perform
Dido and Aeneas. Extraits
Dido and Aeneas. Libretto
Dido and Aeneas Ouvertüre
Dido and Aeneas. Selections
Dido and Aeneas. Vocal score
Dido and Aeneas. When I am laid in earth
Dido and Aeneas. When I am laid on earth
Dido and Aeneas. With drooping wings
Dido and Aeneas. Z 626 (fragmenty)
Dido and Aeneas. Z 626. Thy hand Belinda
Dioclesian. Chaconne
Dioclesian. Dance of Furies
Dioclesian. Let the soldiers rejoice
Dioclesian, or the Prophetess
Dioclesian. Selections
Dioclesian. Sound, Fame, thy brazen trumpet
Dioclesian (suita). Z 627
Dioclesian. What shall I do?
Dioclesian Z 627
Dioclesian. Z 627. Country dance
Dioclesian. Z 627 (fragmenty)
Dioclesian. Z 627. Since from my dear Astrea's sight
Distressed innocence
Distressed innocence Menuett
Distressed innocence. Selections
O dive custos Auriacae domus
Don Quixote
Don Quixote. From rosy bow'rs
Don Quixote. Genius of England
Don Quixote. Lads and lasses, blithe and gay
Don Quixote Let the dreadful engines
Don Quixote. Sing all ye muses
Double dealer
double dealer Air Nr. 3
double dealer Clavecin Z 592 No 7 Menuet
Double dealer. Cynthia frowns whene'er I woo her
double dealer Hornpipe Nr. 2
double dealer Menuett Nr. 3
Double dealer. Ouverture
Double dealer. Selections
Down with Bacchus Z 247
Draw near, you lovers
Drink on, till night be spent Z 248
Dulcibella, whene'er I sue for a kiss Z 485
Early, O Lord, my fainting soul
Earth trembled, and heav'n closed
England, my England
English lawyer. My wife has a tongue
Evening services
Fairy queen. Act 1. Overture
Fairy queen. Act 2. Prelude
Fairy queen. Come let us leave the town
fairy queen Dance for the Chinese man and woman
Fairy queen. Dance for the followers of Night
Fairy queen. First music
fairy queen Hark, how all things in one sound agree
The fairy queen Hark! the ech'ing air
Fairy queen. Let the fifes and the clarions
fairy queen May the God of wit inspire
fairy queen Monkey's dance
Fairy queen. Next, winter comes slowly
Fairy queen. O Let Me Weep, For Ever Weep
Fairy queen. One charming night
Fairy queen. Plaint
Fairy queen. Prelude;
fairy queen See, even Night herself
Fairy queen. Selections
fairy queen Sonata while the sun rises
Fairy Queen Z 629
Fairy queen. Z 629. Come all ye songsters
Fairy queen. Z 629 (fragmenty)
Fairy queen. Z 629, Thrice happy lovers
Fairy queen. Z 629. Turn then thine eyes
Fairy Queen Z 629 When a cruel long winter
Fairy queen. Z 629. Ye gentle spirits of the air
fantaisies Violes de gambe (3 à 7) Z 732 à 747
Fantaisies, Z. 738, do mineur
Fantasia upon one note
Fantasia upon one note. Z 745. F-dur
Fantasias. Extraits
Fantasias. Selections
fantasias, viols, Z.733
Fantasias. Z. 731
Fantasias, Z. 732-743
Fantasias, Z. 735-743
Fantasias, Z. 735, G minor
Fantasias, Z. 736, B♭ major
Fantasias, Z. 739, D minor
Fantasias, Z. 743, D minor
Fantasien Streichinstrument
Fantasien Streichinstrument (3) Z 732 d-Moll
Fantasien Streichinstrument (3) Z 733 F-Dur
Fantasien Streichinstrument (3) Z 734 g-Moll
Fantasien Streichinstrument (4) Z 739 d-Moll
Fantasien Streichinstrument (4) Z 740 a-Moll
Fantasien Streichinstrument (4) Z 741 e-Moll
Fantasien Streichinstrument (4) Z 742 G-Dur
Fantasien Streichinstrument (4) Z 743 d-Moll
Fantasien Streichnstrument (4) Z 737 F-Dur
Fantazje. Viola (3). Z 732-734
Fantazje. Viola (3). Z 732. d-moll
Fantazje. Viola (3). Z. 733. F-dur
Fantazje. Viola (3). Z. 734. g-moll
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z 735-743
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 735. g-moll
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 736. B-dur
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 737. F-dur
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 738. c-moll
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 739. d-moll
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 740. a-moll
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 741. e-moll
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 742. G-dur
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 743. d-moll
Fantazje. Viola (4). Z. 744. a-moll
Fatal hour comes on apace
Fatal marriage. Danger is over
Fatal marriage. I sigh'd and owned my love
fatal marriage Z 595
female virtuosos Z 596
Fie, nay prithee, John Z D100
Fly, bold rebellion
Fly swift, ye hours
Fly swift, ye hours. Z 369
Fool's preferment. I'll sail upon the dog-star
Fool's preferment. There's nothing so fatal as woman
fool's preferment Z 571
From hardy climes
From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war, Z.325
From silent shades, and the Elysian groves (Bess of Bedlam)
From silent shades. Z 370
From those serene and rapturous joys
Full bags, a brisk bottle Z 249
Full of wrath His threatening breath
Funeral sentences, 1st version. In the midst of life
Funeral sentences, 2e version
Funeral sentences, 2nd version. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts
Funeral sentences (wersja 1)
Funeral sentences (wersja 2)
Funeral sentences (wersja 2). Z 58A, Thou knowest, Lord
I gave her cakes and I gave her ale Z 256
Gavottes Clavecin Z D220 Sol majeur
Gawoty. Klawesyn. ZD 220. G-dur
Gentle shepherds
Gigue. Klawesyn. ZT 693 3. g-moll
Gigues Clavecin Z T686 Sol mineur
Gigues Clavecin Z T693 3 Sol mineur
Give sentence with me, o God
O give thanks unto the Lord
O give thanks unto the Lord. Z 33
Go tell Amynta, gentle swain Z 489
God save our sov'reign Charles Z 250
O God the King of glory
O God, Thou art my God
O God, thou art my God. Z. 35
O God, thou hast cast us out
O God, thou hast cast us out. Z. 36
Gordian knot unty'd
Gordian knot unty'd. Airs, D major
grasshopper and a fly Z 481
Great Apollo and Bacchus Z 251
Great God and just
Great God, and just Soprano, bc Z 186
Great parent, hail
Ground in gamut
Grounds Cembalo Z 681 c-Moll
Grounds Cembalo Z T 682 e-Moll
Grounds. Klawesyn. ZD 222. d-moll
Grounds. Klawesyn. ZT 681. c-moll
Grounds Tasteninstrument Z D 222 d-Moll
Grounds. ZT 682. e-moll
Hail, bright Cecilia
Hail, bright Cecilia. In vain the am'rous flute
Hail, bright Cecilia 't is nature's voice
Hail, bright Cecilia. Vocal score
Hail, bright Cecilia. With rapture of delight
O, happy man
Hark, Damon, hark
Hark, how the wild musicians sing
Harpsichord music. Selections
health to the nut-brown lass Z 240
Hear me, O Lord, and that soon, Z. 13A
Hear me, O Lord, and that soon, Z. 13B
Hear me, o Lord, and that soon Z 13b
Hear me, O Lord, the great support
Hear my prayer, O Lord
Hear my pray'r, O God
Hear my pray'r, O God
Hears not my Phyllis
Hence, fond deceiver Z 492
Henry the Second, King of England. In vain 'gainst love I strove
Henry the Second, king of England Z 580
Here's a health, pray let it pass Z 252
High on a throne of glitt'ring ore
Hornpipes Clavecin Z T684 Ré mineur
Hornpipes Clavecin Z T685 Mi mineur
Hornpipes. Klawesyn. ZT 685. e-moll
Hornpipes Z 684
Hosanna to the highest
O! how happy's he, who from bus'ness free
O ! how happy's he Z 403
How happy's the husband
How have I stray'd
How have I strayed
How I sigh when I think of the charms of my swain
How long, great God
How pleasant is this flow'ry plain
How sweet is the air and refreshing Z 495
If ever I more riches did desire
If ever I more riches did desire. Here let my life with as much silence slide
If grief has any pow'r to kill Z 378
If music be the food of love. Z 379
If music be the food of love, Z. 379A
If music be the food of love, Z. 379B
If pray'rs and tears
O, I'm sick of life
In a deep vision's intellectual scene
In all our Cinthia's shining sphere
In all our Cynthia's shining sphere Z 496
In Cloris all soft charms agree
In guilty night
In nomine Streichinstrument (6) Z 746 g-Moll
In nomine Streichinstrument (7) Z 747 g-Moll
In nomine, violes (6), Z. 746, sol mineur
In nomine, violes (7), Z. 747, sol mineur
In nomine Violes de gambe (6) Z 746 Sol mineur
In nomine Violes de gambe (7) Z 747 Sol dorien
In nomine. Z. 746. g-moll
In nomine. Z. 747. g-moll
In nomines, viols
In some kind dream Z 497
In the black, dismal dungeon of despair
In the midst of life Z 17B
In the midst Z 17 B
In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust
In these delightful, pleasant groves
Incassum, Lesbia, incassum rogas
Incidental music
Incidental music. Extraits
Incidental music. Selections
Indian emperor Z 598
Indian queen
Indian queen. Extraits;
Indian queen. I attempt from Love's sickness to fly
Indian queen. I come to sing great Zempoalla's story
Indian queen. Let us wander, not unseen;
Indian queen Orchestre, basse continue Z 630
Indian queen. Selections
Indian queen Sinfonia 2. Akt
Indian queen Their looks are such
Indian queen. Trumpet overture
Indian Queen. Trumpet tune;
Indian queen. We, the spirits of the air
Indian queen. Why should men quarrel
Indian queen. Ye twice ten-hundred deities
Indian queen. Z. 630. Trumpet tune and air
Instrumental music
It is a good thing to give thanks
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes
Julia, your unjust disdain Z 500
King Arthur
King Arthur. Come, follow me
King Arthur Fairest isle
King Arthur ... First music, Chaconne Nr. 1
King Arthur. Fourth act tune
King Arthur Shepherd, leave decoying
King Arthur. Sound a parley
King Arthur. Vocal score
King Arthur. What pow'r art thou
King Arthur ... While the cold genius rises
King Arthur Z 628
King Arthur. Z 628. Chaconne
King Arthur. Z 628 (wybór)
Knight of Malta. At the close of the ev'ning
The knotting song, Z.371
Laudate Ceciliam
Laudate Ceciliam
Leave these useless arts in loving
Let God arise
Let Hector, Achilles, and each brave commander Z 501
Let mine eyes run down with tears
Let the night perish
Libertine. Nymphs and shepherds, come away
Libertine. To arms, to arms, heroic prince
O Lord God of hosts
O Lord God of hosts. Z 37
O Lord, grant the King a long life
Lord, how long wilt thou be angry
Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes Z 136
Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel
Lord is king, be the people never so impatient
Lord is King, the earth may be glad
Lord is my light
Lord, not to us
Lord, not to us but to thy name Z 137
O Lord, our Governor, Z. 141
O Lord, our Governor, Z. 39
O Lord our governor Z 39
O Lord, rebuke me not
O Lord rebuke me not. Z 40
O Lord, thou art my God
Lord, what is man?
Lord, what is man?, soprano, continuo
Lord, what is man. Z. 192
Lord, who can tell
Lost is my quiet forever
Lost my quiet forever
I lov'd fair Celia
I love and I must
Love thou art best of human joys
Love, thou can'st hear, tho' thou art blind Z 396
Lovely Albina's come ashore
Lovely Albina's come ashore. Z 394
Love's goddess sure was blind
Love's goddess sure was blind. Sweetness of nature
Love's power in my heart shall find no compliance Z 395
Macbeth (Purcell incidental music)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, sol mineur
Maid's last prayer
Maid's last prayer. No, resistance is but vain
Man that is born of a woman
March and canzona, trompettes (4), Z. 860, do mineur. March
March and canzona. Z 860
March und canzona c-Moll Z 860 1695 Trompete (4)
Marches Clavecin Z T687 Do majeur
marriage-hater match'd Z 602
Married beau. Hornpipe on a ground
married beau Marsch
married beau, or The curious impertinent
Married beau. See where repenting Celia lies
Marsze. Klawesyn. ZT 687. C-dur
massacre of Paris Z 604
Menuets Clavecin Z T688 Ré mineur
Menuette Cembalo Z 651 G-Dur
Menuette Tasteninstrument Z D 225 e-Moll
Menuety. Klawesyn. Z 649. a-moll
Menuety. Klawesyn. Z 651. G-dur
miller's daughter riding Z 277
Mock marriage
mock marriage Man is for the woman made
Mock marriage. 'Twas within a furlong of Edinboro' town
More love or more disdain I crave
Music for a while Z 583, no 2
Music for the funeral of Queen Mary
Musik für Cembalo
Musik für Klavier
Musik für Orgel
Musik für Tasteninstrument
Musique de chambre. Extraits;
Musique de clavecin. Extraits;
Musique d'orchestre. Extraits
Musique d'orgue. Extraits
Musique pour clavecin. Extraits
Musique vocale. Extraits
Musique vocale. Extraits (R.D. Row Music Company)
Muzyka kameralna (wybór)
Muzyka klawesynowa
Muzyka klawesynowa (wybór)
Muzyka organowa
Muzyka organowa (wybór)
Muzyka orkiestrowa (wybór ;
Muzyka teatralna (wybór)
Muzyka wokalna
Muzyka wokalna (wybór)
My beloved spake
My heart is fixed, O God
My heart is inditing
My op'ning eyes are purg'd
My song shall be alway
Nestor, who did to thrice man's age attain Z 503
new ground Clavecin Z T682 Mi mineur
New Scotch tune. Z 655
noise of foreign wars
Not all my torments can your pity move
Not all my torments can your pity move. Z 400
Now does the glorious day appear
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
Now that the sun hath veiled his light Now that the sun
Odes. Selections
Ody. Z320-344
Oedipus. Come away, do not stay
Oedipus. Hear, ye sullen powers below
Oedipus. Music for a while
Œuvre. Extraits
Of all the instruments that are Z 263
Of all the instruments, Z.263
Of old when heroes thought it base
Of old when heroes thought it base And in each track of glory
Of old when heroes thought it base. Pale and the purple rose
Of old when heroes thought it base. Ritornello (No. 13b);
Of old when heroes thought it base Satz 11a, Prelude
Of old when heroes thought it base. So when the glitt'ring queen of night
Old bachelor
Old bachelor. As Amoret and Thyrsis
Old bachelor. Hornpipe (No. 4);
old bachelor Marsch
Old bachelor. Selections;
Old bachelor. Thus to a ripe consenting maid
Olinda in the shades unseen. Z 404
Olinda in the shades unseen Z 404
Once, twice, thrice, I Julia tried Z 265
Opéras. Extraits;
Operas. Librettos
Organ music
Oroonoko Z 584
Orpheus britannicus
Out of the deep have I called
Ouvertüre und Suite, Vl 1 2 Va Z 770
Ouvertüren Z 771
Ouvertüren Z 772
Ouvertures Cordes Z 772 Sol mineur
Overture. string orchestra; G major.
Overtures, violins (2), viola, continuo, Z. 770, G major
Overtures, violins (2), viola, continuo, Z. 771, D minor
Pausanias, the betrayer of his country
Pausanias, the betrayer of his country Sweeter than roses
Pausanias, the betrayer of his country Z 585 2 My dearest, my fairest
Pavanen Violine (3) Basso continuo Z 752 g-Moll
Pavanen, Vl 1 2 Bc
Pavanen, Vl 1 2 Bc Z 748
Pavanen, Vl 1 2 Bc Z 749
Pavanen, Vl 1 2 Bc Z 751
Pavanes Violons (2), basse continue Z 748 La majeur
Pavanes Violons (2), basse continue Z 750 Si bémol majeur
Pavanes, violons (2), continuo
Pavanes, violons (2), continuo, Z. 749, la mineur
Pavanes Violons (3), basse continue Z 752 Sol mineur
pavanes, Z.748-52
Pavans, treble viols (2), continuo, Z. 748, A major
Pavans, treble viols (2), continuo, Z. 749, A minor
Pavans, treble viols (2), continuo, Z. 750, B♭ major
Pavans, treble viols (2), continuo, Z. 751, G minor
Pavans, violins (3), continuo, Z. 752, G minor
Pawany. Z 749. a-moll
Pawany. Z 750. B-dur
Pawany. Z 752. g-moll
Phyllis, talk no more of passion
Pious Celinda goes to prayers, Z410
Pious Celinda goes to pray'rs
Plung'd in the confines of despair
Popular edition of selected works
Pox on you for a fop
O praise God in His holiness
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen
Praise the Lord, o Jerusalem
Praise the Lord, o Jerusalem. Be Thou exalted;
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me
Praise the Lord, o my soul, and all that is Z 47
Praise the Lord, O my soul, O Lord my God
Präludien Violine N 774 g-Moll
Präludien Violine Z N 773
Préludes Clavecin Z 652 La mineur
Preludes, recorder, D major
Preludes, violin, Z. N773, G minor
Préludes Violon Z N773 Sol mineur
Prithee ben't so sad and serious Z 269
prophetess Chaconne
prophetess Let us dance
Prophetess. Masque. Vocal score
The prophetess, or The history of Dioclesian
prophetess Suite
prophetess Z 627 When first I saw Aurelia's eyes
Purcell Collection
Purcell Society Edition
Queen's dolour
Raise, raise the voice
Regulus. Ah me! to many deaths decreed
Regulus or The faction of Carthage Z 586
Rejoice in the Lord alway. Prelude;
Rejoice in the Lord alway. Vocal score
Remember not, Lord, our offences. Z. 50
Retir'd from any mortal's sight
Richmond heiress. Behold the man that with gigantic might
Richmond heiress. Bring the bowl and cool Nantz
Richmond heiress, or A woman once in the right Z 608
Rigaudon, clavecin, Z. 653, do majeur
Rigaudon, harpsichord, Z. 653, C major
Rigaudons. Klawesyn. Z 653. C-dur
Rival sisters
Rival sisters. Celia has a thousand charms
Rival sisters. Selections
Rival sisters. Take not a woman's anger ill
Round O, "Abdelazer"
Rule a wife and have a wife
Saccharissa's grown old
Sanctus Z D 90
Save me, o God, for Thy name's sake
I saw fair Cloris all alone Z 498
I saw that you were grown so high
Scotch tune
I see she flies me
See where she sits
Sefauchi's farewell
Sefauchi's farewell Clavecin Z 656 Ré mineur
Sefauchi's farewell. Z 656. d-moll
Service, si bémol majeur. Benedicite omnia opera
Service, si bémol majeur. Cantate Domino
Service, si bémol majeur. Deus misereatur
Service, si bémol majeur. Jubilate
Service, si bémol majeur. Kyrie eleison
Service, si bémol majeur. Magnificat
Service, si bémol majeur. Nicene creed
Service, si bémol majeur. Nunc dimittis
Service, si bémol majeur. Te Deum
Services Z 230
Services, Z. 230, B♭ major
Services, Z. 230, B♭ major. Benedicite omnia opera
Services, Z. 230, B♭ major. Magnificat
Services, Z. 230, B♭ major. Nunc dimittis
Services, Z. 230, B♭ major. Selections
Services, Z. 230, si bémol majeur. Benedictus
Services, Z. 230, si bémol majeur. Cantate Domino
Services, Z. 230, si bémol majeur. Deus misereatur
Services, Z. 230, si bémol majeur. Jubilate Deo
Services, Z. 230, si bémol majeur. Kyrie eleison
Services, Z. 230, si bémol majeur. Magnificat
Services, Z. 230, si bémol majeur. Nicene Creed
Services, Z. 231, G minor
She loves and she confesses too
She loves and she confesses too. Z. 413
She that would gain a faithful lover
Since God so tender a regard
Since God so tender a regard
Since God so tender a regard, Z.143
Since the duke is return'd, Z.271
Since time so kind to us does prove Z 272
Since women so false and so jiltish are grown Z D104
Sing unto God
Sing unto God, o ye kingdoms of the earth
O sing unto the Lord. Z 44
Sir Anthony Love
Sir Anthony Love Ouvertüre
Sir Barnaby Whigg
Sir Walter enjoying his damsel Z 273
Sit down, my dear Sylvia Z 509
Sleep, Adam, and take thy rest
Soft notes and gently rais'd accent
Soldier, take off thy wine Z 274
O solitude, my sweetest chioce. Z 406
Sonatas, trumpet, strings, continuo. Z. 850, D major;
Sonatas, trumpet, violins (2), viola, continuo, Z. 850, D major. Allegro;
Sonatas, violin, continuo, Z. 780, G minor
Sonatas, violins (2), bass instrument, continuo, Z. 802-811
Sonatas, violins (2), bass instrument, continuo, Z. 802, B minor
Sonatas, violins (2), bass instrument, continuo, Z. 803, E♭ major
Sonatas, violins (2), bass instrument, continuo, Z. 810, F major
Sonaten Trompete Streichorchester Z 850
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da Gamba Basso continuo
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da Gamba Basso continuo Z 791 B-Dur
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 792 d-Moll
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 795 C-Dur
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 796 e-Moll
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 799 A-Dur
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 802 h-Moll
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 805 d-Moll
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 806 g-Moll
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 807 g-Moll
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 808 C-Dur
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 809 g-Moll
Sonaten Violine (2) Viola da gamba Basso continuo Z 811 D-Dur
Sonaten Violine Basso continuo g-Moll
Sonaten Violine Viola da Gamba Basso continuo Z 780 g-Moll
Sonates en trio, violons, continuo. Extraits
Sonates en trio Z 780 Sol mineur
sonates en trio Z 790-801
Sonates en trio Z 790 Sol mineur
Sonates en trio Z 792 Ré mineur
Sonates en trio Z 794 La mineur
Sonates en trio Z 795 Do majeur
Sonates en trio Z 796 Mi mineur
Sonates en trio Z 797 Sol majeur
Sonates en trio Z 798 Do mineur
Sonates en trio Z 799 La majeur
Sonates en trio Z 801 Ré majeur
Sonates, trompette, cordes, ré majeur;
Sonates Violons (2), basse de viole, basse continue Z 810 Fa majeur
Sonates, violons (2), instrument de basse, continuo, Z. 804, la mineur
Sonates Violons (2), viole de gambe, basse continue Z 803 Mi bémol majeur
Sonates Violons (2), viole de gambe, basse continue Z 806 Sol mineur
Sonates Violons (2), viole de gambe, basse continue Z 807 Sol mineur
Sonates Violons (2), viole de gambe, basse continue Z 808 Do majeur
Sonates Violons (2), viole de gambe, basse continue Z 811 Ré majeur
Sonaty. Skrzypce (2), instrument basowy, basso continuo. Z. 802-811
Sonaty. Skrzypce (2), instrument basowy, basso continuo. Z. 803. Es-dur
Sonaty. Skrzypce (2), instrument basowy, basso continuo. Z. 805. d-moll
Sonaty. Skrzypce (2), instrument basowy, basso continuo. Z. 807. g-moll
Sonaty. Skrzypce (2), instrument basowy, basso continuo. Z. 811. D-dur
Sonaty. Skrzypce (2), viola da gamba, basso continuo. Z 804. a-moll
Sonaty. Skrzypce, basso continuo. Z. 780. g-moll
Sonaty. Trąbka, instrumenty smyczkowe. Z. 850. D-dur
Sonaty triowe. Skrzypce (2), basso continuo. Z. 790-801
Sonaty triowe. Skrzypce (2), basso continuo. Z. 798. c-moll
Songs. Selections
Songs (wybór)
Sophonisba Beneath the poplar's shadow
Sophonisba, or Hannibal's overthrow, Z.590
Sound the trumpet, beat the drum Chaconne
Sound the trumpet, beat the drum Z 335
Sound the trumpet, beat the drum Z 335 Let Caesar and Urania live
Spanish friar. Whilst I with grief did on you look
Spanish friar Z 610
I spy Celia, Celia eyes me
Staircase overture
Stript of their green our groves appear
Stücke Klavier
Suite string orchestra; B flat major
Suiten Cembalo
Suiten Cembalo Z 661 g-Moll
Suiten Cembalo Z 662 G-Dur
Suiten Cembalo Z 665 C-Dur
Suiten Cembalo Z 665 C-Dur Almand
Suiten Cembalo Z 667 D-Dur Hornpipe
Suiten Cembalo Z 668 d-Moll
Suiten Cembalo Z 669 F-Dur
Suites clave
Suites, clavecin
Suites Clavecin No 2 Z 661 Sol mineur
Suites Clavecin No 7 Z 668 Ré mineur
Suites Clavecin No 8 Z 669 Fa majeur
Suites, clavecin, Z. 661, sol mineur
Suites, clavecin, Z. 663, la mineur
Suites, clavecin, Z. 666, do majeur
Suites, clavecin, Z. 666, do majeur. Prelude
Suites, clavecin, Z. 668, ré mineur
Suites, harpsichord
Suites, harpsichord, G major
Suites, harpsichord. Selections
Suites, harpsichord. Z. 660-663
Suites, harpsichord, Z. 660, G major
Suites, harpsichord, Z. 660, G major. Saraband
Suites, harpsichord, Z. 664, B♭ major
Suites, harpsichord, Z. 665, C major. Jigg
Suites, harpsichord. Z. 666-669
Suites, harpsichord, Z. 666, C major
Suites, harpsichord, Z. 667, D major
Suites, harpsichord, Z. 668, D minor. Hornpipe
Suites, harpsichord. Z. 669, F major
suites, keyboard, no. 4
Suites, lessons and pieces for the harpsichord
Suites, piano, Z. 660, sol major. Alemanda
Suites Trompette, orgue
Suity. Klawesyn (wybór)
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 660. G-dur
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 660. G-dur. Minuet
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 661. g-moll
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 662. G-dur
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 663. a-moll
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 666. C-dur
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 667. D-dur
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 668. d-moll
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 669. F-dur
Suity. Klawesyn. Z 669. F-dur, Minuet
Sum up all the delights Z 275
Summer's absence unconcerned we bear
surrender of Lim'rick Z 278
Sweet, be no longer sad
Swifter, Isis, swifter flow
Swifter, Isis, swifter flow
Sylvia, now your scorn give over
I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams. Z 388
Te Deum and Jubilate. Z. 232
Tell me, some pitying angel
Tempest. Come unto these yellow sands
tempest Dear pretty youth
Tempest. Dry those eyes
Tempest. Full fathom five
Tempest. Kind fortune smiles
Tempest. Z. 631
There ne'er was so wretched a lover
There ne'er was so wretched a lover as I Z 513
They that go down to the sea
This poet sings the Trojan wars
Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts, Z. 58C
Thou know'st, Lord, the secrets of our hearts
Thou know'st, Lord Z 58B
Thou wakeful shepherd
Thousand sev'ral ways I tried
Three parts upon a ground, Z.731
Thy genius, lo!, soprano voice, continuo
Thy way, o God, is holy
Thy word is a lantern
Thy word is a latern unto my feet
Timon of Athens
Timon of Athens. Extraits
Timon of Athens. Hark! how the songsters
Timon of Athens, the man-hater Ouvertüre
Timon of Athens, the man-hater Return, revolting rebels
Timon of Athens, the man-hater Z 632 10b Hark ! How the songsters
Timon of Athens. Z 632
Timon of Athens. Z 632. Cares of lovers
Timon of Athens. Z 632 (wybór)
'Tis easy to force Z 279
'Tis too late for a coach Z 280
'Tis wine was made to rule the day
'Tis women makes us love
To all lovers of music Z 282
To thee and to a maid Z 283
To this place we're now come Z N526
Toccaty. Instrument klawiszowy. ZD 229. A-dur
Tom, making a mantua for a lass Z D106
Trio sonatas, violins (2), continuo, Z. 790, G minor
Trio sonatas, violins (2), continuo, Z. 791, B♭ major
Trio sonatas, violins (2), continuo, Z. 796, E minor
Trio sonatas, violins (2), continuo, Z. 798, C minor. Canzona;
Trio sonatas, violins (2), continuo, Z. 798, C minor. Grave;
Trio sonatas, violins, continuo. Z. 790-795
Trio sonatas, violins, continuo. Z. 790-801
Trio sonatas, violins, continuo. Z. 795, C major;
Trio sonatas, violins, continuo. Z. 796-801
Trio sonatas, violins, continuo. Z. 801, D major
Trio sonatas, violins, continuo. Z. 802
Trio sonatas, violins, continuo. Z. 802-806
Trios, recorders, continuo. Selections
Trios, violins, violoncello
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 790-801
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 790 sol menor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 791 si bemol mayor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 792 re menor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 793 fa mayor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 794 la menor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 795 do mayor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 796 mi menor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 797 sol mayor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 798 do menor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 799 la mayor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 800 fa menor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 801 re mayor
Triosonatas violines, bajo continuo, Z. 802-811
True Englishmen drink a good health
Trumpet minuet Clavecin Z 611, no 8
Trumpet tune Clavecin Z S 124 Ré majeur
Trumpet tune Clavecin Z T678 Do majeur
Trumpet tune Clavecin Z T698 Do majeur
Trumpet tune Z 678
Trumpet tune. ZT 697. C-dur
Turn, then thine eyes
Turn thou us, O good Lord
Tyrannic love
Tyrannic love. Ah! how sweet it is to love
Under a green elm lies Luke Shepherd's helm Z 285
Unto Thee will I cry, O Lord
Unto Thee will I cry, O Lord. Unto Thee
Unto Thee will I cry, o Lord. Z 63
Urge me no more Z 426
Urge me no more. Z 426
Uwertury. Instrumenty smyczkowe. Z 770. G-dur
Uwertury. Instrumenty smyczkowe. Z 772. g-moll
Uwertury. Skrzypce (2), altówka, basso continuo. Z. 771. d-moll
Verse Orgue Z 716 Fa majeur
verse Z 716
virtuous wife
virtuous wife Clavecin Z 611 No 9 Air
virtuous wife Z 611
virtuous wife Z 611 No 9 First act tune
Vocal music. Selections
Voluntaries, organ. Selections
Voluntaries, organ, Z. 717, C major
Voluntaries, organ, Z. 718, D minor
Voluntaries, organ, Z. 720, G major
Voluntaries. Organy. Z. 719. d-moll
Voluntaries Orgel Z 717 C-Dur
Voluntaries Orgel Z 719
Voluntaries Orgue Z 717-720
Voluntary. Klawesyn. Z 717 C-dur
Voluntary on the 100th Psalm. Z. 721
Voluntary. Organy. C-dur
I was glad
Way of God is an undefiled way
We reap all the pleasures
We sing to him
We sing to Him whose wisdom form'd the ear
Welcome, glorious morn
Welcome to all the pleasures
Welcome to all the pleasures. Here the deities approve
Welcome to all the pleasures. Vocal score
Welcome to all the pleasures. Z. 339
Welcome, Vicegerent of the mighty King
Welcome, viceregent of the mighty king
Westminster Abbey
What a sad fate is mine Z 428
What a sad fate is mine, Z. 428B
O! what a scene does entertain my sight
What can we poor females do?, Z. 429
What can we poor females do ? Z 518
What can we poor females do?, Z. 518
What shall be done in behalf of the man
When first Amintas sued for a kiss. Z 430
When my Acmelia smiles
When Myra sings
When night her purple veil had softly spread
When on my sick bed
When on my sick bed I languish
When Teucer from his father fled Z 522
When the cock begins to crow
When V and I together meet Z 287
While Thyrsis, wrapt in downy sleep
Who can behold Florella's charms ? Z 441
Who can from joy refrain?
Who can from joy refrain? father brave as e'er was Dane
Who can from joy refrain? If now he burns
Who can from joy refrain? Sound the trumpet, beat the warlike drum
Who can from joy refrain? Z. 342
Who comes there ? Stand ! Z 288
Who hath believed our report?
Why do the heathen
Why, my Daphne, why complaining ? Z 525
Why, why are all the muses mute?
I will give thanks unto the Lord
I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord
I will love Thee, O Lord
I will sing unto the Lord
Wine in a morning makes us frolic Z 289
With sick and famish'd eyes
Wives' excuse
Works. 1878
Works. Selections
Would you know how we meet Z 290
Ye tuneful muses, raise your heads. With him he brings the partner;
Ye tuneful muses. Vocal score
Young Collin cleaving of a beam Z 291
Young Thyrsis' fate the hills and groves deplore
Young Thyrsis' fate, ye hills and groves, deplore Z 473
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