Deelman, Ewa.
Ewa Deelman Computer scientist
VIAF ID: 47160362612363500921 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Deelman, Ewa
- 100 1 _ ‡a Deelman, Ewa
- 100 0 _ ‡a Ewa Deelman ‡c Computer scientist
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
Title | Sources |
ACCESS Pegasus: Bringing Workflows to the ACCESS Masses | |
Adaptive Workflow Processing and Execution in Pegasus | |
The application of cloud computing to the creation of image mosaics and management of their provenance | |
Association of functional polymorphism rs2231142 (Q141K) in the ABCG2 gene with serum uric acid and gout in 4 US populations: the PAGE Study | |
Association of genetic variants and incident coronary heart disease in multiethnic cohorts: the PAGE study | |
Communication and data-intensive science in the beginning of the 21st century | |
Connecting Scientific Data to Scientific Experiments with Provenance | |
Convergence HPC - Big Data : Gestion de différentes catégories d'applications sur des infrastructures HPC | |
CyberShake: A Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Model for Southern California | |
Designing a road map for geoscience workflows | |
Distributed and parallel programming paradigms using graphs of tasks for post-petascale supercomputers. | |
Elephants Sharing the Highway: Studying TCP Fairness in Large Transfers over High Throughput Links | |
Enabling Data and Compute Intensive Workflows in Bioinformatics | |
Enabling large-scale scientific workflows on petascale resources using MPI master/worker | |
Evidence of heterogeneity by race/ethnicity in genetic determinants of QT interval | |
Experiences Using GlideinWMS and the Corral Frontend across Cyberinfrastructures | |
Generating Complex Astronomy Workflows | |
Genetic Diversity Turns a New PAGE in Our Understanding of Complex Traits | |
High performance analysis for road traffic control | |
HNF1B and endometrial cancer risk: results from the PAGE study | |
HPC - Big Data Convergence : Managing theDiversity of Application Profiles on HPC Facilities. | |
Lyme Disease: Self-regulation and Pathogen Invasion | |
Managing Large-Scale Workflow Execution from Resource Provisioning to Provenance Tracking: The CyberShake Example | |
Montage: a grid-enabled engine for delivering custom science-grade mosaics on demand | |
Montage: a grid portal and software toolkit for science-grade astronomical image mosaicking | |
New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution | |
New tools and methods for direct programmatic access to the dbSNP relational database | |
Optimizing Workflow Data Footprint | |
Paradigmes de programmation répartie et parallèle utilisant des graphes de tâches pour supercalculateurs post-pétascale | |
Parallel processing and applied mathematics, [2023]: | |
Parameterized Specification, Configuration and Execution of Data-Intensive Scientific Workflows | |
The Pegasus portal | |
Phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) for detection of pleiotropy within the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Network | |
Pleiotropic associations of risk variants identified for other cancers with lung cancer risk: the PAGE and TRICL consortia | |
Pleiotropy of cancer susceptibility variants on the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: the PAGE consortium | |
Provenance: The Bridge Between Experiments and Data | |
Reducing Time-to-Solution Using Distributed High-Throughput Mega-Workflows - Experiences from SCEC CyberShake | |
Reproducibility of execution environments in computational science using Semantics and Clouds | |
Reproducibility of neuroimaging analyses across operating systems | |
Reproducibility of the First Image of a Black Hole in the Galaxy M87 From the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration | |
Reproducing GW150914: The First Observation of Gravitational Waves From a Binary Black Hole Merger | |
RseqFlow: workflows for RNA-Seq data analysis | |
SCEC CyberShake Workflows—Automating Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Calculations | |
Scheduling Multilevel Deadline-Constrained Scientific Workflows on Clouds Based on Cost Optimization | |
Scientific Process Automation and Workflow Management | |
Scientific workflow applications on Amazon EC2 | |
Simplifying construction of complex workflows for non-expert users of the Southern California Earthquake Center Community Modeling Environment | |
Simulating Spatially Explicit Problems on High Performance Architectures | |
Special Issue: The First Provenance Challenge | |
SPOT: a web-based tool for using biological databases to prioritize SNPs after a genome-wide association study | |
Storage-aware Algorithms for Scheduling of Workflow Ensembles in Clouds | |
Ten years of software sustainability at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center | |
Wings: Intelligent Workflow-Based Design of Computational Experiments | |
Workflow task clustering for best effort systems with Pegasus | |
Workflows for e-Science : Scientific Workflows for Grids |