Zhang, Chunlin, 1896-1963
VIAF ID: 43675842 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/43675842
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (5)
Title | Sources |
Atlas of fishes commonly seen in the Yellow Sea and the Gulf of Chihli. | |
Bu ru lei de yan hua, 1952: | |
Huang bo hai xi jian yu lei tu shuo | |
Ji zhui dong wu fen lei xue | |
Zhongguo dong wu tu pu : yu lei | |
中國動物圖譜 : 魚類 | |
哺乳類的演化 | |
脊椎动物分类学 | |
黃渤海習見魚類圖說 |