Lessig, Lawrence, 1961-....
Lessig, Lawrence
Lawrence Lessig
לסיג, לורנס
VIAF ID: 40280446 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/40280446
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Lawrence Lessig
- 200 _ | ‡a Lessig ‡b Lawrence ‡f 1961-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence ‡d 1961-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence ‡d 1961-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence ‡d 1961-...
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lessig, Lawrence, ‡d 1961-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (50)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
America, compromised | |
Arhitektura inovacije | |
The boy who could change the world : the writings of Aaron Swartz | |
Celui qui pourrait changer le monde Aaron Swartz, écrits | |
Code and other laws of cyberspace | |
Code et autres lois du cyberespace | |
Code und andere Gesetze des Cyberspace | |
Code version 2.0 | |
CODE―インターネットの合法・違法・プライバシー | |
El código 2.0 | |
El código y otras leyes del ciberespacio | |
Cost of Freedom | |
Creative economies | |
Culture libre comment les médias utlilisent la technologie et la loi pur verroulier la culture et contrôler la créativité | |
Du bon usage de la piraterie : culture libre, sciences ouvertes | |
Fidelity & constraint how the Supreme Court has read the American constitution | |
Free culture | |
Free culture : how big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity | |
Free culture : the nature and future of creativity | |
Free software, free society : selected essays of Richard M. Stallman | |
Freie Kultur Wesen und Zukunft der Kreativität | |
Fri kultur : hvordan store medieaktører bruker teknologi og rettsvesenet til å begrense kulturen og kontrollere kreativiteten | |
Future of ideas : the fate of the commons in a connected world | |
The future of the Internet : and how to stop it | |
Les golems du numérique : droit d'auteur et lex electronica | |
How I Lost the Big One | |
How to Steal a Presidential Election | |
Judicial influence, 1998: | |
Kod i drugi zakoni kiberprostora | |
Komonzu : Nettojō no shoyūken kyōka wa gijutsu kakushin o korosu | |
Larry Lessig diz que a lei está estrangulando a criatividade | |
L'avenir des idées : le sort des biens communs à l'heure des réseaux numériques | |
The law of the horse : what cyberlaw might teach | |
Lawrence Lessig: Chặng đường không ngừng nghỉ theo đuổi cải cách chính trị | |
Lawrence Lessig: Chúng ta là những dân thường và chúng ta phải bảo vệ nền Cộng hòa. | |
Lawrence Lessig: Der unaufhaltsame Weg in die politische Reform | |
Lawrence Lessig: La caminata imparable a la reforma política | |
Lawrence Lessig: Laws that choke creativity | |
Lawrence Lessig: Nós, o povo, e a República que temos de reivindicar. | |
Lawrence Lessig : Nous, le Peuple et la République que nous devons réclamer | |
Lawrence Lessig: Siyasi reforma giden durdurulamaz yürüyüş | |
Lawrence Lessig: Wij, het Volk, en de Republiek die we moeten heroveren | |
Meeting Snowden | |
Por una cultura libre : cómo los grandes grupos de comunicación utilizan la tecnología y la ley para clausurar la cultura y controlar la creatividad | |
Recueil des cours de l'Academie de droit européen, français | |
Remiks : aby sztuka i biznes rozkwitały w hybrydowej gospodarce | |
Remix | |
Remix : Haiburiddo keizai de sakaeru bunka to shōgyō no arikata | |
Remix : making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy | |
Republic, lost : how money corrupts Congress - and a plan to stop it | |
Republic lost : the corruption of equality and the steps to end it | |
RIP | |
Samo eno bi radi rekli: nadzor, nadzor, nadzor : Lawrence Lessig o avtorskem pravu | |
Terekomu merutodaun : Amerika no jōhō tsūshin seisaku wa shippai dattanoka | |
They don't represent us reclaiming our democracy | |
The USA is lesterland : the nature of congressional corruption | |
Vaba kultuur, ehk, Loovuse loomus ja tulevik | |
Wolna kultura | |
En ¤fri kultur | |
Код: Версия 2.0 | |
Код и другие законы киберпространства | |
Лоуренс Лессиг: Мы, народ Соединённых Штатов, и Республика, которую мы должны вернуть | |
Ремикс | |
Свободная культура : как медиаконцерны используют технологии и законы для того, чтобы душить культуру и контролировать творчество | |
الثقافة الحرة | |
فرهنگ آزاد (کتاب) | |
ەركىن مادەنىييەت | |
래리 래식 (Larry Lessig)은 법률이 창조성을 질식시킨다고 말합니다. | |
로렌스 레시그 (Lawrence Lessig): 누구도 멈출 수 없는 정치 개혁 | |
아이디어의 미래 | |
자유문화 인터넷 시대의 창작과 저작권 문제 | |
코드 사이버공간의 법이론 | |
クリエイティブ・コモンズ : デジタル時代の知的財産権 | |
コモンズ : ネット上の所有権強化は技術革新を殺す | |
ローレンス・レッシグ:法が創造性を圧迫する | |
一场迈向政治改革永不停息的步行 | |
自由文化 |