Gubenšek, Jakob
Jakob Gubenšek
VIAF ID: 3606154441735735460005 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gubenšek, Jakob
- 100 0 _ ‡a Jakob Gubenšek
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (6)
Title | Sources |
Acute exhaustive exercise produces similar antioxidant erythrocyte enzyme relations but very different NTBI concentrations in dialysis patients, untrained volunteers and elite rowers | |
Calcium Mass Balance during Citrate Hemodialysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Normal and Low Ionized Calcium Target Ranges | |
Changes of haemostasis after intensive therapeutic plasma change treatment and partial fibrinogen replacement | |
Citrate anticoagulation for single-needle hemodialysis : safety and efficacy | |
Comparison of biocompatibility of standard and increased dose of citrate in hemodialysis-a randomized trial | |
Comparison of citrate anticoagulation during plasma exchange with different replacement solutions | |
Comparison of four prognostic indexes in severe acute renal failure | |
Dialysis patients after kidney graft failure: Slovenian experience | |
Effect of switching to nocturnal thrice-weekly hemodialysis on clinical and laboratory parameters: our experience | |
Hemoadsorption with CytoSorb(r) in small children-report of three cases | |
Hemodiafiltration and high-flux hemodialysis significantly reduce serum valproate levels inducing epileptic seizures: case report | |
Interna medicina | |
Long-term citrate anticoagulation in chronic hemodialysis : our experiences | |
Malnutrition in Renal Failure: Pleiotropic Diagnostic Approaches, Inefficient Therapy and Bad Prognosis. | |
Membrane plasma exchange for the treatment of the thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura | |
Our experience with vascular accesses of extremely long-term hemodialysis survivors-a series of three cases | |
Phosphate Removal During Long Nocturnal Hemodialysis/Hemodiafiltration: A Study With Total Dialysate Collection | |
The possibility of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a hemodialysis unit - report from a large in-hospital centre | |
Predictors of 3-day mortality in patients, treated with CytoSorb(b) absorber for severe SIRS-single center experience | |
Prolonged citrate CVVHDF in a newborn child with AKI and MOF due to haemmorhagic shock during labour | |
Regional citrate anticoagulation for continuous renal replacement therapy in newborns and infants : focus on citrate accumulation | |
Regional citrate anticoagulation for intermittent. Predilution online hemofiltration | |
Removal of myoglobin with Theranova, Theralite and CytoSorb in patients with rabdomyolysis | |
Sekundarni in terciarni hiperparatiroidizem | |
Severe RhD alloimmunization and fetal hemolytic anemia | |
Side effects during protein A immunoadsorption | |
Slovenian renal replacement therapy registry : excerpts from the 2008 annual report | |
Sodobno hemodializno zdravljenje novorojenčkov z akutno ledvično odpovedjo | |
Standard citrate versus sequential citrate/anticoagulant-free anticoagulation during hemodyalisis : a randomized trial | |
Štiridesetletnica kronične hemodialize in transplantacije ledvic v Sloveniji | |
Tečaj doplerske diagnostike v dializi in transplantaciji | |
Temporary catheters as a permanent vascular access in very elderly hemodialysis patients : frequency of complications and interventions | |
Therapeutic plasma exchange and dextran-sulfate plasma adsorption as extracorporeal treatments of extremely preterm preeclampsia with fetal growth restriction | |
Thirty years of more on renal replacement therapy | |
Tick-borne encephalitis associated with consumption of raw goat milk, Slovenia, 2012 | |
Treatment of acute antibody-mediated rejection of renal transplantant with citrate plasmapheresis : a case-report | |
Treatment of antibody-mediated rejection of kidney grafts with bortezomib and/or rituximab compared to standard regimen : experience of Slovene National Center | |
Treatment of hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis with plasma exchange | |
Troponin-I levels in chronic hemodialysis patients | |
The use of citric acid dialysate in our dialysis center : preliminary experience | |
Vascular access activity in Dialysis center Zaloška | |
Vascular access creation by nephrologists : a case study of individual learning curve and early results | |
Very old patients on hemodialysis: how they start and can we predict survival? | |
Vodenje bolnika s kronično ledvično boleznijo predavanje za študente 5. letnik MF, Sečila, vaje 2014 | |
What is the future of hemodialysis | |
Wide clinical utility of extracorporeal therapy with CytoSorb(r): a single centre experience | |
Zdravljenje ledvične anemije = Treatment of renal anemia | |
Zdravljenje preeklampsije pred dopolnjenim 28. tednom nosečnosti z aferezo Treatment of preeclampsia at extremely preterm gestation with apheresis | |
Zdravljenje s terapevtsko aferezo | |
Zelo stari bolniki na dializi | |
Zgodnje diagnosticiranje relapsa trombotične trombocitopenične purpure s pomočjo savne | |
Zunajtelesno odstranjevanje bilirubina pri bolniku z bilirubinsko čepno nefropatijo : prikaz primera = Extracorporeal bilirubin removal in a patient with bile cast nephropathy due to extreme hyperbilirubinemia : a case report |