Krapf, Johann Ludwig 1810-1881
Krapf, J.L. (Johann Ludwig), 1810-1881
Krapf, Johann Ludwig, 1810-1881, missionnaire
Krapf, J.L.
Krapf, Johann Ludwig
Johann Ludwig Krapf
קראפף, יוהן לודוויג, 1810-1881
Krapf, Ludwig (Johann Ludwig), 1810-1881
VIAF ID: 34592314 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Johann Ludwig Krapf
- 100 1 0 ‡a Krapf, J. L. ‡q (Johann Ludwig), ‡d 1810-1881
- 100 1 _ ‡a Krapf, J.L.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Krapf, Johann Ludwig ‡d 1810-1881
- 100 1 _ ‡a Krapf, Johann Ludwig ‡d 1810-1881
- 100 1 _ ‡a Krapf, Johann Ludwig, ‡d 1810-1881, ‡c missionnaire
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (48)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
Afrika von Süd nach West und von West nach Ost, endlich einmal durchkreuzt, oder kurze Uebersicht der Missionsreisen und Entdeckungen des Dr. Livingston ["sic"] durch Süd-Afrika von der West-Küste nach der Ost-Küste... aus den englischen Berichten der londoner Missions- Gesellschaft mitgetheilt von J. L. Krapf,... | |
Appendix respecting the snow-capped mountains of Eastern Africa... and a Concise account of geographical researches in Eastern Africa... | |
The beginning of a spelling book of the Kinika language : accompanied by a translation of the Heidelberg Catechism | |
Bibelen | |
Bible | |
Biblische Geschichten | |
A dictionary of the Suahili language | |
Engili ya Lukasi : Iliofasirika kua Maneno ya Kisuaheli = The Gospel according to St. Luke | |
Erlebnisse in Abessinien in den Jahren 1858-1868 | |
Evangelia sacra Domini Nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi aethiopice et amharice. | |
Evangelio ta yunaolete Malkosi = The Gospel according to St. Mark | |
Evangelium Matthaei, translatum in linguam Gallarum, auctore revdo J. L. Krapf,... | |
Extrait d'une lettre de J. Macqueen sur le voyage de Johann Ludwig Krapf en Afrique orientale, août 1844, publié dans le "Bulletin de la Société de géographie", 3e série, 2 (1844), p. 121-122 | |
Falashas (Jews) of Abyssinia | |
Forschungsreisen in Arabien und Ost-Afrika nach den Entdeckungen von Burton, Speke, Krapf, Rebmann, Erhardt und anderen | |
The four Gospels of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ | |
four Gospels... translated into the Tigre language by the Abyssinian Debtera'Matteos, and revised by the deceased rev. Mr. Isenberg,... - Evangelia sacra... sub auspiciis Caroli Guilielmi Isenberg,... in linguam Tigricam vertit Debtera Matheos,... Nunc primum in lucem edita per Johannem Ludovicum Krapf,... | |
Galla-Büchlein : aus dem Leben der Galla-Negerin Pauline Johanne Fathme : ein Ruf zur Mission unter den Galla | |
Gospel according to St. Luke, from the Greek translated into the Galla language... | |
The Journals of C.W. Isenberg and J.L. Krapf | |
Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, missionaries of the Church missionary society, detailing their proceedings in the kingdom of Shoa, and journeys in other parts of Abyssinia, in the years 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842. To which is prefixed, a geographical memoir of Abyssinia and southeastern Africa, by James M'Queen, esq. grounded on the missionaries' journals, and the expedition of the Pacha of Egypt up the Nile ; the whole illustrated by two maps, engraved by Arrowsmith. | |
Kurze Wörter-Sammlung in Englisch, Deutsch, Amharisch, Gallanisch, Guraguesch | |
New Testament. | |
A Nika-English dictionary [microform] | |
Outline of the elements of the Kisuáheli language, with special reference to the Kiníka dialect | |
Reisen in Ostafrika, ausgeführt in den Jahren 1837-1855. | |
Salla sa subici na jioni sasalliwaso Katika Kiriaki ja Kienglese siku sothe sa muaka. i. e : Morning and evening prayers said in the english church daily throughout the years | |
Select Passages From The Bible, for the use of Abessinian School-children | |
Short description of the Falashas and Kamants in Abyssinia, together with an outline of the elements and a vocabulary of the Falasha-language, composed by Martin Flad,... Edited by Dr. L. Krapf,... | |
Swahili-English dictionary : being Dr. Krapf's original Swahili-English dictionary | |
Tentamen imbecillum translationis Evangelii Johannis in linguam Gallarum... | |
Travels, researches, and missionary labours : during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa : together with journeys to Jagga, Usambara, Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia, and Khartum, and a coasting voyage from Mombaz to Cape Delgado | |
Das Verlangen der Seele in geistlicher Dunkelheit : Rede über Jes. 26, 9 | |
Vocabulary of six East-African languages (Kisuáheli, Kiníka, Kikámba, Kipokómo, Kihiáu, Kigalla | |
Vocabulary of the Enguduk Hoigob, as spoken by the Maari-Tribes in East-Africa... | |
Vocabulary of the Engútuk Eloikǒb, or of the language of the Wakuafi-nation in the interior of equatorial Africa. |