Parr, Nathaniel, -1751
Nathaniel Parr graveur et éditeur d'estampes anglais
Parr, N., 17..?-17..?, graveur
Parr, Nathaniel 17..-17.. graveur
Parr, Nathaniel
VIAF ID: 34223541 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Nathaniel Parr ‡c graveur et éditeur d'estampes anglais
- 200 _ | ‡a Parr ‡b Nathaniel ‡f 17..-17.. ‡c graveur
- 100 1 _ ‡a Parr, N., ‡d 17..?-17..?, ‡c graveur
- 100 1 _ ‡a Parr, Nathaniel
- 100 1 _ ‡a Parr, Nathaniel ‡d -1751
- 100 1 _ ‡a Parr, Nathaniel ‡d -1751
- 100 1 _ ‡a Parr, Nathaniel, ‡d -1751
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (21)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
- 551 _ _ ‡a London
Title | Sources |
[Aventura de Clavileño] | |
[Aventura del barco encantado] | |
A Calm | |
Chelsey Colledge | |
The Diversion of Battledore and Shuttlecock | |
[Don Quijote acuchilla a los títeres del retablo de Maese Pedro] | |
[Don Quijote gana el yelmo de Mambrino] | |
[Don Quijote protege a Basilio después de casarse con Quiteria] | |
[Don Quijote vence al caballero de los espejos] | |
[Don Quijote y Sancho descubren al amanecer que Ginés de Pasamonte les ha robado el rucio] | |
[Embajada de la Dueña Dolorida, alias de la condesa Trifaldi] | |
[El encantamiento de Dulcinea] | |
[Entrada de Sancho en la isla Barataria] | |
[Entrada del Amor y del Interés a las Bodas de Camacho] | |
[Entrada nocturna de doña Rodríguez en la habitación de don Quijote] | |
Fresh Gale | |
A Front View of the Royal Palace of Kensington | |
A General View of the City of Paris taken from an Eminence in the Village of Chaillot | |
The Great Place or Square of St. Mark as seen from the Great Clock. On the left side is the Portal of St. Marks Church. The magnificent Building on the side in front are the dwellings of the Procurato | |
[La hija de la ventera y Maritornes atan a don Quijote a la ventana] | |
Johanna or Anjuan one of the Komoro Islands | |
K. Henry VII | |
A Midnight Modern Conversation [estampe] | |
A new and universal dictionary of arts and sciences : containing not only an explanation of the various terms made use of in the following arts and sciences, but also, whatever else is requisite to tender those branches of literature themselves ... | |
A North View of Westminster Bridge | |
Oxford DNB (WWW), Dec. 12, 2006 | |
A Perspective View of the Cascade of St. Cloud | |
The Place and Church of St. John de Lateran at Rome; 1. St. Johns Church. 2. the Palace Built by Sixtus the fifth. 3. The Holy Ladder. 4. Constantines Font. 5. Hospital for Men. 6. Do. for Women. | |
A portrait of Shakespeare by Nicholas Parr, 1907: | |
Porträt Thomas Hearne (1678 - 1735) Radierung | |
[La princesa Micomicona se postra ante don Quijote] | |
A Prospect of St. James's Park | |
A Prospect of the Palace of Chantilli | |
[Retrato de Cristóbal Colon] N. Parr Sculpt. | |
[La Sabiduría libera a don Quijote de su locura] | |
[Sancho se despide de los duques para ir a la ínsula] | |
[Sancho se encarama a una encina por miedo a un jabalí] | |
[Sancho solicita a la duquesa que reciba a don Quijote] | |
Scanderbeg, or, Love and liberty, 1747: | |
Sistème nouveau et complet de desseins d'architecture, en un recueil de plans et d'élévations de desseins pour des maisons commodes et ornées [...] en 46 planches en taille-douce suivies de leurs explications [estampe] | |
The taking of the Princessa a Spanish Man of War, April 8, 1740 by His Majesties Ships the Lenox, Kent, and Oxford | |
The trial at bar between Campbell Craig, lessee of James Annesley, Esq; plaintiff, and the right honourable Richard Earl of Anglesey, defendant : before the Honourable the Barons of the Exchequer, at the King's Court, Dublin, in Trinity Term, in the 16th and 17th years of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the Second, King of Great-Britain, &c. and in the year of our Lord 1743. | |
University of Cambridge | |
[A View of Florence, taken without the Gate of St. Nicholas, near the river Arno] | |
A View of the Cathedral Church of Florence and the Grand Procession of the Host | |
An View of the Rotunda, House and Gardens at Ranelagh with an exact representation of the Jubilee Ball as it appeared, May 24th, 1759 | |
A View of the Rotundo House and Gardens etc. at Ranelagh = Vüe de l'Exterieur de la Rotonde Maison and Jardins etc. a Ranelagh | |
Vüe de la Maison-Rotundo des Jardins de Ranelagh et du Bal-jubilé donné le 24 May 1751, jour de la Naissance de son altesse Royale George Prince de Galle | |
Vüe de Paris depuis Nostre Dame jusques au Pont de la Tournelle | |
Vüe d'hospital des enfans trouvè | |
Vüe du Palais royal de Windsor | |
Vüe du pont de Westminster du côté du nord | |
Vue générale de la Ville de Paris prise de la hauteur du Village de Chaillot | |
[Widok procesji na placu przed katedrą i baptysterium we Florencji]. |