Belmont, Joseph, 1876-1949
Belmont, Joe
Joseph Walter Fulton American bird impressionist and baritone
VIAF ID: 33654706 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (15)
Title | Sources |
Blacksmith and the bird | |
Chariot race march [sound recording]. | |
College life march | |
The cricket's serenade | |
Dance of the song birds [SR] 1914: | |
Happy birds waltz | |
Hobbies, 12/61: | |
Independentia march | |
Kiss of spring : waltz | |
The merry farmer boy | |
Oh! You circus day medley | |
The pink Lambert a collection of the first celluloid cylinders. | |
Sobre las olas | |
Ueber den Wellen : Waltzer | |
Whip-poor-will song with whistling chorus. |