Eyre, Charles
Eyre, Charles, 17..-18.., imprimeur
VIAF ID: 32049673 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/32049673
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eyre, Charles
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eyre, Charles
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eyre, Charles, ‡d 17..-18.., ‡c imprimeur
Title | Sources |
An act for allowing further time for the importation of goods the produce or manufacture of the island of Tobago, upon payment of the British plantation duties. | |
An act for giving relief to such persons as have suffered in their rights and properties during the late unhappy dissentions in America, in consequence of their loyalty to His Majesty, and attachment to the British government, and for making compensation to such persons as have suffered in their properties, in consequence of the cession of the province of East Florida to the king of Spain. | |
Act for repealing an Act, passed in the fourteenth year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for the better regulating the Government of the Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England | |
An act to amend an act made in the last session of Parliament, intituled, An act for extending like liberty in the exportation of rice from East and West Florida to the southward of Cape Finisterre in Europe, as is granted by former acts of Parliament to Carolina and Georgia. | |
Act to enable His Majesty to appoint commissioners with sufficient Powers to treat, consult, and agree upon the Means of quieting the Disorders now subsisting in certain of the Colonies, Plantations, and Provinces of North America | |
Act to restrain the trade and commerce of the provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire | |
Acts of the legislature of the island of Tobago; from 1768, to 1775, inclusive | |
Anno vicesimo sexto Georgii III Regis | |
At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the twenty-ninth day of November, anno Domini 1774, in the Fifteenth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Third ... | |
Bible. | |
Boston port bill, 1774 | |
The case of Mr. Charles Eyre. Humbly submitted to the Venerable House of Convocation, 1764. | |
Collection of statutes concerning the incorporation, trade, and commerce of the East India Company, and the government of the British possessions in India, with the statutes of piracy. To which... are annexed, lists of duties and drawbacks on the company's trade, and of the company's duties and charges on private trade; the by-laws, constitutions, rules and orders of the company; and an abridgment of the company's charters. With a copious index | |
Laws, etc. (Statutes relating to the Post Office) | |
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original greek: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches. | |
Repeal of tea duty, 1776 | |
Shipping in Boston Harbour. | |
Trade & commerce of colonies. |