Gómez, Fernando
Gómez, Fernando, 1974-....
Fernando Gómez phycologue
Gomez Echeverri, Fernando
VIAF ID: 317142422 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/317142422
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Fernando Gómez ‡c phycologue
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gomez Echeverri, Fernando
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gómez, Fernando, ‡d 1974-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gómez, Fernando, ‡d 1974-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gómez, Fernando
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (19)
Title | Sources |
(2833) Proposal to conserve the name <i>Phalacroma</i> (<i>Dinophysales</i>: <i>Dinophyceae</i>) | |
An annotated checklist of dinoflagellates in the Black Sea | |
Comments on the “Mediterranean alien harmful algal blooms” by Marampouti et al. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2021 | |
The consortium of the protozoan Solenicola setigera and the diatom Leptocylindrus mediterraneus in the Pacific Ocean | |
The crustacean parasites Ellobiopsis Caullery, 1910 and Thalassomyces Niezabitowski, 1913 form a monophyletic divergent clade within the Alveolata | |
The distribution and life cycle of the dinoflagellate Spatulodinium pseudonoctiluca (Dinophyceae, Noctilucales) in the northeastern English Channel | |
Diversity and distribution of the dinoflagellates Brachidinium, Asterodinium and Microceratium (Brachidiniales, Dinophyceae) in the open Mediterranean Sea | |
Erythropsidinium (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) in the Pacific Ocean, a unique dinoflagellate with an ocelloid and a piston | |
Fukuyoa paulensis gen. et sp. nov., a new genus for the globular species of the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae). | |
Grandes entrevistas con grandes artistas : y otras figuras del arte | |
High diversity of dinoflagellates in the intertidal sandy sediments of Wimereux (north-east English Channel, France) | |
The impact of the 2003 summer heat wave and the 2005 late cold wave on the phytoplankton in the north-eastern English Channel | |
Life cycle and molecular phylogeny of the dinoflagellates Chytriodinium and Dissodinium, ectoparasites of copepod eggs | |
A list of free-living dinoflagellate species in the world's oceans | |
Microbio, 2013: | |
Molecular characterization and morphology of Cochlodinium strangulatum, the type species of Cochlodinium, and Margalefidinium gen. nov. for C. polykrikoides and allied species (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae). | |
Molecular phylogeny of the sand-dwelling dinoflagellates Amphidiniopsis hirsuta and A. swedmarkii (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) | |
The molecular phylogeny of the type-species of Oodinium Chatton, 1912 (Dinoflagellata: Oodiniaceae), a highly divergent parasitic dinoflagellate with non-dinokaryotic characters | |
Molecular phylogeny suggests transfer of Hemidiscus into Actinocyclus (Coscinodiscales, Coscinodiscophyceae) | |
Morphological and molecular characterization of Ptychodiscus noctiluca revealed the polyphyletic nature of the order Ptychodiscales (Dinophyceae). | |
Morphology and molecular phylogeny of epizoic araphid diatoms on marine zooplankton, including Pseudofalcula hyalina gen. & comb. nov. (Fragilariophyceae, Bacillariophyta) | |
Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of Peritrich Ciliate Epibionts on Pelagic Diatoms: Vorticella oceanica and Pseudovorticella coscinodisci sp. nov. (Ciliophora, Peritrichia). | |
Motile behaviour of the free-living planktonic ciliate Zoothamnium pelagicum (Ciliophora, Peritrichia). | |
Muérdeme suavemente | |
Neoceratium gen. nov., a new genus for all marine species currently assigned to Ceratium (Dinophyceae). | |
Observations on an H-shaped dinoflagellate : an example of the projection of body extensions in gymnodiniacean cells | |
Phytoplankton invasions: Comments on the validity of categorizing the non-indigenous dinoflagellates and diatoms in European Seas | |
Prioritizing marine invasive alien species in the European Union through horizon scanning | |
<i>Prorocentrum canariense</i> sp. nov., a case of pseudo‐cryptic speciation in the cosmopolitan dinoflagellate <i>P. compressum</i> (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) | |
A quantitative review of the lifestyle, habitat and trophic diversity of dinoflagellates (Dinoflagellata, Alveolata) | |
Redefinition of the Dinoflagellate Genus Alexandrium Based on Centrodinium: Reinstatement of Gessnerium and Protogonyaulax, and Episemicolon gen. nov. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) | |
The role of the exchanges through the Strait of Gibraltar on the budget of elements in the Western Mediterranean Sea: consequences of human-induced modifications | |
¡Salta cachorro!, 2007: | |
Self-adjoint time operators and invariant subspaces | |
Sinophysis and Pseudophalacroma are Distantly Related to Typical Dinophysoid Dinoflagellates (Dinophysales, Dinophyceae) | |
La soledad del cuarto oscuro | |
Solenicola setigera is the first characterized member of the abundant and cosmopolitan uncultured marine stramenopile group MAST-3. | |
The Synonymy of the Toxic Dinoflagellates Prorocentrum mexicanum and P. rhathymum and the Description of P. steidingerae sp. nov. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae). | |
Unarmoured dinoflagellates with a small hyposome: Torodinium and Lebouridinium gen. nov. for Katodinium glaucum (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) |