Alternative techniques to HPCD to evaluate the bioaccessible fraction of soil-associated PAHs and correlation to biodegradation efficiency |
Application of biosurfactants and periodic voltage gradient for enhanced electrokinetic remediation of metals and PAHs in dredged marine sediments |
Assessment of PAH dissipation processes in large-scale outdoor mesocosms simulating vegetated road-side swales |
Bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs, PCBs) and trace elements: Influencing factors and determination in a river sediment core |
Both Cycloclasticus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. as PAH-degrading bacteria in the Seine estuary (France). |
Combinaison du lavage par biosurfactant et de la biodégradation dynamisée, pour la dépollution des eaux souterraines de sites contaminés par des HAP |
Combination of biosurfactant washing and dynamised biodegradation for groundwater remediation of PAH-contaminated sites. |
Development of methodological and analytical tools for the analysis and the monitoring of veterinary antibiotics and hormonal steroids at trace levels in water and soil. |
Développement de méthodes d'extraction et d'analyse multi-résidus pour le suivi de contaminants organiques polyaromatiques et de métabolites oxygénés dans les sédiments |
Développement d'outils analytiques et méthodologiques pour l'analyse et le suivi de composés vétérinaires et stéroïdes hormonaux à l'état de traces dans l'eau et le sol |
Electro-remediation of dredged multi-contaminated sediments and the evolution of their toxicity. |
Etude intégrée de l'abattement en contaminants dans un système eau/sol/plantes. Problématique des aménagements de voirie urbaine |
Evaluation of the PAH and water-extractable phenols content in used cross ties from the French rail network |
Frailty among community-dwelling elderly people in France: the three-city study |
GammaProteobacteria as a potential bioindicator of a multiple contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
Influence des facteurs biogéochimiques et de l'ajout de biosurfactant sur la biodégradation des HAP dans des sols contaminés de manière diffuse |
Influence of biogeochemical parameters and biosurfactant addition on PAHs biodegradation in diffusively contaminated soils. |
Influence of the vegetative cover on the fate of trace metals in retention systems simulating roadside infiltration swales. |
Linking initial soil bacterial diversity and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) degradation potential |
Low effect of phenanthrene bioaccessibility on its biodegradation in diffusely contaminated soil. |
Low impact of phenanthrene dissipation on the bacterial community in grassland soil |
Mean arterial pressure change associated with cerebral blood flow in healthy older adults |
Metabolic syndrome and risk for incident Alzheimer's disease or vascular dementia: the Three-City Study |
Methodological developments based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry coupling, for the quantification of veterinary pharmaceuticals present at trace levels in complex environmental matrices. |
A new analytical methodology for a fast evaluation of semi-volatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the vapor phase downstream of a diesel engine particulate filter |
Novel application of cyclolipopeptide amphisin: feasibility study as additive to remediate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated sediments |
Occurrence of 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium (Paraquat) in irrigated soil of the Lake Chad Basin, Niger |
Optimisation of the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their nitrated derivatives from diesel particulate matter using microwave-assisted extraction. |
Performance of vegetated swales for improving road runoff quality in a moderate traffic urban area. |
Quantification of volatile PAHs present at trace levels in air flow by aqueous trapping--SPE and HPLC analysis with fluorimetric detection. |
Reconstruction temporelle des contaminations métalliques et organiques particulaires dans le bassin versant de l'Eure et devenir des sédiments suite à l'arasement d'un barrage. |
Temporal reconstruction of metallic and organic particulate contamination in the Eure River watershed, and the fate of sediments following dam removal. |
Traitement électrocinétique des sédiments de dragage et valorisation par solidification/stabilisation |
Working memory activation of neural networks in the elderly as a function of information processing phase and task complexity |
Working memory performance is related to intrinsic resting state functional connectivity changes in community-dwelling elderly cohort. |