Marta Volonteri Italian astrophysicist (1974–)
Volonteri, Marta, 19..-....
Volonteri, Marta
VIAF ID: 313567167 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Marta Volonteri ‡c Italian astrophysicist (1974–)
- 100 1 _ ‡a Volonteri, Marta
- 100 1 _ ‡a Volonteri, Marta, ‡d 19..-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (4)
Title | Sources |
Black holes dynamics in a gazeous medium. | |
Constraining the spin of the black hole in Fairall 9 with Suzaku | |
Dynamique des trous noirs en milieu gazeux | |
The evolution of active galactic nuclei and their spins | |
Formation et croissance des premiers trous noirs supermassifs. | |
Formation of supermassive black holes | |
From gamma rays to radio waves : Dark Matter searches across the spectrum | |
Graphes d'ondelettes pour la recherche d'ondes gravitationnelles : application aux binaires excentriques de trous noirs | |
The gravitational wave signal from massive black hole binaries and its contribution to the LISA data stream | |
The growth efficiency of high-redshift black holes | |
The hierarchical assembly of galaxies and black holes in the first billion years: predictions for the era of gravitational wave astronomy | |
The Horizon-AGN simulation: morphological diversity of galaxies promoted by AGN feedback | |
How to quench a galaxy | |
Hyperaccreting black holes in galactic nuclei | |
The impact of quasars during the epoch of reionization | |
The importance of dry and wet merging on the formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies | |
Intermediate-mass black holes in dwarf galaxies out to redshift ~2.4 in the Chandra COSMOS-Legacy Survey | |
Introducing romulusc: a cosmological simulation of a galaxy cluster with an unprecedented resolution | |
Jewish responses to persecution. | |
Journey to the M_BH_-{sigma} relation: the fate of low-mass black holes in the universe | |
The lifetime of binary black holes in Sersic galaxy models | |
L'impact des quasars pendant l'époque de réionisation. | |
Low-frequency gravitational radiation from coalescing massive black hole binaries in hierarchical cosmologies | |
Low-frequency gravitational-wave science with eLISA/NGO | |
Making black holes from scratch | |
Mass and spin co-evolution during the alignment of a black hole in a warped accretion disc | |
The mass function of black holes 1<z<4.5: comparison of models with observations | |
Massive black holes beyond the Eddington limit | |
Massive black holes in stellar systems: "Quiescent" accretion and luminosity | |
Massive black holes lurking in Milky Way satellites | |
Modelling the quasi-stellar object luminosity and spatial clustering at low redshifts | |
The Multiwavelength AGN Population and the X-ray Background | |
New insights on the recoiling/binary black hole candidate J0927+2943 via molecular gas observations | |
Normal black holes in bulge-less galaxies: the largely quiescent, merger-free growth of black holes over cosmic time | |
Number counts and colors of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South | |
Observability of dual active galactic nuclei in merging galaxies | |
Off-Nuclear AGNs as a Signature of Recoiling Massive Black Holes | |
On the Accretion Rates and Radiative Efficiencies of the Highest-redshift Quasars | |
On the number density of 'direct collapse' black hole seeds | |
Physique des régions de formation stellaire géantes des galaxies primordiales | |
Quasars at z=6: the survival of the fittest | |
Des rayons gamma aux ondes radio : recherche de la matière noire à travers le spectrum. | |
Recherche de populations de trous noirs non identifiées dans les archives en rayons X et multi-longueurs d'onde : application aux trous noirs de masse intermédiaire | |
Relations between central black hole mass and total galaxy stellar mass in the local universe | |
The relative role of galaxy mergers and cosmic flows in feeding black holes | |
Rôle de la rétroaction des noyaux actifs de galaxie dans l'évolution des galaxies à haut décalage spectral vers le rouge. | |
Role of AGN feedback in galaxy evolution at high-redshift | |
The ROMULUS cosmological simulations: a physical approach to the formation, dynamics and accretion models of SMBHs | |
SDSSJ092712.65+294344.0: a candidate massive black hole binary | |
Simplified galaxy formation with mesh-less hydrodynamics | |
The Star Clusters That Make Black Hole Binaries across Cosmic Time | |
Strong lensing of gravitational waves as seen by LISA | |
Sub-parsec supermassive binary quasars: expectations at z < 1 | |
The sustainable growth of the first black holes | |
Trous noirs massifs au-delà de la limite d'Eddington. | |
Unresolved X-ray background: clues on galactic nuclear activity at z > 6 | |
Wandering black holes in bright disk galaxy halos | |
Wavelet graphs for the detection of gravitational waves : application to eccentric binary black holes. |