The emancipation of the Jews in Britain : the question of the admission of the Jews to Parliament, 1828-1860 |
Gender and the sacred self in John Donne |
Glimpses of Germanic-Slavic relations from Pushkin to Heinrich Mann |
Growing up on the South Side : three generations of Slovaks in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1880-1976 |
The "Hamlet" first published (Q1, 1603) : origins, form, intertextualities |
Hasidism and the state of Israel |
The hieroglyphic king : wisdom and idolatry in the seventeenth-century masque |
Humanist and scholastic poetics, 1250-1500 |
The Iconography of the Mouth of Hell : Eighth-Century Britain to the Fifteenth Century |
Ideology and experience : antisemitism in France at the time of the Dreyfus Affair |
Images of Shakespeare : proceedings of the Third Congress of the International Shakespeare Association, 1986 |
The imagined past : portrayals of our history in modern American literature |
In context : history and the history of technology : essays in honor of Melvin Kranzberg |
In the process of poetry : the New York school and the avant-garde |
The influence of rhetoric in the shaping of Great Britain : from the Roman invasion to the early nineteenth century |
Inheritance and change in Orthodox Christianity |
Introduction to eastern christian spirituality : the syriac tradition |
Irony and consciousness : American historiography and Reinhold Niebuhr's vision |
James Thompson Shotwell and the rise of internationalism in America |
The Jesuit tradition in education and missions : a 450-year perspective |
John Dryden (1631-1700) : his politics, his plays, and his poets |
Joyce's Ulysses : the larger perspective |
Judaism on trial : Jewish-Christian disputations in the Middle Ages |
The knight on his quest : symbolic patterns of transition in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight |
Korean immigrants in America : a structural analysis of ethnic confinement and adhesive adaptation |
Lady Gregory |
Laughter, pain, and wonder : Shakespeare's comedies and the audience in the theater |
Lion of the North : Charles XII of Sweden |
Love and society in Shakespearean comedy : a study of dramatic form and content |
The making of history : a study of the literary forgeries of James Macpherson and Thomas Chatterton in relation to eighteenth-century ideas of history and fiction |
Margaret Oliphant : critical essays on a gentle subversive |
Marrano poets of the seventeenth century : an anthology of the poetry of João Pinto Delgado, Antonio Enríquez Gómez, and Miguel de Barrios |
The masks of King Lear |
The masks of Othello : the search for the identity of Othello, Iago, and Desdemona by three centuries of actors and critics |
Medicine and Shakespeare in the English Renaissance |
The metamorphosis of Apuleius : Cupid and Psyche, Beauty and the Beast, King Kong |
"More solid learning" : new perspectives on Alexander Pope's Dunciad |
Mystical theology and social dissent : the life and works of Judah Loew of Prague |
Mysticism and mystical experience : East and Weast ? |
New encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel. |
"New England's annoyances" : America's first folk song |
The old English elegies : new essays in criticism and research |
Olivier Messiaen, the musical mediator : a study of the influence of Liszt, Debussy, and Bartók |
O'Neill on film |
Painting Shakespeare red : an East-European appropriation |
Paradox and the possibility of knowledge : the example of psychoanalysis |
Paralogic rhetoric : a theory of communicative interaction |
Perpetual dilemma : Jewish religion in the Jewish state |
The player's passion : studies in the science of acting |
The poetry of Charles Olson : a primer |
The politics of harmony : civil service, liberalism, and social reform in Baden, 1800-1850 |
Principles of faith : (Rosh Amanah) |
Reading Shakespeare on stage |
Richard Farmer : master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge : a forgotten Shakespearean |
"Rooted sorrow" : dying in early Modern England |
The saga of Völsungs : together with excerpts from the Nornageststháttr and three chapters from the prose Edda |
Scotland and France in the enlightenment |
The sculpture and sculptors of Yazılıkaya |
Seamus Heaney |
Selected English writings of Yone Noguchi : an East-West literary assimilation. |
The sense of society : a history of the American novel of manners |
Sensual reading : new approaches to reading in its relations to the senses |
Shakespeare and the history of soliloquies |
Shakespeare, Jonson, and the myth of Venice |
Shakespeare : text, subtext, and context |
Shakespeare's political animal : schema and schemata in the canon |
The Sino-Soviet dispute : an analysis of the polemics |
Sir Stephen Powle of court and country : memorabilia of a government agent for Queen Elizabeth I, chancery official, and english country gentleman |
Social typifications and the elusive other : the place of sociology of knowledge in Alfred Schutz's phenomenology |
Socialism and the Jews : the dilemmas of assimilation in Germany and Austria-Hungary |
Socrates and the sophistic enlightenment : a commentary on Plato's Protagoras |
The soliloquies in Hamlet : the structural design |
The split self from Goethe to Broch |
Star on many a battlefield : brevet brigadier general Joseph Kargé in the American Civil War |
Sun King : the ascendancy of French culture during the reign of Louis XIV |
The surpriser : the life of Rowland, Lord Hill |
Thackeray's English humourists and four Georges |
Theatre and ideology |
The theatre of Orson Welles |
The theatre of praise : the panegyric tradition in seventeenth-century English drama |
Theism in the discourse of Jonathan Edwards |
Theodore Dreiser's uncollected magazine articles, 1897-1902 |
Thomas Paine's American ideology |
To provide for the general welfare : a history of the federal spending power |
Völsunga saga |
A wider range : travel writing by women in Victorian England |
William Allingham |
Without God or reason : the plays of Thomas Shadwell and secular ethics in the Restoration |
Women, literature, criticism |
World cinema : Hungary |
The Yoknapatawpha chronicle of Gavin Stevens |