IOS press
IOS Press publisher
VIAF ID: 311351672 (Corporate)
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- 110 2 _ ‡a IOS press
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Title | Sources |
Advances in thermoelectricity : foundational issues, materials and nanotechnology | |
Application of semantic technology in biodiversity science | |
Bladder cancer. | |
Brain plasticity. | |
Company website, viewed July 10, 2015 | |
Dalle nanostrutture alle applicazioni nanosensoriali : rediconti della Scuola Internazionale di Fisisca "Enrico Fermi" CLX corso Varenna sur Lago di Como Villa Monastero 20-30 July 2004 | |
A Deduction-based system for formal verification of agent-ready web services | |
The design of high performance mechatronics : high-tech functionality by multidisciplinary system integration | |
Design processes : what architecs & industrial designers can teach each other about managing of the design process | |
Distributed constraint problem solving and reasoning in multi-agent systems | |
eAdoption and the Knowledge economy : Issues, Applications, Case studies. | |
Effects of air pollution on forest health and biodiversity in forests of the Carpathian Mountains | |
Efficient source selection and benchmarking for SPARQL endpoint query federation | |
EGPA yearbook | |
The electron liquid paradigm in condensed matter physics : proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", course CLVII, Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 29 July - 8 August 2003 | |
ELPUB 2015 | |
Engineering methods and tools for software safety and security | |
Establishing telemedicine in developing countries : from inception to implementation | |
European Group of Public Administration yearbook | |
Evolutionary computation & fuzzy logic for intelligent control, knowledge acquisition & information retrieval | |
Formal ontologies meet industry | |
Formal ontology in information system | |
Functional imaging of early markers of disease | |
Handbook of microbiome and gut-brain-axis in Alzheimer's disease | |
Heart disease : environment, stress and gender : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Increase in Coronary Heart Disease in Central and Western Europe: Stress and Gender Related Factors, 20-24 May, 2000, Budapest, Hungary] | |
Housing wealth in retirement strategies : towards understanding and new hypotheses | |
Human language technologies -- the Baltic perspective : proceedings of the eighth International Conference Baltic HLT 2018 | |
Human monitoring for genetic effects | |
The impact of telemedicine on health care management | |
Information and communication technologies for active ageing : opportunities and challenges for the European Union | |
Information modelling and knowledge bases XXIV | |
Innovation and Responsibility : Engaging with the New and Emerging Technologies | |
Innovation for sustainable aviation in a global environment : proceedings of the Sixth European Aeronautics Days, Madrid, 30 March - 1 April, 2011 | |
J. vis. | |
JFDE | |
JND | |
Journal of facade design and engineering. | |
Journal of neuromuscular diseases. | |
Journal of pediatric neuroradiology. | |
Journal of visualization. | |
Knowledge engineering and agent technology | |
Logic, data and wisdom : to Andrzej Skowron on his 70th birthday | |
Maritime security and defence against terrorism | |
Metallogeny and petrogenesis of lamprophyres in the Mid-European Variscides : post-collisional magmatism and its relationship to late-Variscan ore forming processes in the Erzgebirge (Bohemian Massif) | |
Modulation of neuronal responses : implications for active vision | |
Neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence : the state of the art | |
New avenues for electronic publishing in the age of infinite collections and citizen science : scale, openness and trust : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Publishing | |
New trends in software methodologies, tools and techniques : proceeding of the eighth SoMeT_09 | |
Nonlinear electromagnetic systems : proceedings ot the International ISEM Symposium on nonlinear electromagnetic systems Cardiff, Wales, UK, 17-20 september, 1995 | |
Operator functional state : the assessment and prediction of human performance degradation in complex tasks | |
The origin and the evolution of firms : information as a driving force | |
Paradigma del liquido di elettroni nella fisica della materia condensata | |
PIMRC'94 | |
Plaque imaging : pixel to molecular level | |
Preparedness against bioterrorism and re-emerging infectious diseases | |
Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS-2010) | |
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering : geotechnics of hard soils - weak rocks = Comptes rendus du 15ème Congrès Européen de Mécanique des Sols & de Géotechnique : la géotechnique des sols indurés - roches tendres, [Athina 2011]. | |
Proceedings of the 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2018). | |
Promoting the psychosocial well being of children following war and terrorism | |
Psychological responses to the new terrorism : a NATO-Russia dialogue | |
Real options, ambiguity, risk and insurance : World Class University Program in Financial Engineering, Ajou University. | |
Recenti sviluppi della termoelettricità : aspetti fondamentali, materiali e nanotecnologie | |
Reference information model for clinical laboratories, ©1998: | |
Research into spinal deformities 5 | |
SCAI'88 | |
Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence SCAI'88 | |
Self healing materials : pioneering research in the Netherlands | |
Semantic data mining : an ontology-based approach | |
Semantic web enabled software engineering | |
Shipping innovation | |
Sociable robots and the future of social relations : proceedings of Robo-Philosophy 2014 | |
Spatial planning systems in Western Europe : an overview | |
Stat. j. U. N. econ. comm. Eur. | |
Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. | |
Toxicogenomics and proteomics | |
The virtual battlefield : perspectives on cyber warfare | |
Web Intelligence : An International Journal : Official Journal of Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC). | |
Wireless networks : catching the mobile future : proceedings. |