Peroni, Silvio
Silvio Peroni Italian computer scientist
VIAF ID: 309649450 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Peroni, Silvio
- 100 1 _ ‡a Peroni, Silvio
- 100 1 _ ‡a Peroni, Silvio
- 100 1 _ ‡a Peroni, Silvio
- 100 1 _ ‡a Peroni, Silvio
- 100 0 _ ‡a Silvio Peroni ‡c Italian computer scientist
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (5)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
Dalmazia nostra ... | |
DiTTO: Diagrams Transformation inTo OWL | |
Do altmetrics work for assessing research quality? | |
The Document Components Ontology (DoCO) | |
Documents as Timed Abstract Objects | |
Embedding semantic annotations within texts | |
Enhancing Semantic Expressivity in the Cultural Heritage Domain | |
Evaluating Citation Functions in CiTO: Cognitive Issues | |
Exploring Scholarly Papers Through Citations | |
Extracting knowledge from text using SHELDON, a Semantic Holistic framEwork for LinkeD ONtology data | |
FaBiO and CiTO: Ontologies for describing bibliographic resources and citations | |
Faceted documents | |
FOOD: FOod in Open Data | |
FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology | |
Handling Markup Overlaps Using OWL | |
Identifying and correcting invalid citations due to DOI errors in Crossref data | |
Identifying Functions of Citations with CiTalO | |
Identifying Key Concepts in an Ontology, through the Integration of Cognitive Principles with Statistical and Topological Measures | |
Integrating Citizen Experiences in Cultural Heritage Archives: Requirements, State of the Art, and Challenges | |
Interfacing fast-fashion design industries with Semantic Web technologies | |
Introduction | |
Investigating Facets to Characterise Citations for Scholars | |
Jailbreaking your Reference Lists: the OpenCitations Project Strikes Again | |
Latest Developments to LODE | |
MACJa: Metadata and Citations Jailbreaker | |
Managing semantics in XML vocabularies: an experience in the legal and legislative domain | |
A map of Digital Humanities research across bibliographic data sources | |
Methodology data of "A qualitative and quantitative citation analysis toward retracted articles: a case of study" | |
A methodology for gathering and annotating the raw-data/characteristics of the documents citing a retracted article v1 | |
Multi-layer Markup and Ontological Structures in Akoma Ntoso | |
Of mice and terms | |
Ontology-driven generation of wiki content and interfaces | |
Open bibliographic data and the Italian National Scientific Qualification: Measuring coverage of academic fields | |
Open Infrastructure Matters: Supporting Scholar-Led and Community-Driven Services to Advance Open Access | |
The OpenCitations Index | |
OSCAR: A Customisable Tool for Free-Text Search over SPARQL Endpoints | |
Overlapproaches in documents: a definitive classification (in OWL, 2!) | |
OWiki: Enabling an Ontology-Led Creation of Semantic Data | |
Political Roles Ontology (PRoles): Enhancing Archival Authority Records through Semantic Web Technologies | |
The practice of self-citations: a longitudinal study | |
Predicting the results of evaluation procedures of academics | |
Producing Linked Data for Smart Cities: The Case of Catania | |
A protocol to gather, characterize and analyze incoming citations of retracted articles | |
The Publishing Workflow Ontology (PWO) | |
Ranging the Description Ontology Design Pattern with Literal Values | |
The RASH Framework: Enabling HTML+RDF Submissions in Scholarly Venues | |
The RASH JavaScript Editor (RAJE) | |
Recognising document components in XML-based academic articles | |
Referencing behaviours across disciplines: publication types and common metadata for defining bibliographic references | |
Reflecting on the Europeana Data Model | |
Research Articles in Simplified HTML: a Web-first format for HTML-based scholarly articles | |
Review of: "Comparison of self-citation patterns in WoS and Scopus databases based on national scientific production in Slovenia (1996-2020)" | |
Review of: "Finding citations for PubMed: A large-scale comparison between five open access data sources" | |
Review of: "Reflections on the Misuses of ORCID iDs" | |
The Role of Ontology Design Patterns in Linked Data Projects | |
Semantic Annotation of Scholarly Documents and Citations | |
The Semantic Lancet Project: A Linked Open Dataset for Scholarly Publishing | |
Semantic Lenses as Exploration Method for Scholarly Articles | |
A Semantic Web approach to everyday overlapping markup | |
Semantic Web for the Legal Domain: The next step | |
Semantic Web technologies and legal scholarly publishing, 2014: | |
Semantics, Analytics, Visualization. Enhancing Scholarly Data : Second International Workshop, SAVE-SD 2016, Montreal, QC, Canada, April 11, 2016, Revised Selected Papers | |
Setting our bibliographic references free: towards open citation data | |
Setting the Course of Emergency Vehicle Routing Using Geolinked Open Data for the Municipality of Catania | |
A Simplified Agile Methodology for Ontology Development | |
A Smart City Data Model based on Semantics Best Practice and Principles | |
The SPAR Ontologies | |
Structured references from PDF articles: assessing the tools for bibliographic reference extraction and parsing | |
Templating the Semantic Web via RSLT | |
Tools for the Automatic Generation of Ontology Documentation | |
Topical tags vs non-topical tags: Towards a bipartite classification? | |
Towards accessible graphs in HTML-based scientific articles | |
Towards markup support for full GODDAGs and beyond: the EARMARK approach | |
UNDO: The United Nations System Document Ontology | |
Using semantic web technologies for analysis and validation of structural markup | |
Visualizing and Navigating Ontologies with KC-Viz | |
Zeri e LODE. Extracting the Zeri photo archive to linked open data: formalizing the conceptual model | |
бібліяграфічная анталёгія, упарадкаваная ФПБЗ | |
ভূমিকা |