This VIAF Cluster has been deleted. It is no longer part of VIAF.
London, Jack, 1876-1916. | Michael, brother of Jerry
VIAF ID: 309274342 (Unknown Name Type)
Preferred Forms
Language | Title | Expression | Sources |
Italian | Michael, brother of Jerry. | ||
Romanian | Mihail, câine de circ ; Povestiri | Starcu :2007 | |
Dutch | Terry, de circushond | 1959 | |
French | Michaël, chien de cirque | 1953 | |
Norwegian | Michael | Horne :1935 | |
Dutch | Michael, broeder van Jerry | Dejongh :9999 | |
German | Michael der bruder Jerrys | Magnus :1928 | |
Hungarian | Éneklő kutya : regény | 1964 | |
Spanish | Miguel, hermano de Jerry | 1959 | |
Spanish | Vida aventurera | 1963 | |
Turkish | Sevginin katıksızı | Yeğin :2003 | |
Hungarian | Éneklő kutya |