Stacy Loeb researcher
Loeb, Stacy
VIAF ID: 308728229 (Personal)
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- 100 1 _ ‡a Loeb, Stacy
- 100 0 _ ‡a Stacy Loeb ‡c researcher
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Title | Sources |
Prostate cancer: utility of the risk indicator model in screening | |
The Prostate Health Index: a new test for the detection of prostate cancer | |
Prostate Health Index (PHI): Golden Bullet or Just Another Prostate Cancer Marker? | |
Prostate specific antigen assay standardization bias could affect clinical decision making. | |
Prostate Specific Antigen at the Initial Diagnosis of Metastasis to Bone in Patients After Radical Prostatectomy | |
Prostate-specific antigen kinetics during follow-up are an unreliable trigger for intervention in a prostate cancer surveillance program | |
PSA and beyond: the past, present, and future of investigative biomarkers for prostate cancer. | |
PSA velocity is associated with gleason score in radical prostatectomy specimen: marker for prostate cancer aggressiveness | |
Public online reporting from a nationwide population-based clinical prostate cancer register. | |
Qualitative study on decision-making by prostate cancer physicians during active surveillance. | |
Qualitative Twitter analysis of participants, tweet strategies, and tweet content at a major urologic conference | |
Quantifying downstream impact of inappropriate staging imaging in a cohort of veterans with low- and intermediate-risk incident prostate cancer | |
Radical retropubic prostatectomy: comparison of the open and robotic approaches for treatment of prostate cancer. | |
Randomized trials of selenium, vitamin e, or vitamin C for prostate cancer prevention | |
A rare 8q24 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) predisposes North American men to prostate cancer and possibly more aggressive disease | |
Re: Editorial Comment on Use of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors for Erectile Dysfunction and Risk of Malignant Melanoma: D. F. Penson J Urol 2015;194:1710-1711. | |
Reducing blood loss in open radical retropubic prostatectomy with prophylactic periprostatic sutures | |
Regional variation in total cost per radical prostatectomy in the healthcare cost and utilization project nationwide inpatient sample database | |
Relationship of prostate-specific antigen velocity to histologic findings in a prostate cancer screening program | |
Review of the literature: PCA3 for prostate cancer risk assessment and prognostication. | |
Risk factors, prevention and early detection of prostate cancer | |
Risk of malignant melanoma in men with prostate cancer: Nationwide, population-based cohort study | |
Risk of Prostate Cancer for Young Men With a Prostate Specific Antigen Less Than Their Age Specific Median | |
The role of high-intensity focused ultrasound in prostate cancer. | |
The role of prostate cancer biomarkers in undiagnosed men. | |
Screening for familial and hereditary prostate cancer | |
Shift from protocol-based to personalized medicine in active surveillance: beginning of a new era. | |
Should prostate specific antigen be adjusted for body mass index? Data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging | |
Significance of preoperative PSA velocity in men with low serum PSA and normal DRE. | |
Small bowel obstruction and abdominal pain after robotic versus open radical prostatectomy | |
Social Media Coverage of Scientific Articles Immediately After Publication Predicts Subsequent Citations - #SoME_Impact Score: Observational Analysis | |
Social media makes global urology meetings truly global. : The influence of Twitter. | |
Social media offers unprecedented opportunities for vibrant exchange of professional ideas across continents | |
Standard and Targeted Biopsy During Follow-up for Active Surveillance | |
Survival results in patients with screen-detected prostate cancer versus physician-referred patients treated with radical prostatectomy: early results | |
Tertiary Gleason patterns and biochemical recurrence after prostatectomy: proposal for a modified Gleason scoring system | |
Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Favorable and Aggressive Prostate Cancer. | |
Time to replace prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with the Prostate Health Index (PHI)? Yet more evidence that the PHI consistently outperforms PSA across diverse populations. | |
"To measure is to know. If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it": statistical modeling cannot compensate for unmeasured bias | |
Treatment of Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer With Abiraterone and Enzalutamide Despite PSA Progression | |
Treatment outcomes of radical prostatectomy in potential candidates for 3 published active surveillance protocols | |
Tumor Characteristics of Carriers and Noncarriers of the deCODE 8q24 Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Alleles | |
Tweet this: how advocacy for breast and prostate cancers stacks up on social media. | |
Twitter Activity Associated With U.S. News and World Report Reputation Scores for Urology Departments | |
Twitter and academic Urology in the United States and Canada: a comprehensive assessment of the Twitterverse in 2019 | |
Twitter-based Prostate Cancer Journal Club (#ProstateJC) Promotes Multidisciplinary Global Scientific Discussion and Research Dissemination | |
Twitter response to the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendations against screening with prostate-specific antigen. | |
Understanding the Composition of a Successful Tweet in Urology | |
Undertreatment of Men in Their Seventies with High-risk Nonmetastatic Prostate Cancer | |
United States trends in active surveillance or watchful waiting across patient socioeconomic status from 2010 to 2015 | |
Unusual Presentation of a Mullerian Remnant in an Infant with Recurrent Epididymo-orchitis | |
Update on the Urology Tag Ontology: Standardized Hashtags for Social Media in Urology | |
Updates in the care and management of prostate cancer: highlights from the 2013 prostate cancer world congress, august 6-10, 2013, melbourne, australia | |
Upper limit of cancer extent on biopsy defining very low-risk prostate cancer | |
Uptake of Active Surveillance for Very-Low-Risk Prostate Cancer in Sweden | |
The Urology Care Foundation - trusted online resources in an era of misinformation | |
Use of 2.6 ng/ml prostate specific antigen prompt for biopsy in men older than 60 years | |
Use of BioGlue in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy | |
Use of Conservative Management for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer in the Veterans Affairs Integrated Health Care System From 2005-2015 | |
Use of Empiric Antibiotics in the Setting of an Increased Prostate Specific Antigen | |
Use of Prostate-Specific Antigen Velocity to Follow Up Patients with Isolated High-Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia on Prostate Biopsy | |
Use of social media in urology: data from the American Urological Association (AUA). | |
The use of Twitter to facilitate sharing of clinical expertise in urology. | |
Using data from an online health community to examine the impact of prostate cancer on sleep | |
The vanishing prostate cancer phenomenon | |
What is the prognostic impact of positive surgical margins in surgically treated prostate cancer? | |
What is the role of digital rectal examination in men undergoing serial screening of serum PSA levels? | |
What is the true mortality benefit of prostate-specific antigen screening? | |
What to do with an abnormal PSA test. | |
When is a Negative Prostate Biopsy Really Negative? Repeat Biopsies in Detection and Active Surveillance. | |
Whom to Biopsy: Prediagnostic Risk Stratification with Biomarkers, Nomograms, and Risk Calculators. | |
Will Changes to Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines Preserve Benefits and Reduce Harm? | |
Words of wisdom. Re: Long-term prediction of prostate cancer: prostate-specific antigen (PSA) velocity is predictive but does not improve the predictive accuracy of a single PSA measurement 15 years or more before cancer diagnosis in a large, represe |