Monahan, A. C. (Arthur Coleman), 1877-
Monahan, A. C 1877-
Monahan, Arthur Coleman, 1877-19..
VIAF ID: 306107279 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (5)
Title | Sources |
Agricultural education. | |
A comparison of the salaries of rural and urban superintendents of schools. | |
Consolidation of rural schools and transportation of pupils at public expense | |
County-unit organization for the administration of rural schools | |
Educational survey of Wyoming | |
The Farragut School : a Tennessee country-life high school | |
Free textbooks and state uniformity | |
Laboratory layouts for the high-school sciences | |
Organization of State departments of education | |
Report of an inquiry into the administration and support of the Colorado school system; | |
Rural school supervision | |
The status of rural education in the United States | |
Training of teachers for secondary courses in agriculture, 1912: | |
Undergraduate or collegiate courses in agriculture in the state colleges of agriculture in the United States |