Hall, John, Schaken, 1957-
John D. Hall
VIAF ID: 305134095 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/305134095
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a John D. Hall
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (14)
Title | Sources |
Attacking the Sicilian defense with 2 f4 | |
Bobby Fischer : complete games of the American world chess champion | |
Caro-Kann | |
Combination challenge! | |
Endgame challenge! | |
The Englund gambit 1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 nc6 and the Blackburne-Hartlaub gambit complex 1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 d6 | |
Gewinnen mit dem Colle-System | |
How to play the Sicilian defense : against all white possibilities | |
King's Indian Attack | |
Königsindischer Angriff : ein komplettes Angriffsprogramm für Weiß | |
Leningrad Dutch : strategy and tactics | |
Max Lange attack and Anti-Max Lange | |
Modern art of attack | |
The modern defense : answers any white opening | |
Modern middlegame lessons | |
Opening systems for competitive chess players | |
Petrosian the powerful | |
Pillsbury the extraordinary | |
The Pirc defense | |
Scotch 4... Qh4 : the Steinitz variation | |
Tactical chess training : 300 brilliant tactical studies from events 1985-1995 | |
A view from the top : the Kasparov-Anand PCA match, New York 1995 | |
Winning with the Blackmar-Diemer gambit | |
Winning with the Colle system |