Pyramid Books.
Pyramid Publications, Inc.
Pyramid Publications
Jove Books American book publishing imprint, renamed 1977 from Pyramid Books
VIAF ID: 299594221 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (8)
Title | Sources |
Bette Davis : a Pyramid illustrated history of the movies | |
Charlie Chaplin : a biography | |
Clark Gable | |
Common sense and other writings | |
Computers | |
Concentration camp | |
The cross and the switchblade | |
D Day : the sixth of June, 1944 | |
Dawn of D-day | |
Democracy in world politics | |
Eight men | |
Feversham : a novel | |
First Lady : the glowing, up-to-the-minute story of jacqueline Kennedy's life in the White House | |
Gershwin | |
Great artists of America | |
Greta Garbo | |
The hills beyond | |
Hitler's secret service : memoirs of Walter Schellenberg | |
How to live in our polluted world | |
Judy Garland | |
Katharine Hepburn | |
The little book of gin cocktails. | |
Living earth, 1962, c1959: | |
Maya : the riddle and rediscovery of a lost civilization | |
Memoiren | |
New Tv superstars | |
Outcast of the islands | |
The rebels | |
Red threads | |
Robert's rules of order | |
The seed of McCoy and the other stories (South Sea tales) | |
Selected stories of Bret Harte. | |
Soldier and statesman : George C. Marshall | |
The street | |
Take off your mask | |
Waldo & Magic, Inc. : two short novels | |
You are extraordinary |