Active to Sterile Neutrino Mixing Limits from Neutral-Current Interactions in MINOS |
Beam and experiments: summary |
ChargedD*Production ine+e−Annihilation at 29 GeV and a Limit onD0−D¯0Mixing |
Combined Analysis ofνμDisappearance andνμ→νeAppearance in MINOS Using Accelerator and Atmospheric Neutrinos |
A compact beam stop for a rare kaon decay experiment |
Comparisons of annual modulations in MINOS with the event rate modulation in CoGeNT |
Constraints on Oscillation Parameters from ν_{e} Appearance and ν_{μ} Disappearance in NOvA |
Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Appearance in the Full MINOS Data Sample |
Electroweak asymmetry in deep inelastic muon-nucleon scattering |
Evidence for Unequal Lifetimes of theD0andD+ |
Experimental study ofKL0→π+π−γand other rare decay modes |
Final report on the CERN muon storage ring including the anomalous magnetic moment and the electric dipole moment of the muon, and a direct test of relativistic time dilation |
First observations of separated atmosphericνμandν¯μevents in the MINOS detector |
FIRST RESULTS FROM DELCO AT PEPCalifornia Institute of Technology-Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Stanford University Collaboration |
Improved Measurement of Muon Antineutrino Disappearance in MINOS |
Improved upper limit on the branching ratio B |
The magnetized steel and scintillator calorimeters of the MINOS experiment |
Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations using beam and atmospheric data in MINOS. |
Measurement of the atmospheric muon charge ratio at TeV energies with the MINOS detector |
Measurement of the average lifetime of hadrons containing bottom quarks |
Measurement of the Branching Ratios for τ→πντ and τ→μνμντ |
Measurement of the Cabibbo-Suppressed Decaysτ→Kντandτ→Kντ+nπ0 |
Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Angle θ_{23} in NOvA. |
Measurement of the Threshold Behavior of τ+τ− Production in e+e− Annihilation |
Measurement ofD0lifetime ine+e−annihilation at high energy |
Nature of the τ−ντ−W Coupling |
Neutral Cascade Hyperon Event |
Neutrino and antineutrino inclusive charged-current cross section measurements with the MINOS near detector |
New experimental limits on KL0--> microe and KL0-->ee branching ratios |
The NuMI neutrino beam |
Observation of muon intensity variations by season with the MINOS far detector |
Observation of the DecayKL0→π+π−γ |
Pion-hyperon resonances, 1961: |
Precision Constraints for Three-Flavor Neutrino Oscillations from the Full MINOS+ and MINOS Dataset |
Production of muon pairs inKL0−Cuinteractions |
Prompt electron production from the DELCO detector at the SLAC storage ring PEP |
Properties of bottom quark jets in e+e- annihilation at 29 GeV |
Quasi-real Compton scattering measurement |
Search for diffractive dissociation of a long-livedHdibaryon |
Search for flavor-changing non-standard neutrino interactions by MINOS |
Search for Muon-Neutrino to Electron-Neutrino Transitions in MINOS |
Search for sterile neutrino mixing in the MINOS long-baseline experiment |
Search for the decays KL0--> microe and KL0-->ee |
Search for the Weak Decay of an H Dibaryon |
Semileptonic Decays on theDMeson |
A straw drift chamber spectrometer for studies of rare kaon decays |
Study of muon neutrino disappearance using the Fermilab Main Injector neutrino beam |
Study of Three-ProngτDecays and Determination of theA1Parameters |
Sudden stratospheric warmings seen in MINOS deep underground muon data |
Testing Lorentz Invariance and CPT Conservation with NuMI Neutrinos in the MINOS Near Detector |
Upper Bound on theτ-Neutrino Mass from the Previously Unobserved Decay Modeτ→KKπντ |