Peysakhovich, Vsevolod, 19..-...., docteur en informatique
Vsevolod Peysakhovich
VIAF ID: 275150565765206252794 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
Title | Sources |
Apports de la Réalité Virtuelle à la simulation de vol pour l'apprentissage du pilotage | |
Assessment of Ocular and Physiological Metrics to Discriminate Flight Phases in Real Light Aircraft | |
Can an aircraft be piloted via sonification with an acceptable attentional cost? A comparison of blind and sighted pilots | |
Etude de diamètre pupillaire et de mouvements oculaires pour la sécurité aérienne. | |
Frequency analysis of a task-evoked pupillary response: Luminance-independent measure of mental effort. | |
Gaze usages, analysis and interaction | |
High Working Memory Load Impairs Language Processing during a Simulated Piloting Task: An ERP and Pupillometry Study. | |
The impact of luminance on tonic and phasic pupillary responses to sustained cognitive load | |
Monitor the monitoring : pilot assistance through gaze tracking and visual scanning analyses | |
Neural and psychophysiological correlates of human performance under stress and high mental workload | |
Paradigme de Posner du laboratoire au monde réel : orientation de l'attention en espace avant et arrière | |
Posner Paradigm from laboratory to real life : attentional orienting in front and rear space. | |
La prise de perspective d'autrui au coeur des habiletés de cognition sociale : étude de l'impact de la perturbation des systèmes vestibulaires et proprioceptifs lors de protocoles en impesanteur simulée | |
Study of pupil diameter and eye movements to enhance flight safety | |
Surveiller la surveillance : assistance aux pilotes à travers son regard et l'analyse des parcours visuels. | |
Taking other's perspective as main social cognition ability : investigating the effects of vestibular and proprioceptive system disruption during simulated weightlessness protocols. | |
Utilisation du regard, analyse et interaction. | |
Virtual reality for pilots training : a complementary method to increase benefits of flight simulation ?. |