Short, Peter, -1603
Short, Peter, 1561-1603
Short, Peter
Short, Peter d. 1603
Short, Peter 15..-1603
Short, Peter 1561c-1603
Peter Short
Short, Peter, fl. 1589-1603
Short, Peter, voor 1561-1603
VIAF ID: 26463962 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Peter Short
- 100 1 _ ‡a Short, Peter ‡d 1561-1603
- 100 1 _ ‡a Short, Peter ‡d d. 1603
- 100 1 _ ‡a Short, Peter, ‡d -1603
- 100 1 _ ‡a Short, Peter, ‡d 1561-1603
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (18)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
- 551 _ _ ‡a London
- 551 _ _ ‡a London ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a Mexiko ‡g Stadt ‡4 orts ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a Tahiti ‡z Nord ‡4 ortg ‡4
Title | Sources |
14. ayres, in tabletorie to the lute expressed with two voyces and the base violl or the voice & lute only, 6. more to 4. voyces and in tabletorie, and 8. madrigalles to 5. voyces [London, Thomas East (Peter Short)] | |
Airs | |
A booke of Christian prayers : collected out of the ancient writers and best learned in our time : worthy to be read with an earnest mind of all Christians in these dangerous and troublesome daies that God, for Christes sake, will yet still be mercifull vnto vs. | |
[A breefe treatise, called Careys farewell to physicke], 1597: | |
Brief description of Jerusalem and of the suburbs thereof as it flourished in the time of Christ | |
Christs checke to S. Peter for his curious question, out of those words in Saint John: Quid ad te? Begun in Paules Church on S. Johns day the Evangelist. 1597. out of part of the Gospel appointed for that day, and prosecuted the same day this yeare 1598. in the same place, and else where at other times the sixe several sermons. | |
Discourse whether a nobleman by birth or a gentleman by desert is greater in nobilitie. | |
Diuers chimicall conclusions concerning the art of distillation | |
Diuerse new sorts of soyle not yet brought into any publique vse | |
The effect of certaine sermons touching the full redemption of mankind by the death and bloud of Christ Jesus : wherein besides the merite of Christs suffering, the manner of his offering, the power of his death, the comfort of his crosse, the glorie of his resurrection are handled ... | |
A fift proceeding in the harmony of King Davids harpe: that is to say, a godly and learned exposition of 5 other Psalmes of the princely prophet David; beginning with the 68, and ending with the 72 Psalme, being the last part of the first Tome, or one halfe of the Book of Psalmes | |
Guilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, medici londinensis, De magnete, anno 1600: | |
Jerusalem sicut Christi tempore floruit. | |
The jewell house of art and nature. Conteining diuers rare and profitable inuentions, together with sundry new experimentes in the art of husbandry, distillation, and moulding. Faithfully and familiarly set downe, according to the authors owne experience, by Hugh Platte of Lincolnes Inne Centleman. | |
De magnete, magneticisque corporibus | |
Manuale (Quoniam in medio laqueorum positi sumus). | |
Manuel : conteining speciall and picked meditations and godly praiers, drawne out of the word of God and writings of the Holy Fathers for the exercise of the soule | |
Marc Antoine. | |
Nennio, nel guale si ragiona di nobilita. | |
The nevv and admirable arte of setting of corne : vvith all the necessarie tooles and other circumstances belonging to the same ... | |
Poematum Gualteri Haddoni, Legum Doctoris, sparsim collectorum, libri duo. | |
The poeticall essayes of Sam. Danyel. | |
The practise of the new and old phisicke : wherein is contained the most excellent secrets of phisicke and philosophie deuided into foure bookes : in the which are the best approued remedies for the diseases as well inward as outward, of al the parts of mans body : treating very ample of al dstillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artficiall saltes, the vse and preparation of antimony and potable gold | |
Pretious booke of heavenlie meditations, called A private talke of the soule with God ... | |
The Psalmes of David : truly opened and explaned by paraphrasis, according to the right sense of everie Psalme. With large and ample arguments before everie Psalme, declaring the true use thereof. To the which is added a briefe table, shewing whereunto every Psalme is particularly to be applied, according to the direction of M. Beza and Tremellius | |
Right Christian treatise, entitled S. Augustines prayers | |
Secreti. | |
The secrets of Alexis of Piemont : containing many excellent remedies against diuers diseases, wounds, and other accidents. With the maner to make distillations, parfumes, confitures, dyings, colours, fusions, and meltings | |
Thesaurus Euonymi Philiatri. | |
The tragedie of Antonie |