Walker, Paul Ernest, 1941-
Walker, Paul Ernest
Walker, Paul E. 1941-....
Walker, Paul Ernst, 1941-....
ووكر، بول، 1941-
পল ই ওয়াকার
VIAF ID: 2603331 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/2603331
Preferred Forms
- 200 _ | ‡a Walker ‡b Paul E. ‡f 1941-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Walker, Paul E. ‡d 1941-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Walker, Paul Ernest
- 100 1 _ ‡a Walker, Paul Ernest
- 100 1 _ ‡a Walker, Paul Ernest
- 100 1 _ ‡a Walker, Paul Ernest, ‡d 1941-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Walker, Paul Ernest, ‡d 1941-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Walker, Paul Ernst, ‡d 1941-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a পল ই ওয়াকার
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (9)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
Title | Sources |
Abu Ya'qūb al-Sijistānī intellectual missionary | |
advent of the Fatimids a contemporary Shi'i witness | |
Affirming the Imamate early Fatimid teachings in the Islamic west an Arabic critical edition and English translation of works attributed to Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Shī'ī and his brother Abu'l-'Abbās | |
Bāb al-S̆ayṭān min Kitāb al-S̆aǧaraẗ / li Abī Tammām | |
Caliph of Cairo Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, 996-1021 | |
code of conduct a treatise on the etiquette of the Fatimid Ismaili mission a critical edition of the Arabic text and English translation of Aḥmad b. Ibrāhīm al-Naysābūrī's "Al-Risāla al-mūjaza al-kāfiya fī ādāb al-duʻāt" | |
Early philosophical Shiism the Ismaili neoplatonism of Abū Yaʿqūb al-Sijistānī | |
Exploring an Islamic empire Fatimid history and its sources | |
Fatimids and their successors in Yaman the history of an Islamic community Arabic edition and English summary of Idrīs Imād ‘al-Dīn's ‘Uyūn al-akhbār, vol. 7 | |
Fatimids select papers on their governing institutions, social and cultural organization, religious appeal, and rivalries | |
guide to the conclusive proofs for the principles of belief | |
Ḥamīd ad-Dīn Al-Karmānī : al-fikr al-Ismāʿilī... / Paul E. Walker ; tarǧamat Seif el-Din Al-Qassir | |
Ḥamīd al-Dīn al-Kirmānī ismaili thought in the age of al-Ḥākim | |
Ibn al-Haytham, Jaʻfar ibn Aḥmad. The advent of the Fatimids, 2000: | |
al-Irshād ilā qawāṭiʻ al-adillah fī uṣul al-iʻtiqād | |
Is̲bāt al-nubuwwāt Abū Yaʻqūb Isḥāq ibn Aḥmad al-Sijistānī Wilferd Madelung | |
Ismaili and Fatimid studies in honor of Paul E. Walker | |
ismaili heresiography the "Bāb al-shayṭān" from Abū Tammām's "Kitāb al-shajara" | |
Iṯbāt al-nubūwāt | |
Ittiʿāẓ al-ḥunafā bi-aẖbār al-aʾimmaẗ al-ẖulafā | |
Kitāb al-munāẓarāt | |
Maṣābiḥ fī ithbāt al-imāmah. | |
Monetary policy and credibility : a criticism of a class of rational expectations models | |
Music of the Ottoman court : makam, composition and the early Ottoman instrumental repertoire | |
Orations of the Fatimid caliphs = لخطب الفاطمية : festival sermons of the Ismaili imams : an edition of the Arabic texts and English translation of Fatimid khuṭbas | |
Prophecy's proofs | |
Purloined symbols of the past : the theft of souvenirs and sacred relics in the rivalry between the Abbasids and Fatimids | |
Rasāʾil Iḫwān aṣ-Ṣafāʾ wa-ḫullān al-wafāʾ. | |
Risālah bidūn ʻunwān mansūbah ilá Abī ʻAbd Allāh al-shīʻī | |
Šaǧara | |
Sciences of the soul and intellect. | |
Shajara | |
Silsilah-i mīrās-i fikrī-i tamaddun-i Islāmī | |
ʿUyūn al-aẖbār | |
The Wellsprings of wisdom : a study of Abū Yaʻqūb al-Sijistānī's Kitāb al-Yanābīʻ : including a complete English translation with commentary and notes on the Arabic text | |
اتعاظ الحنفا بأخبار الأئمة الخلفا | |
اثبات النبوات | |
السبع السابع من عيون الأخبار وفنون الآثار | |
المصابیح في إثبات الإمامة | |
باب الشيطان من كتاب الشجرة لأبي تمام | |
حميد الدين الكرماني : الفكر الإسماعيلي... | |
رسالة الموجزة الكافية في آداب الدعاة | |
رسالة بدون عنوان منسوبة إلى أبي عبد الله الشيعي | |
فكر الاسماعيلى فى عصر الحاكم بامر الله | |
كتاب المناظرات, arabe |