Fonds des Nations unies pour la population
VIAF ID: 227920665 (Corporate)
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4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (11)
Title | Sources |
Actualisation ONUSIDA. | |
Actualización técnica del Programa conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA (Impresa) | |
Advances. | |
Audit reports | |
Budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services for the year ... and supplementary appropriations for the year ... | |
Colección Prácticas óptimas del ONUSIDA. | |
La Collecte des statistiques sur la population et l'emploi en agriculture | |
Cuadernos del UNFRA. Serie Divulgación. | |
Curr. abstr. (Seattle) | |
Current abstracts. | |
Doc. téc.. Embarazos no intencionales niñas adolesc. esc. | |
Documentos técnicos. | |
Entre nous. | |
Estado de la población mundial ... | |
Etat popul. mond. (En ligne) | |
Etudes de cas - Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/SIDA (En ligne) | |
Ḥālaẗ sukkān al-ʿālam | |
Indigenous peoples and urban settlements : spatial distribution, internal migration and living conditions | |
Innotec proceedings | |
The International Population Information Network (POPIN) : report of the consultative meeting, Geneva, 27 to 30 April 1981. | |
The Kenya civil registration demonstration project (CRDP) : a strategy for a rapidly developing country in Africa | |
Narodonaselenie mira v … godu | |
Perspectivas en materia de población : declaraciones de los dirigentes del mundo. | |
Poblac. desarro. (En línea) | |
Población y desarrollo | |
Popul. policy compend. | |
Population and development modelling : proceedings of the United Nations/UNFPA Expert Group Meeting on Population and Development Modelling, Geneva, 24-28 September, 1979 | |
Population education accessions list. | |
Population profiles. | |
Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on Innovative Techniques for Population Censuses and Large-Scale Demographic Surveys, The Hague, 22-26 April 1996. | |
Rapport 1988 : état de la population mondiale, 1989 : le FNUAP en 1988 | |
Rep. Exec. Dir. U.N. fund Popul. Act. | |
Report on the Second FAO/UNFPA Expert Consultation on Land Resources for Populations of the Future. | |
Rev. popul. rev. | |
Selecting reproductive health indicators : a guide for district managers : field-testing version | |
Senegal : report of Mission on Needs Assessment for Population Assistance. | |
Shìjiè rénkǒu zhuàngkuàng bàogào | |
State of world population ... | |
Tesauro multilingüe sobre población | |
UNAIDS case study. | |
UNAIDS technical update. | |
WPY bulletin of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities. | |
الإعلام وقضايا التنمية والسكان وتنظيم الأسرة في الجمهورية العربية السورية : دراسة ميدانية | |
منهجية إعداد وتنفيذ مشروع مسح المعطيات الإحصائية للسكان والمساكن |