Cardiac pathophysiology related to calcium handling disorders and pharmacological approaches. |
Couplage de peptides de pénétration cellulaire à un agent anti-tumoral et évaluation de l'efficacité des complexes |
Coupling of doxorubicin to cellular penetration agents and evaluation of the antitumor effectiveness of the complex. |
déterminants moléculaires et cellulaires de la mutation humaine R482X de la sous-unité Cavβ4 impliqués dans l’épilepsie |
Developement of a new proteomic method to improve identification and quantification of acetylated proteins. |
Développement de molécules anti-tumorales pour le traitement du gliome sur la base de dérivés de toxines animales |
Differential effects of maurocalcine on Ca2+ release events and depolarization-induced Ca2+ release in rat skeletal muscle. |
Diversity of folds in animal toxins acting on ion channels. |
Downregulation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway by Cacnb4. |
Doxorubicin coupled to penetratin promotes apoptosis in CHO cells by a mechanism involving c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase. |
Efficient induction of apoptosis by doxorubicin coupled to cell-penetrating peptides compared to unconjugated doxorubicin in the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB 231. |
Electrophysiological analysis of calcium currents from chromaffin cells and rat cerebellar granule cells in vitro. |
Evaluation of antinociceptive effects of Crassocephalum bauchiense Hutch (Asteraceae) leaf extract in rodents. |
Evidence for domain-specific recognition of SK and Kv channels by MTX and HsTx1 scorpion toxins. |
FRET-Based Nanobiosensors for Imaging Intracellular Ca²⁺ and H⁺ Microdomains |
Functional characterization of cell-free expressed Kv1.3 channel using a voltage-sensitive fluorescent dye. |
The 'functional' dyad of scorpion toxin Pi1 is not itself a prerequisite for toxin binding to the voltage-gated Kv1.2 potassium channels. |
Functional Impact of BeKm-1, a High-Affinity hERG Blocker, on Cardiomyocytes Derived from Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells |
Functional reconstitution of cell-free synthesized purified Kv channels. |
H-Rubies, a new family of red emitting fluorescent pH sensors for living cells. |
High-throughput screening of spider venom for the identification of compounds active on sodium channels. |
Identification d'un nouveau bloqueur peptidique spécifique du canal sodique Nav1.7 avec des propriétés analgésiques |
Identification of a novel peptidic specific blocker of Nav1.7 sodium channel subtype with analgesic properties. |
The impact of the fourth disulfide bridge in scorpion toxins of the α-KTx6 subfamily |
In vivo expression of G-protein beta1gamma2 dimer in adult mouse skeletal muscle alters L-type calcium current and excitation-contraction coupling. |
The interaction between the I-II loop and the III-IV loop of Cav2.1 contributes to voltage-dependent inactivation in a beta -dependent manner. |
Interaction of cysteine string proteins with the alpha1A subunit of the P/Q-type calcium channel |
Involvement of trpv6 calcium channel in the acquisition of the metastatic phenotype of prostate cancer : targeting trpv6 by a monoclonal antibody directedagainst the extracellular epitope. |
Junctate, an inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor associated protein, is present in rodent sperm and binds TRPC2 and TRPC5 but not TRPC1 channels. |
K+ channel types targeted by synthetic OSK1, a toxin from Orthochirus scrobiculosus scorpion venom. |
Maurocalcine and domain A of the II-III loop of the dihydropyridine receptor Cav 1.1 subunit share common binding sites on the skeletal ryanodine receptor. |
Maurocalcine and peptide A stabilize distinct subconductance states of ryanodine receptor type 1, revealing a proportional gating mechanism. |
Maurocalcine is a new cell penetration vector for the in vitro delivery of cell impermeable cargoes. |
La maurocalcine : substance naturelle d'intérêt thérapeutique |
Maurocalcine, un nouveau vecteur de pénétration cellulaire pour la délivrance cellulaire de composés imperméables |
Maurotoxin versus Pi1/HsTx1 scorpion toxins. Toward new insights in the understanding of their distinct disulfide bridge patterns. |
A maurotoxin with constrained standard disulfide bridging: innovative strategy of chemical synthesis, pharmacology, and docking on K+ channels. |
Molecular modeling and docking simulations of scorpion toxins and related analogs on human SKCa2 and SKCa3 channels |
Multiscale evaluation of venom toxins as potential antinociceptive agents. |
Na(+) channel regulation by calmodulin kinase II in rat cerebellar granule cells |
Nauclea latifolia: biological activity and alkaloid phytochemistry of a West African tree |
Nitric oxide augments voltage-gated P/Q-type Ca |
Nouvelle méthode en protéomique pour améliorer l'identification et la quantification des protéines acétylées |
Nouvelles technologies pour les venins animaux : protéomique, criblage de drogues et neutralisation des toxines. |
Pharmacological study of the ASIC channels by animal toxins. |
Physiopathologie cardiaque liée aux troubles de l'homéostasie calcique et approches pharmacologiques |
[Potential of cell penetrating peptides for cell drug delivery] |
Profiling the biological effects of wastewater samples via bioluminescent bacterial biosensors combined with estrogenic assays. |
Progrès dans la compréhension de la régulation adrénergique du couplage excitation-contraction cardiaque et des récepteurs de la ryanodine RyR₂ par la PKA de type I et FKBP12.6 |
Protein partners of the calcium channel β subunit highlight new cellular functions. |
Proteolytic cleavage of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel alpha2delta subunit: structural and functional features |
PTEN-regulated AKT/FoxO3a/Bim signaling contributes to Human cell glioblastoma apoptosis by platinum-maurocalcin conjugate |
Régulation directe par les protéines G hétérotrimériques des canaux calciques neuronaux activés par le potentiel électrique de membrane |
Régulation fonctionnelle des canaux calcium sensibles au potentiel par la sous-unité auxiliaire β |
Regulation of voltage-dependant calcium channels. |
A retro-biosynthetic approach to the prediction of biosynthetic pathways from position-specific isotope analysis as shown for tramadol |
RIM1 confers sustained activity and neurotransmitter vesicle anchoring to presynaptic Ca2+ channels. |
Rim1 modulates direct G-protein regulation of Ca(v)2.2 channels |
Rôle des canaux calciques de type L Cav1.3 dans le contrôle de la fréquence cardiaque par les catécholamines |
Rôle des canaux sodiques sensibles à la tétrodotoxine dans les arythmies cardiaques |
Rôle du canal calcique P/Q dans la migraine hémiplégique familiale |
Rôle du peptide LL-37 dans le cancer du sein : son interaction avec la membrane plasmique stimule l'entrée de calcium et la migration cellulaire par l'activation des canaux ioniques TRPV2 et BKCa |
The role of Cavβ4 in cell proliferation and gene regulation. |
Role of l-type cav1.3 calcium channels and g ikach-activated potassium channels in cholinergic regulation of cardiac automatism. |
The S218L familial hemiplegic migraine mutation promotes deinhibition of Ca |
Scorpion alpha-like toxins, toxic to both mammals and insects, differentially interact with receptor site 3 on voltage-gated sodium channels in mammals and insects. |
SRP-27 is a novel component of the supramolecular signalling complex involved in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling. |
Studies of isotope fractionation 13C during biotransformations and enzymatic reactions |
Synthesis and characterization of Pi4, a scorpion toxin from Pandinus imperator that acts on K+ channels. |
Trafficking of L-type calcium channels mediated by the postsynaptic scaffolding protein AKAP79 |
Transient loss of voltage control of Ca2+ release in the presence of maurocalcine in skeletal muscle. |
Triadins are not triad-specific proteins: two new skeletal muscle triadins possibly involved in the architecture of sarcoplasmic reticulum |
Unusual binding mode of scorpion toxin BmKTX onto potassium channels relies on its distribution of acidic residues. |
Utilisation de la maurocalcine dans des applications de délivrance intracellulaire de molécules ou de nanoparticules |
Les venins animaux comme outils de recherche et d'identification de nouveaux composés thérapeutiques |
venoms animals as research tools and identification of new therapeutic compounds.. |