Activity pattern of arctic reindeer in a predator-free environment: no need to keep a daily rhythm. |
Age-dependent relationship between horn growth and survival in wild sheep |
Age-specific effect of heterozygosity on survival in alpine marmots, Marmota marmota. |
Age-specific feeding cessation in male red deer during rut |
Are extra-pair young better than within-pair young? A comparison of survival and dominance in alpine marmot |
Biased estimation of trends in cohort effects: the problems with Age-Period-Cohort models in ecology |
Can we use the young : female ratio to infer ungulate population dynamics? An empirical test using red deer Cervus elaphus as a model |
Cat dilemma: too protected to escape trophy hunting? |
La chasse aux trophées : menace ou alliée pour les espèces rares |
Climate predictability and breeding phenology in red deer: timing and synchrony of rutting and calving in Norway and France |
Context‐dependent fitness costs of reproduction despite stable body mass costs in an Arctic herbivore |
Decreasing litter size of marmots over time: a life history response to climate change? |
Disentangling direct and growth-mediated influences on early survival: a mechanistic approach |
Distance sampling of duikers in the rainforest: Dealing with transect avoidance |
Do age-specific survival patterns of wild boar fit current evolutionary theories of senescence? |
Dynamics of an introduced population of mouflonOvis arieson the sub-Antarctic archipelago of Kerguelen |
Early-late life trade-offs and the evolution of ageing in the wild. |
Early-life events and their consequences for adult performance in populations of large herbivores : evolutionary, ecological and demographic perspectives |
Effects of spatial scale and sample size in GPS-based species distribution models: are the best models trivial for red deer management? |
Evidence for a trade-off between early growth and tooth wear in Svalbard reindeer. |
Evidence of reduced individual heterogeneity in adult survival of long-lived species |
The evolution of reproductive seasonality in large tropical terrestrial monkeys |
Factors Affecting BeechFagus sylvaticaBark Stripping by Red DeerCervus elaphusin a Mixed Forest |
Fitness consequences of environmental conditions at different life stages in a long-lived vertebrate. |
Fitness costs of reproduction depend on life speed: empirical evidence from mammalian populations |
Functional analysis of normalized difference vegetation index curves reveals overwinter mule deer survival is driven by both spring and autumn phenology |
Generation Time: A Reliable Metric to Measure Life‐History Variation among Mammalian Populations |
The genetic similarity between pair members influences the frequency of extrapair paternity in alpine marmots |
Habitat selection by a large herbivore at multiple spatial and temporal scales is primarily governed by food resources |
High juvenile mortality is associated with sex-specific adult survival and lifespan in wild roe deer |
How does climate change influence demographic processes of widespread species? Lessons from the comparative analysis of contrasted populations of roe deer |
How to describe and measure phenology? An investigation on the diversity of metrics using phenology of births in large herbivores |
Hunting Bambi—evaluating the basis for selective harvesting of juveniles |
Immune phenotype and body condition in roe deer: individuals with high body condition have different, not stronger immunity |
Importance of a pilot study for non-invasive genetic sampling: genotyping errors and population size estimation in red deer |
Increased effect of harsh climate in red deer with a poor set of teeth. |
Individual heterogeneity, temporal variation and spatial structure as source of demographic variation in moutain large herbivores. |
Influence of ecological traits on movement of ungulates across environmental gradients : an intra- and interspecific evaluation |
The influence of lifestyle on demographic responses to climate change : the Alpine marmot as a case study |
The influence of weather conditions during gestation on life histories in a wild Arctic ungulate. |
Life histories and conservation of long-lived reptiles, an illustration with the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). |
Lifetime reproductive success and composition of the home range in a large herbivore. |
Living on the edge: Was demographic weakness the cause of Neanderthal demise? |
A local evaluation of the individual state-space to scale up Bayesian spatial capture-recapture |
Long-lived and heavier females give birth earlier in roe deer |
Mesure et causes écologiques de la phénologie des naissances chez les grands mammifères herbivores. |
Mismatch between birth date and vegetation phenology slows the demography of roe deer |
Modeling reproductive trajectories of roe deer females: fixed or dynamic heterogeneity? |
Multiple causes of sexual segregation in European red deer: enlightenments from varying breeding phenology at high and low latitude |
On the use of the IUCN status for the management of trophy hunting |
A one night stand? Reproductive excursions of female roe deer as a breeding dispersal tactic. |
Parturition date for a given female is highly repeatable within five roe deer populations |
Phenology of births in ungulates : insights on its measure and its ecological determinants |
Population density and plant availability interplay to shape browsing intensity by roe deer in a deciduous forest |
Population density and sex do not influence fine-scale natal dispersal in roe deer. |
Quantifying the influence of measured and unmeasured individual differences on demography |
Regulated hunting re-shapes the life history of brown bears |
Réponse des cervidés à la chasse : stratégies d'utilisation de l'espace à multiples échelles et conséquences sur la végétation |
Response: rarity, trophy hunting and ungulates |
Revisiting the allometry of antlers among deer species: male-male sexual competition as a driver |
Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research |
Roaring counts are not suitable for the monitoring of red deerCervus elaphuspopulation abundance |
Rôle des contraintes évolutives dépendantes du sexe en biologie des populations : l'exemple du Cerf élaphe (Cervus elaphus L.) |
Same habitat types but different use: evidence of context-dependent habitat selection in roe deer across populations. |
Saving time and money by using diurnal vehicle counts to monitor roe deer abundance |
Seasonality, weather and climate affect home range size in roe deer across a wide latitudinal gradient within Europe. |
Sex-specific determinants of fitness in a social mammal |
Sex-specific senescence in body mass of a monogamous and monomorphic mammal: the case of Alpine marmots. |
Sexual segregation in Eurasian wild sheep |
Silver spoon effects are constrained under extreme adult environmental conditions |
Socially mediated effects of climate change decrease survival of hibernating Alpine marmots |
Solutions for Archiving Data in Long-Term Studies: A Reply to Whitlock et al. |
Spatial memory shapes density dependence in population dynamics. |
Temporal and spatial development of red deer harvesting in Europe: biological and cultural factors |
Temporal correlations among demographic parameters are ubiquitous but highly variable across species |
Testing sexual segregation and aggregation: old ways are best |
The timing of male reproductive effort relative to female ovulation in a capital breeder. |
Trophy hunting : threat or ally to rare species. |
The two oxpecker species reveal the role of movement rates and foraging intensity in species coexistence |
Variation in adult body mass of roe deer: early environmental conditions influence early and late body growth of females. |
Variation in harem size of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.): the effects of adult sex ratio and age-structure |
Vertebrate Ageing: An Evolutionary Process with a Genetic Basis? |