Haitao Chu researcher
Chu, Haitao
VIAF ID: 209288739 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/209288739
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Chu, Haitao
- 100 0 _ ‡a Haitao Chu ‡c researcher
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Estimating efficacy of trivalent, cold-adapted, influenza virus vaccine (CAIV-T) against influenza A (H1N1) and B using surveillance cultures | |
Estimating heterogeneous transmission with multiple infectives using MCMC methods | |
Estimating the odds ratio when exposure has a limit of detection | |
Estimating Vaccine Efficacy From Secondary Attack Rates | |
Estimation and inference for case-control studies with multiple non-gold standard exposure assessments: with an occupational health application | |
Estimation of risk ratios in cohort studies with common outcomes: a Bayesian approach | |
Evaluation of incomplete multiple diagnostic tests, with an application in the colon cancer family registry study | |
Flexible stopping boundaries when changing primary endpoints after unblinded interim analyses | |
Graduated driver licensing and motor vehicle crashes involving teenage drivers: an exploratory age-stratified meta-analysis | |
Heme Binding Biguanides Target Cytochrome P450-Dependent Cancer Cell Mitochondria | |
Hierarchical regression for analyses of multiple outcomes | |
A hybrid model for combining case-control and cohort studies in systematic reviews of diagnostic tests | |
Identification of the asymptomatic ratio | |
Illustrating bias due to conditioning on a collider | |
The Impact of Excluding Trials from Network Meta-Analyses - An Empirical Study | |
Implications of conducting trend analyses of emergency department visits using publicly released masked design variables | |
Interhemispheric Inhibition Measurement Reliability in Stroke: A Pilot Study | |
An intervention to decrease catheter-related bloodstream infections in the ICU. | |
Investigation of Efavirenz Discontinuation in Multi-ethnic Populations of HIV-positive Individuals by Genetic Analysis | |
Is OR "portable" in meta-analysis? Time to consider bivariate generalized linear mixed model | |
IsoDOT Detects Differential RNA-isoform Expression/Usage with respect to a Categorical or Continuous Covariate with High Sensitivity and Specificity | |
Lagging exposure information in cumulative exposure-response analyses | |
Linear regression with an independent variable subject to a detection limit | |
Longitudinal changes in serum lipids among HIV-infected men on highly active antiretroviral therapy | |
Longitudinal increases in waist circumference are associated with HIV-serostatus, independent of antiretroviral therapy | |
The magnitude of small-study effects in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: an empirical study of nearly 30 000 meta-analyses | |
Marginal and Conditional Approaches to Multivariate Variables Subject to Limit of Detection | |
Maximum likelihood estimation in generalized linear models with multiple covariates subject to detection limits | |
Maximum likelihood, profile likelihood, and penalized likelihood: a primer | |
Meeting the demand for more sophisticated study designs. A proposal for a new type of clinical trial: the hybrid design | |
Meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies accounting for disease prevalence: alternative parameterizations and model selection | |
Meta-analysis of Proportions of Rare Events-A Comparison of Exact Likelihood Methods with Robust Variance Estimation | |
Meta-analysis of randomized trials on the association of prophylactic acyclovir and HIV-1 viral load in individuals coinfected with herpes simplex virus-2. | |
Missing data in clinical studies: issues and methods | |
Multiple-imputation for measurement-error correction | |
Neighborhood poverty and injection cessation in a sample of injection drug users | |
Network meta-analysis of margin threshold for women with ductal carcinoma in situ | |
Network meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials: reporting the proper summaries | |
NF-kB and Bcl-3 activation are prognostic in metastatic colorectal cancer | |
Nitrogen dioxide and allergic sensitization in the 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey | |
Nonparametric estimator of relative time with application to the Acyclovir Prevention Trial | |
Normative noninvasive bladder function measurements in healthy women: A systematic review and meta-analysis | |
A note on partial covariate-adjustment and design considerations in noninferiority trials when patient-level data are not available | |
On estimation of bivariate biomarkers with known detection limits | |
On estimation of vaccine efficacy using validation samples with selection bias | |
On the estimation of disease prevalence by latent class models for screening studies using two screening tests with categorical disease status verified in test positives only | |
The PA-TM-RING protein RING finger protein 13 is an endosomal integral membrane E3 ubiquitin ligase whose RING finger domain is released to the cytoplasm by proteolysis | |
Parametric survival analysis and taxonomy of hazard functions for the generalized gamma distribution | |
The Patient Burden of Bladder Outlet Obstruction after Prostate Cancer Treatment | |
The per-protocol effect of immediate versus deferred antiretroviral therapy initiation | |
Performance of rapid influenza H1N1 diagnostic tests: a meta-analysis | |
Performing Arm-Based Network Meta-Analysis in R with the pcnetmeta Package | |
Physical activity and maternal-fetal circulation measured by Doppler ultrasound | |
Prevalence of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis Using High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Angiography in the General Population: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. | |
A prognostic signature of defective p53-dependent G1 checkpoint function in melanoma cell lines | |
Propensity-Weighted Comparison of Long-Term Risk of Urinary Adverse Events in Elderly Women Treated For Cervical Cancer | |
Pulmonary outcomes of off-pump vs on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery in a randomized trial | |
Quantitating the multiplicity of infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype C reveals a non-poisson distribution of transmitted variants | |
Random Effects Models in a Meta-Analysis of the Accuracy of Two Diagnostic Tests Without a Gold Standard | |
Random effects regression models for trends in standardised mortality ratios | |
Re: "Confidence intervals for biomarker-based human immunodeficiency virus incidence estimates and differences using prevalent data". | |
Reclassification of risk of death with the knowledge of D-dimer in a cohort of treated HIV-infected individuals | |
Rejoinder to "CACE and meta-analysis (letter to the editor)" by Stuart Baker | |
Rejoinder to the discussion of "a Bayesian missing data framework for generalized multiple outcome mixed treatment comparisons," by S. Dias and A. E. Ades | |
Relative excess risk due to interaction: resampling-based confidence intervals | |
Sample Size and Power Calculations for Left-Truncated Normal Distribution | |
Sample size and power determination in joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data | |
Sample size and statistical power assessing the effect of interventions in the context of mixture distributions with detection limits | |
Sample size calculation using exact methods in diagnostic test studies | |
Sample size determination in shared frailty models for multivariate time-to-event data | |
Sensitivity analysis of misclassification: a graphical and a Bayesian approach | |
Sensitivity to Excluding Treatments in Network Meta-analysis | |
A statistical framework for Illumina DNA methylation arrays | |
Statistical methods for multivariate meta-analysis of diagnostic tests: An overview and tutorial | |
Statistical strategies to improve the efficiency of molecular studies of colorectal cancer prognosis | |
Survival attributable to an exposure | |
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of various laser wavelengths in the treatment of peri-implantitis. | |
Time Course and Accumulated Risk of Severe Urinary Adverse Events After High- Versus Low-Dose-Rate Prostate Brachytherapy With or Without External Beam Radiation Therapy | |
Urban and rural variation in walking patterns and pedestrian crashes |