Fischer, Gilles, 19..-...., généticien
Fischer, Gilles
Gilles Fischer chercheur
VIAF ID: 209219113 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a FISCHER, GILLES.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Fischer, Gilles
- 100 1 _ ‡a Fischer, Gilles
- 100 1 _ ‡a Fischer, Gilles, ‡d 19..-...., ‡c généticien
- 100 0 _ ‡a Gilles Fischer ‡c chercheur
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (4)
Title | Sources |
Annotation of paramecium genomes. | |
Approches phylogénomiques pour l'étude de la diversité et l'origine de l'enveloppe cellulaire chez les bactéries. | |
Aspects of the regulation of DNA repair by replication induced by a single molecule end. | |
Bases génétiques et évolutives de la variabilité interpopulationnelle de la réponse immunitaire au SARS-CoV-2 | |
The Budding Yeast Life Cycle: more complex than anticipated? | |
bz-rates: A Web Tool to Estimate Mutation Rates from Fluctuation Analysis | |
Caractérisation de la diversité du répertoire TCR par modélisation de données de séquençage haut-débit | |
Cartographie et analyse de variations épigénomiques naturelles chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae | |
Combinatorics of chromosomal rearrangements based on synteny blocks and synteny packs | |
Comparative genomics of protoploid Saccharomycetaceae | |
Comparative study on synteny between yeasts and vertebrates | |
Contrasting evolutionary genome dynamics between domesticated and wild yeasts | |
Deciphering TCR repertoire diversity by RepSeq data modelinig. | |
Determination of DNA replication program changes between cancer and normal cells by sequencing of Okazaki fragments | |
Dissecting human population variation in single-cell responses to SARS-CoV-2. | |
Dissection of quantitative traits by bulk segregant mapping in a protoploid yeast species | |
Étude de la recombinaison méiotique chez la levure Lachancea kluyveri | |
Étude des modifications du programme de réplication de l'ADN par séquençage des fragment d'Okazaki. | |
Evolution des répertoires de gènes et nouveaux gènes chez les levures. | |
Evolution nicht-rekombinierend Regionen von Geschlechtschromosomen und die Dynamik transponierbarer Elemente bei Pilzen. | |
Evolution of gene order in the genomes of two related yeast species | |
Evolution of gene repertoires and new genes in yeasts | |
The evolution of non-recombining regions of mating-type chromosomes and transposable element dynamics in fungi | |
Exploration des dynamiques de chromosomes par assemblage Hi-C. | |
Filling annotation gaps in yeast genomes using genome-wide contact maps | |
Formation and maintenance of the parental imprint in the yeast S. pombe. | |
Formation et devenir de l'empreinte parentale chez la levure S. pombe | |
Forty years of yeast genome exploration by Bernard Dujon | |
Highly variable rates of genome rearrangements between hemiascomycetous yeast lineages | |
Impacts évolutifs de la réplication sur la structure des génomes de levures | |
Intraclonal polymorphism in the bacterium Streptomyces ambofaciens ATCC23877: evidence for a high degree of heterogeneity of the wild type clones | |
Investigating chromosome dynamics through Hi-C assembly | |
L'impact des pertes d’hétérozygotie sur la génération de variations génétiques chez la levure pathogène de l’homme Candida albicans. | |
Loss of heterozygosity : its impact on generating and shaping genetic variations in human fungal pathogen candida albicans | |
Molecular mechanisms of aneuploidy-mediated stress-resistance | |
A molecular portrait of de novo genes in yeasts | |
MUM&Co: Accurate detection of all SV types through whole genome alignment | |
The mutational profile of the yeast genome is shaped by replication | |
Origines génétiques de la variation de tolérance au stress au sein de populations naturelles de levures | |
Paleogenomic study of the domestication process of cats. | |
Phenotypic impact of inversions in yeast genome | |
Phylogenomic approaches to uncover the diversity and evolution of the bacterial cell envelope | |
Population genomics reveals chromosome-scale heterogeneous evolution in a protoploid yeast | |
A prominent role for segmental duplications in modeling eukaryotic genomes | |
Quantitative study of structural variations of chromosomes in saccharomyces cerevisiae. | |
Reconstruction of ancestral vertebrate genomes. | |
Reshuffling yeast chromosomes with CRISPR/Cas9 | |
Le rôle du métissage dans l'adaptation des populations humaines à des environnements changeants. | |
The role of admixture in the adaptation of human populations to changing environments | |
Segmental duplications arise from Pol32-dependent repair of broken forks through two alternative replication-based mechanisms | |
A set of genetically diverged Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with markerless deletions of multiple auxotrophic genes | |
The spatiotemporal program of replication in the genome of Lachancea kluyveri | |
Stability of large segmental duplications in the yeast genome | |
Study of the replication dynamics of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome using nanopore sequencing. | |
SynChro: a fast and easy tool to reconstruct and visualize synteny blocks along eukaryotic chromosomes | |
Total synthesis of a functional designer eukaryotic chromosome. | |
Towards genome-wide, single-molecule analysis of eukaryotic DNA replication | |
Ulysses: accurate detection of low-frequency structural variations in large insert-size sequencing libraries | |
Unusual composition of a yeast chromosome arm is associated with its delayed replication | |
Variability in the terminal regions of the linear chromosomal DNA of streptomyces ambofaciens : evolutionary implications of genetic instability. | |
Vers l'analyse en molécule unique de la réplication de l'ADN eucaryote à l'échelle du génome entier. |