Sèze, René de 1956-...
René de Seze researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7978-798X
VIAF ID: 208961626 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/208961626
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Title | Sources |
Behavioral and biochemical effects of mobile phone radiofrequency fields on aged rats. | |
Characterization of the effect of environmental radiofrequency fields on thermoreceptors and on the global cell stress response. | |
Curative effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on rat sarcomas | |
Design of an Integrated Platform for Mapping Residential Exposure to Rf-Emf Sources | |
Disturbed sleep in individuals with Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF): Melatonin assessment as a biological marker. | |
Does exposure to a radiofrequency electromagnetic field modify thermal preference in juvenile rats? | |
Effect of an acute 900MHz GSM exposure on glia in the rat brain: a time-dependent study. | |
Effect of electromagnetic fields on behavior : oxidative stress and regional brain variation of cytochrome oxidase activity in rats. | |
Effect on humans of microwaves emitted by GSM and DCS type mobile telephones : chronobiological rhythms of melatonin and hypophyseal hormones | |
Effects of 3G cell phone exposure on the structure and function of the human cytochrome P450 reductase. | |
Effects of 900 MHz radiofrequency on corticosterone, emotional memory and neuroinflammation in middle-aged rats. | |
Effects of GSM signals on auditory evoked responses. | |
Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the human nervous system. | |
Effets biologiques in vivo et in vitro de champs magnétiques pulsés et de micro-ondes pulsées de faible puissance | |
Effets comportementaux et biochimiques des ondes radiofréquence du téléphone portable sur le rat âgé | |
Effets des champs électromagnétiques sur le comportement : le stress oxydant et le métabolisme oxydatif cérébral chez le rat | |
Effets des téléphones portables sur la physiologie humaine : vascularisation cérébrale, microcirculation cutanée, échauffement cutané et électroencéphalogramme | |
Effets d'une exposition répétée aux ondes radiofréquences sur la régulation thermique chez les rongeurs | |
GFAP expression in the rat brain following sub-chronic exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field signal. | |
In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity of radiofrequency fields | |
In vivo and in vitro biological effects of pulsed magnetic fields and low-power pulsed microwaves. | |
Increasing levels of saliva alpha amylase in electrohypersensitive (EHS) patients. | |
Intolérance environnementale idiopathique avec attribution aux champs électromagnétiques (IEI-CEM) : étude des systèmes nerveux sympathique, endocrinien et immunitaire | |
Is the effect of mobile phone radiofrequency waves on human skin perfusion non-thermal? | |
Maternal cumulative exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and pregnancy outcomes in the Elfe cohort. | |
Modest environmental enrichment: effect on a radial maze validation and well being of rats. | |
A Multi-Band Body-Worn Distributed Radio-Frequency Exposure Meter: Design, On-Body Calibration and Study of Body Morphology. | |
No effect on cognitive function from daily mobile phone use. | |
Pratique de l'IRM en 1985 : bilan de trois mois d'observation dans un service ayant un an d'expérience | |
Radiofrequency signal affects alpha band in resting electroencephalogram | |
Repeated exposure to nanosecond high power pulsed microwaves increases cancer incidence in rat | |