Leprince, Olivier
Olivier Leprince
VIAF ID: 208269595 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/208269595
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Leprince, Olivier
- 100 0 _ ‡a Olivier Leprince
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
Title | Sources |
Advances in seed science and technology for more sustainable crop production | |
Analyse post-génomique de la tolérance à la dessiccation | |
Approche raisonnée de la gestion des adventices en culture de luzerne porte-graine dans la région Centre-Ouest | |
Calorimetric Properties of Dehydrating Pollen (Analysis of a Desiccation-Tolerant and an Intolerant Species) | |
A Calorimetric Study of the Glass Transition Behaviors in Axes of Bean Seeds with Relevance to Storage Stability | |
Caractérisations biologique, physiologique et moléculaire de la déshydratation des embryons somatiques et zygotiques de mélèze. Analyse des conséquences en termes de la qualité des graines. | |
Contribution à la compréhension de l'effet de maturation des graines sur leur qualité physiologique chez les légumineuses | |
Contrôle épigénétique de la réponse aux métabolites de défense chez un champignon phytopathogène | |
Dehydration-Induced Redistribution of Amphiphilic Molecules between Cytoplasm and Lipids Is Associated with Desiccation Tolerance in Seeds | |
Détermination des facteurs limitants du rendement grainier de la luzerne porte-graine par analyse d'un réseau d'essais | |
Détermination du/des mode(s) d’action et de l’origine de deux composés organiques volatils émis lors de l’intéraction entre l’orge et deux champignons pathogènes | |
Determination of limiting factors of seed yield of alfalfa by analysis of trials network. | |
Déterminisme génétique de la plasticité de la composition protéique des graines de légumineuses vis-à-vis de l'environnement : rôle du métabolisme du soufre | |
An emerging picture of the seed desiccome: confirmed regulators and newcomers identified using transcriptome comparison | |
Epigenetic control of the response to defense metabolites in a plant pathogenic fungus. | |
Étude de la réponse au froid de la germination du soja : mise au point de méthodes de priming | |
Etude des mécanismes impliqués dans la mise en place et l'expression de la dormance des semences de tournesol | |
Étude fonctionnelle de trois facteurs de transcription intervenant dans la regulation de la qualité germinative des graines chez les légumineuses : ABI4, ABI5 et HSFA9 | |
Étude physiologique et moléculaire de l'acquisition de la longévitédes graines de soja (Glycine max L. Merill) pendant leur développement | |
Etude préliminaire à l’aménagement d’un site combinant production et commercialisation de semence | |
Functional analysis of genes involved in ABA signaling and stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. | |
Functional characterization of candidate effectors under purifying selectionin Venturia inaequalis. | |
Functional characterization of MtPM25, a LEA ( Late Embryogensis Abundant ), and implication in the germinative quality of Medicago truncatula seeds. | |
Functional study of three transcription factors involved in the regulation of germinal quality of seeds in legumes. | |
Genetic determinism of the plasticity of legume seed protein in different environments : role of sulfur metabolism. | |
Genome-wide association studies with proteomics data reveal genes important for synthesis, transport and packaging of globulins in legume seeds. | |
Identification et caractérisation fonctionnelle de protéines stables à la chaleur en relation avec la tolérance à la dessiccation dans les graines de Medicago truncatula au cours de la germination | |
Identification of a molecular dialogue between developing seeds of Medicago truncatula and seedborne xanthomonads. | |
Identification of post-pollination indicators and comparison of lines in attractiveness for bees (Apis mellifera L.) in hybrid carrot (Daucus carota L.) seed production | |
Impacts du stress thermique sur l'acquisition des caractères de qualité des semences chez Medicago truncatula. | |
Inference of Longevity-Related Genes from a Robust Coexpression Network of Seed Maturation Identifies Regulators Linking Seed Storability to Biotic Defense-Related Pathways | |
Influence of nitrogen nutrition on the susceptibility of Arabidopsis thaliana to Alternaria brassicicola at seedling and rosette stages. | |
Intracellular glasses and seed survival in the dry state. | |
Introduction to desiccation biology: from old borders to new frontiers | |
Investigating the germination’s response of soybean at cold condition : development of priming methods. | |
The Involvement of Respiration in Free Radical Processes during Loss of Desiccation Tolerance in Germinating Zea mays L. (An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study) | |
LEA polypeptide profiling of recalcitrant and orthodox legume seeds reveals ABI3-regulated LEA protein abundance linked to desiccation tolerance | |
Metabolic dysfunction and unabated respiration precede the loss of membrane integrity during dehydration of germinating radicles. | |
Molecular and genetic control of seed vigour in tomato : role of seed development and influence of temperature. | |
Molecular mobility in the cytoplasm: an approach to describe and predict lifespan of dry germplasm | |
MtPM25 is an atypical hydrophobic late embryogenesis-abundant protein that dissociates cold and desiccation-aggregated proteins | |
The MtSNF4b subunit of the sucrose non-fermenting-related kinase complex connects after-ripening and constitutive defense responses in seeds of Medicago truncatula. | |
NMR metabolite profiling analysis reveals changes in phospholipid metabolism associated with the re-establishment of desiccation tolerance upon osmotic stress in germinated radicles of cucumber. | |
Optimisation de la fertilisation soufrée pour améliorer le rendement et la qualité grainière du colza : impacts des interactions Soufre/Azote et du changement climatique, identifications d'idéotypes. | |
Optimisation of maize (Zea mays L.) genitors yield prediction. | |
Optimization of Sulfur fertilization for improving seed yield and quality in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) : impacts of Sulfur/Nitrogen interactions and climate change, identification of ideotypes. | |
Physiological and molecular studies during the acquisition of longevity in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) seeds. | |
Preliminary study in order to create a sale point with a seeds production activity. | |
Quantitative trait loci analysis reveals a correlation between the ratio of sucrose/raffinose family oligosaccharides and seed vigour in Medicago truncatula. | |
Régulation des qualités physiologique et sanitaire de la graine de Medicago truncatula : rôles de MtABI5 et transmission des Xanthomonas aux semences | |
Relationship between abscisic acid and translation regulation in the control of seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. | |
The responses of cytochrome redox state and energy metabolism to dehydration support a role for cytoplasmic viscosity in desiccation tolerance | |
The role of ABI5 in Medicago truncatula seed longevity and vigor. | |
Set up of hydrothermal conditions to phenotype automatically the germination of tw Brassica species. | |
Solubilization and structural characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana seed oleosins. | |
Special issue on desiccation biology | |
Study of mechanisms involved in the establishment and expression of sunflower seed dormancy. | |
Study of the modes of action and origin of two volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted during the interaction between barley and two pathogenic fungi. | |
Temporal profiling of the heat-stable proteome during late maturation of Medicago truncatula seeds identifies a restricted subset of late embryogenesis abundant proteins associated with longevity | |
Towards understanding the influence of seed maturation on physiological seed quality in legumes. | |
Transport du nitrate chez Arabidopsis thaliana et Brachypodium distachyon | |
Variable desiccation tolerance in Acer pseudoplatanus seeds in relation to developmental conditions: a case of phenotypic recalcitrance? | |
Water-Deficit Tolerance and Field Performance of Transgenic Alfalfa Overexpressing Superoxide Dismutase |