Altitude of atmospheric tracer transport towards Antarctica inpresent and glacial climate |
Caractérisation du manteau neigeux arctique, suivi climatique et télédétection micro-onde |
Changement climatique en Antarctique : études à l'aide d'un modèle atmosphérique de circulation générale à haute résolution régionale |
Characterization and modeling of the evolution of meteorological and snow conditions in the European Alps. |
Climate-Glacier relationship in the monsoon-arid transition zone : A Case study in Himachal Pradesh, India. |
Coupled evolution of snow, permafrost and vegetation in the arctic and subarctic. |
Development of a global wetland map and application to describe hillslope hydrology in the ORCHIDEE land surface model |
Développement d'une carte mondiale des zones humides et d'une application pour décrire l'hydrologie des pentes de collines dans le modèle de surface terrestre ORCHIDEE. |
Erratum: Corrigendum: Permafrost carbon as a missing link to explain CO2 changes during the last deglaciation |
ESM-SnowMIP: assessing snow models and quantifying snow-related climate feedbacks |
Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003. |
Evaluation of air–soil temperature relationships simulated by land surface models during winter across the permafrost region |
Evaluation of an improved intermediate complexity snow scheme in the ORCHIDEE land surface model |
Evolution couplée de la neige, du pergélisol et de la végétation arctique et subarctique |
Evolution du cycle du carbone des tourbières pyrénéennes dans un contexte de changement climatique global : Observation et Modélisation |
First Quantification of the Permafrost Heat Sink in the Earth's Climate System |
Foreword to the special issue: Arctic Palaeoclimate and Its Extremes |
GCM analysis of local influences on ice coreδsignals |
La glaciation de la fin du Saalien (160-140 ka) : modélisation du climat |
Global, regional and local scale factors determining glaciation extent in Eastern Siberia over the last 140,000 years |
Historical Northern Hemisphere snow cover trends and projected changes in the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble |
Ice core evidence for secular variability and 200-year dipolar oscillations in atmospheric circulation over East Antarctica during the Holocene |
Ice-free glacial northern Asia due to dust deposition on snow |
Impact of CO 2 and climate on the Last Glacial Maximum vegetation: results from the ORCHIDEE/IPSL models |
Impact of precipitation seasonality changes on isotopic signals in polar ice cores: a multi-model analysis |
Impact of solar forcing on the surface mass balance of northern ice sheets for glacial conditions |
The importance of modelled processes in the evolution of snow cover versus snow mass |
Influence of regional parameters on the surface mass balance of the Eurasian ice sheet during the peak Saalian (140 kya) |
Katabatic winds diminish precipitation contribution to the Antarctic ice mass balance. |
The large mean body size of mammalian herbivores explains the productivity paradox during the Last Glacial Maximum |
LS3MIP (v1.0) contribution to CMIP6: the Land Surface, Snow and Soil moisture Model Intercomparison Project – aims, setup and expected outcome |
Un modèle numérique original pour la simulation du manteau neigeux |
Modeling climate trends and variability in High Mountain Asia to understand cryosphere changes. |
Modélisation de la variabilité et des tendances climatiques dans les Hautes Montagnes d'Asie pour une meilleure compréhension de leurs impacts sur la cryosphère |
Modélisation de la végétation boréale et de sa dynamique dans le modèle de surface continentale ORCHIDEE |
Modélisation du cycle du carbone terrestre au cours du dernier maximum glaciaire. |
Modelling northern peatlands area and carbon dynamics since the Holocene with the ORCHIDEE-PEAT land surface model (SVN r5488) |
Modelling snow accumulation on Greenland in Eemian, glacial inception, and modern climates in a GCM |
Monitoring of the surface ground temperature in Arctic permafrost areasMonitoring of the surface ground temperature in Arctic permafrost areas using remote sensing satellite data assimilated in the canadian climatic surface scheme model (CLASS). |
Multi-scale assessment of rainfall simulated by Regional Climate Models in Southeast France. |
A New Process‐Based Soil Methane Scheme: Evaluation Over Arctic Field Sites With the ISBA Land Surface Model |
Observations et modélisation in-situ du carbone des sols boréaux et des émissions de méthane associées |
ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO<sub>2</sub>, water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales |
An original numerical model of snow cover. |
Publisher’s Erratum: Past and future polar amplification of climate change: climate model intercomparisons and ice-core constraints |
Rapid degradation of permafrost underneath waterbodies in tundra landscapes-Toward a representation of thermokarst in land surface models |
Regional and tele-connected impacts of the Tibetan Plateau surface darkening |
Regional atmospheric modelling of the stable water istope cycle |
Reply to L. Kutzbach |
Représentation des tourbières des hautes latitudes nord dans un modèle de surface : développement d'un schéma hydrologique et estimations des émissions de méthane |
Le rôle de la couverture de neige de l'Arctique dans le cycle hydrologique de hautes latitudes révélé par les simulations des modèles climatiques |
Role of soil freezing in future boreal climate change |
Sensitivity of the Late Saalian |
A simplified permafrost-carbon model for long-term climate studies with the CLIMBER-2 coupled earth system model |
Simulated Antarctic precipitation and surface mass balance at the end of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries |
Simulating the thermal regime and thaw processes of ice-rich permafrost ground with the land-surface model CryoGrid 3 |
Simulating the vegetation response in western Europe to abrupt climate changes under glacial background conditions |
Simulations du climat des calottes de glace |
Simulations of the climate of ice sheets. |
Site-level model intercomparison of high latitude and high altitude soil thermal dynamics in tundra and barren landscapes |
Studies of the Antarctic climate with a stretched-grid general circulation model |
Suivi de la température de surface du sol en zones de pergélisol Arctique par l'utilisation de données de télédétection satellite assimilées dans le schéma de surface du modèle climatique canadien (CLASS) |
The surface accumulation and ablation of a coastal blue-ice area near Cap Prudhomme, Terre Adélie, Antarctica |
Terrestrial ecosystem model performance in simulating productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in the northern permafrost region |
Toward the snowball earth deglaciation… |
Towards a more detailed representation of high-latitude vegetation in the global land surface model ORCHIDEE (ORC-HL-VEGv1.0) |
Tropospheric dynamics and climatic evolution of Titan and the early Earth. |
Variabilité des flux turbulents de surface au sein du bassin versant d'Ara au Bénin |
Variability in the sensitivity among model simulations of permafrost and carbon dynamics in the permafrost region between 1960 and 2009 |
Vulnerability of permafrost carbon to global warming. Part II: sensitivity of permafrost carbon stock to global warming |
Water stable isotopic composition on the East Antarctic Plateau : measurements at low temperature of the vapour composition, utilisation as an atmospheric tracer and implication for paleoclimate studies |
The weakening relationship between Eurasian spring snow cover and Indian summer monsoon rainfall. |