Adaptability of the digestive function according to age at weaning in the rabbit: II. Effect on nutrient digestion in the small intestine and in the whole digestive tract |
Alternative reproduction method for rabbit female : a model for a systemic approach of the functioning of rabbit breeding. |
Changes over time in the bacterial communities associated with fluid and food particles and the ruminal parameters in the bovine rumen before and after a dietary change. |
Coprophagous behavior of rabbit pups affects implantation of cecal microbiota and health status. |
Development and validation of indicators for a multi-criteria assessment of ducks status during the overfeeding period. |
Digestive capacity of the rabbit during the post-weaning period, according to the milk/solid feed intake pattern before weaning |
Direct and correlated responses to selection in two lines of rabbits selected for feed efficiency under ad libitum and restricted feeding: III. Digestion and excretion of nitrogen and minerals |
Dynamiques des émissions de méthane entérique et du métabolisme énergétique chez le Zébu gobra dans les systèmes pastoraux du Ferlo (Nord Sénégal) |
Effects of presentation and type of cereals (corn or sorghum) on performance of geese |
Effects of simultaneous gestation and lactation in rabbit does on muscular characteristics of the youngs |
Effects of substituting yellow corn for sorghum in geese diets on magret and foie gras quality. |
Engineering the rabbit digestive ecosystem to improve digestive health and efficacy |
Etude des relations entre le bien-être, la santé et la croissance chez le lapin élevé avec un accès à un parcours herbager |
Evolution of gut microbial community through reproductive life in female rabbits and investigation of the link with offspring survival |
Feed intake limitation strategies for the growing rabbit: effect on feeding behaviour, welfare, performance, digestive physiology and health: a review |
Forty research issues for the redesign of animal production systems in the 21st century |
La gestion intégrée de la santé animale étudiée via le prisme du travail : Cas des élevages laitiers du Grand Ouest français |
Hyperlipidic hypercholesterolemic diet in prepubertal rabbits affects gene expression in the embryo, restricts fetal growth and increases offspring susceptibility to obesity. |
Influence de l'alimentation sur les performances des oies et la durabilité du système de production du foie gras : effets de la substitution du maïs par du sorgho et de la forme de présentation de l'aliment |
Influence of dietary strategy on progression of health and behaviour in mule ducks reared for fatty liver production |
Influence of feeding sorghum on the growth, gizzard development and carcass traits of growing geese |
Influence of feeding strategy and diet for reproductive rabbit does on intake, performances, and health of young and females before and after weaning |
The influence of loose-mix feeding on behavior, feed intake, and body weight of growing geese |
Influence of progesterone supplementation on foetal survival in concurrently pregnant and lactating does |
Influence of prolactin on in vivo and in vitro lipolysis in rabbits. |
Influence of the incorporation mode of sugar beet pulp in the finishing diet on the digestive tract and performances of geese reared for foie gras production |
Influence of the nutritional deficit of foetal survival and growth and plasma metabolites in rabbit does. |
The influence of whole-corn feeding method during the finishing stage on the performance of overfed mule ducks |
Insights into suckling rabbit feeding behaviour: acceptability of different creep feed presentations and attractiveness for sensory feed additives |
Integrated animal health management studied via the prism of work : the case of dairy farms in the French Grand Ouest region. |
Management of the bulk tank milk overall intrinsic quality based on combinations of farming practices. |
Maturation of the intestinal digestion and of microbial activity in the young rabbit: impact of the dietary fibre:starch ratio |
Une méthode alternative de reproduction chez la lapine : un modèle pour une approche systémique du fonctionnement des élevages cunicoles |
Mise au point et validation d'indicateurs pour une évaluation multicritère de l'état des canards pendant la période de gavage |
Molecular characterization of prokaryotes and factors of variation of digestive ecosystems in two herbivorous mammals : a comparative approach using cow and rabbit. |
Natural induction of spontaneous liver steatosis in Greylag Landaise geese (Anser anser). |
Nutrition du lapereau en période de sevrage : interaction avec les besoins nutritionnels de la femelle |
Operating and assessment of diversified production systems in organic agriculture : references for the agro-ecological transition. |
Pilotage de la qualité intrinsèque globale du lait de tank à partir de combinaisons de pratiques d'élevage |
Prospects from agroecology and industrial ecology for animal production in the 21st century |
Rapid adaptation of the bacterial community in the growing rabbit caecum after a change in dietary fibre supply |
The reactivity of neonatal rabbits to the mammary pheromone as a probe for viability |
[Respiratory and intensive care aspects of muscular dystrophies] |
Review: Towards the agroecological management of ruminants, pigs and poultry through the development of sustainable breeding programmes: I-selection goals and criteria |
Spatial and temporal variations of the bacterial community in the bovine digestive tract |
StatFingerprints: a friendly graphical interface program for processing and analysis of microbial fingerprint profiles |
[I stopped smoking without suffering. Interview by France Métivier]. |
Stratégies d'alimentation autour du sevrage en élevage cunicole pour améliorer la santé et les performances de lapereaux et de leur mère |
Substitution on corn by sorghun in the diet of gease : technical interests and consequences on the sustainability of system. |
The treatment of the restless legs syndrome with clonazepam: a prospective controlled study |
Welfare, health and growth of rabbits raised with pasture access. |