The ammonium-induced increase in rat brain lactate concentration is rapid and reversible and is compatible with trafficking and signaling roles for ammonium. |
Analyse statistique d'IRM quantitatives par modèles de mélange : application à la localisation et la caractérisation de tumeurs cérébrales |
Assessment of multiparametric MRI in a human glioma model to monitor cytotoxic and anti‐angiogenic drug effects |
Brain lateralization probed by water diffusion at the atomic to micrometric scale |
Brain networks of rats under anesthesia using resting-state fMRI: comparison with dead rats, random noise and generative models of networks |
Brain tumor vessel response to synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy: a short-term in vivo study. |
Caractérisation de la microvascularisation cérébrale par IRM : développements méthodologiques et applications biologiques |
Cartographie de la microstructure du cerveau humain par IRM quantitative et IRM de diffusion. |
Cartographie in vivo des remaniements anatomo-fonctionnels de l'architecture des réseaux neuronaux dans le système nerveux central au cours du développement par Imagerie du Tenseur de Diffusion et Imagerie renforcée par le manganèse |
Cell-permeable Ln(III) chelate-functionalized InP quantum dots as multimodal imaging agents |
Cluster versus ROI analysis to assess combined antiangiogenic therapy and radiotherapy in the F98 rat-glioma model. |
Comparative overview of brain perfusion imaging techniques. |
Development of a novel open-source and modular MRI pulse sequence programming toolbox optimized for diffusion-weighted imaging |
Development of FENSI (Flow Enhanced Signal Intensity) perfusion sequence and application to the characterization of microvascular flow dynamics using MRI |
Development of MRI methods to characterize brain connectivity : application to mouse models. |
Development of Overhauser-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in vivo : application to molecular imaging of proteolysis. |
Developments in multimodal MRI/PET imaging measures of intratumoral oxygenation for improved conventional treatment of glioblastomas : preclinical and clinical studies. |
Développement et évaluation de méthodes d'IA pour l'harmonisation d'IRM multi-centrique : application aux études du cerveau pédiatrique |
Développements en marquage de spins artériels préclinique. |
Distribution and radiosensitizing effect of cholesterol-coupled Dbait molecule in rat model of glioblastoma |
Dynamic vascular markers from multimodal MRI : development and validation of a multimodal MRI protocol coupled to dataanalysis and modelling tools. |
Étude de la perfusion cérébrale par résonance magnétique nucléaire : développement de nouvelles méthodes de mesure et de nouveaux modèles d'analyse pour un traceur exogène et un traceur endogène |
Evaluation of Parametric Response Mapping to Assess Therapeutic Response to Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells after Experimental Stroke. |
Evaluation of voxel-based analysis in stroke using multiparametric MR imaging. |
Focal brain ischemia in rat: acute changes in brain tissue T1 reflect acute increase in brain tissue water content. |
From ex-vivo to in-vivo preclinical investigation of neurodegenerative diseases. |
Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles and Radiation Therapy for Multiple Brain Melanoma Metastases: Proof of Concept before Phase I Trial |
High-precision radiosurgical dose delivery by interlaced microbeam arrays of high-flux low-energy synchrotron X-rays |
Hypertonic sodium lactate versus hypertonic saline solution in an animal model of traumatic brain injury. |
Identification et caractérisation des faisceaux de substance blanche en IRM : développements précliniques |
Imagerie fonctionnelle par ultrason pour évaluer les fonction cérébrales en conditions physiologique et pathologique : application à l'AVC. |
Imagerie rapide par IRM pour le monitorage des thermothérapies |
Imaging cortical anatomy by high-resolution MR at 3.0T: detection of the stripe of Gennari in visual area 17. |
Imaging of brain oxygenation with magnetic resonance imaging: A validation with positron emission tomography in the healthy and tumoural brain. |
The impact of erythropoietin on short-term changes in phosphorylation of brain protein kinases in a rat model of traumatic brain injury |
Impact of manganese on primary hippocampal neurons from rodents |
In vivo MRI tracking of exogenous monocytes/macrophages targeting brain tumors in a rat model of glioma |
In vivo γ-aminobutyric acid increase as a biomarker of the epileptogenic zone: An unbiased metabolomics approach |
IVIM : modélisation, validation expérimentale et application à des modèles animaux. |
A la recherche de biomarqueurs vasculaires issus de l'IRM multimodale : mise en place d'un protocole expérimental et d'outils de modélisation associés |
Locomotion and eating behavior changes in Yucatan minipigs after unilateral radio-induced ablation of the caudate nucleus |
Magnetic resonance imaging techniques for pre-clinical lung imaging |
Manganese MRI (MEMRI) : coupling chemical imaging by synchrotron micoprobe to optimize the functional imaging of neuronal transport.. |
Mannitol Improves Brain Tissue Oxygenation in a Model of Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury. |
Mapping of brain tissue hematocrit in glioma and acute stroke using a dual autoradiography approach. |
Mesures in vivo de l'oxygénation sanguine et tissulaire par IRM : applications à l'étude de l'hypoxie tumorale chez le rat |
Méthodes statistiques pour l'imagerie vasculaire par résonance magnétique : application au cerveau épileptique |
Methodological MRI developments to measure cerebral perfusion. |
Microvascular MRI and unsupervised clustering yields histology-resembling images in two rat models of glioma. |
A model of blood-brain barrier permeability to water: accounting for blood inflow and longitudinal relaxation effects. |
Monochromatic minibeams radiotherapy: from healthy tissue-sparing effect studies toward first experimental glioma bearing rats therapy |
MR estimates of blood and tissue oxygenation : use for in vivo study of tumor hypoxia in the rat brain. |
MR Vascular Fingerprinting in Stroke and Brain Tumors Models |
An MRI-based classification scheme to predict passive access of 5 to 50-nm large nanoparticles to tumors |
Multimodal characterization of superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide for inflammation imaging : application to experimental cerebral ischemia |
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging including oxygenation mapping of experimental ischaemic stroke. |
Multiparametric MRI as an early biomarker of individual therapy effects during concomitant treatment of brain tumours. |
Neurogliovascular dysfunction in a model of repeated traumatic brain injury |
NMR of 19F emulsions : methodological developments and application to evaluation of oximetry and dynamic biodistribution in the liver and spleen and to detection of tumor angiogenesis in the rodent brain. |
Nouveaux outils de RMN pondérée en diffusion pour la caractérisation des différents compartiments tissulaires dans le cerveau de rongeur in vivo |
Perfusion imaging using dynamic arterial spin labeling (DASL). |
Permeability of Brain Tumor Vessels Induced by Uniform or Spatially Microfractionated Synchrotron Radiation Therapies. |
PO2 Matters in Stem Cell Culture |
Prédiction de l'issue lésionnelle et clinique de l'accident vasculaire cérébral par approche d'intelligence artificielle |
Prediction of lesional and clinical outcome of stroke using machine learning. |
Quantitative functional imaging and radiomic of orbital masses. |
Re-routing Metabolism by the Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier Inhibitor MSDC-0160 Attenuates Neurodegeneration in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease |
Reduced brain edema and functional deficits after treatment of diffuse traumatic brain injury by carbamylated erythropoietin derivative* |
Reduced CMRO₂ and cerebrovascular reserve in patients with severe intracranial arterial stenosis: a combined multiparametric qBOLD oxygenation and BOLD fMRI study |
SAR comparison between CASL and pCASL at high magnetic field and evaluation of the benefit of a dedicated labeling coil |
A simulation tool for dynamic contrast enhanced MRI. |
Spectroscopie RMN cérébrale pour l'étude du milieu intracellulaire in vivo : développements méthodologiques pour la diffusion à courtes échelles de temps et pour la mesure du pH en détection 31P |
Statistical analysis of quantitative MRI based on mixture models : Application to the localization and characterization of brain tumors. |
Synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy induces hypoxia in intracerebral gliosarcoma but not in the normal brain. |
T2-*weighted perfusion MRI |
Targeting brain metastases with ultrasmall theranostic nanoparticles, a first-in-human trial from an MRI perspective |
Techniques d’IRM pour l’imagerie préclinique du poumon. |
Ultrasmall rigid particles as multimodal probes for medical applications |
Ultrasmall theranostic gadolinium-based nanoparticles improve high-grade rat glioma survival |
Vascular permeability in the RG2 glioma model can be mediated by macropinocytosis and be independent of the opening of the tight junction |