Acteurs et mécanismes des bio-transformations de l'arsenic, de l'antimoine et du thallium pour la mise en place d'éco-technologies appliquées à la gestion d'anciens sites miniers |
Actors and mechanisms of microbial transformation of arsenic, antimony and thallium, towards a strategy of eco-technology applied to the management of mining sites. |
Antibiotic pollution in the Katari subcatchment of the Titicaca Lake: Major transformation products and occurrence of resistance genes. |
Combined Study of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Transport and Toxicity on Microbial Nitrifying Communities under Single and Repeated Exposures in Soil Columns. |
Combining microscopy with spectroscopic and chemical methods for tracing the origin of atmospheric fallouts from mining sites |
Copper dynamics and impact on microbial communities in soils of variable organic status |
Customization of an optical probe device and validation of a signal processing procedure to study gas–liquid–solid flows. Application to a three-phase internal-loop gas-lift Bioreactor |
Development and evaluation of an experimental protocol for 3-D visualization and characterization of the structure of bacterial biofilms in porous media using laboratory X-ray tomography |
Development of a device for the treatment and electrical analysis of bacterial suspensions : application to the study of the impact of weak alternating electric fields and the bioelectric effect on bacterial growth. |
Devenir des virus entériques de l'homme dans les eaux et les sols : vers une comparaison de scénarios de rejets et de recyclages |
Dissémination des bactéries indicatrices de contamination fécale dans les hydrosystèmes tropicaux : transport et devenir d'Escherichia coli dans le bassin versant du Mékong au Laos |
Distribution of AC Electric Field-Induced Transmembrane Voltage in Escherichia coli Cell Wall Layers |
Distribution, spéciation impact et transfert du cuivre dans un sol sous vigne : rôle de la structuration spatiale et du statut organique |
Dynamique, réactivité et écotoxicité des nanoparticules d'oxydes métalliques dans les sols : impact sur les fonctions et la diversité des communautés microbiennes |
Effect of long term organic amendments and vegetation of vineyard soils on the microscale distribution and biogeochemistry of copper |
Effect of pine bark and compost on the biological denitrification process of non-hazardous landfill leachate: focus on the microbiology. |
Environmental fate and ecotoxicological risk of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole across the Katari catchment (Bolivian Altiplano): Application of the GREAT-ER model |
Etude de l'effet des champs électriques alternatifs de faible amplitude et de l'effet bioélectrique sur la croissance des bactéries : développement d'un dispositif combiné de traitement et d'analyse électrique de suspensions bactériennes |
Etude du devenir et de l'impact des antibiotiques à l'échelle d'un bassin versant : application au bassin versant du Katari (Bolivie) |
Etude du transfert réactif de métaux lourds en mélange dans les sols de systèmes compensatoires d'infiltration pluviale de la ville de Recife au Brésil : expérimentation et modélisation |
Experimental and theoretical approach of surface reactivity and mobility of bacterial colloids in porous media : impact on the accelerated transfer of heavy metals and interest for the bio-depollution of contaminated soils.. |
Facteurs de structuration des communautés microbiennes de la couche limite atmosphérique |
Fate in soil of murine Norovirus : used as a surrogate for human norovirus present in wastewater reused in agricultural irrigation. |
Fingerprinting and diversity of bacterial copA genes in response to soil types, soil organic status and copper contamination. |
Impact of matric potential on plant residues biodegradation – Spatial andtemporal evolution of the detritusphere. |
Importance de l'hétérogénéité structurale de la zone non saturée pour la modélisation de l'écoulement à méso-échelle |
The importance of simulated lung fluid (SLF) extractions for a more relevant evaluation of the oxidative potential of particulate matter. |
A importancia da heterogeneidade estrutural da zona nao-saturada para a modelagem dos processes de transfereancia de agua na meso escala. |
Influence of antioxidants synthesized by plants on physico-chemical and microbiological evolution of Callovo-Oxfordian clay material. |
Influence of hydrodynamics on the growth kinetics of glass-adhering Pseudomonas putida cells through a parallel plate flow chamber. |
Influence of lithological heterogeneity for modelling flow in vadose zone at meso scale. |
Influence of soil physical and chemical properties and their seasonal variation on the occurrence and distribution of the occurrence and distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei in a rice field in central of Laos. |
Influence of soil properties on the toxicity of TiO₂ nanoparticles on carbon mineralization and bacterial abundance. |
Lien entre la diversité microbienne, la stabilité des communautés microbiennes et le turnover des matières organiques du sol |
Link between microbial diversity, stability of microbial communities and soil organic matter turnover. |
Microbial response to repeated applications of low concentrations of pentachlorophenol in an alfisol under pasture |
Modélisation de la dynamique des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) dans des sols soumis à un gradient de contamination allant d'un contexte agricole à un contexte industriel |
Negative Effects of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Microbial Activities in Contrasting Agricultural Soils and in Presence of Plants |
Particle pollution : development of non-invasive and acellular assays for health impact assessment.. |
Pollution atmosphérique particulaire : développement de méthodologies non-invasives et acellulaires pour l'évaluation de l'impact sanitaire |
Potentiel de dispersion de l'antibiotrophie le long du continuum lisier-sol-sédiment dans les agrosystèmes contaminés par la sulfaméthazine |
Processus de transfert vers l'atmosphère et de l'impact sanitaire des émissions biogéniques particulaires |
Reactivity of the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol (cultar) with two tropical soils of the northeast semiarid region of Brazil. |
Régulations biotiques et abiotiques de la décomposition des matières organiques des sols |
Risque d'eutrophisation dans la rivière Saigon : Impacts des rejets de la métropole d'Ho Chi Minh Ville (Vietnam). |
Role of macropore flow in the transport of Escherichia coli cells in undisturbed cores of a brown leached soil. |
Searching for life in extreme environments relevant to Jovian’s Europa: Lessons from subglacial ice studies at Lake Vostok (East Antarctica) |
Small-scale spatial variability of atrazine and dinoseb adsorption parameters in an alluvial soil. |
Speciation study in the sulfamethoxazole-copper-pH-soil system: implications for retention prediction |
Structuring factors of microbial communities in the atmospheric boundary layer. |
Study and modelling of metal biosorption and bioleaching by bacteria. Application to the transfer of cadmium and zinc, alone or mixed, by Escherichia coli and Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 in columns of Hostun sand.. |
Study of stormwater infiltration practices impact on the underground aquifers microbial communities : influence of hydrological conditions and of the vadose zone characteristics. |
Study of the reactive transfer of heavy metals in admixture in the soils of compensatory rain infiltration systems in the city of Recife in Brazil : experimentation and modeling. |
Study of the transfer, impact and transformation of the antibiotic sulfametoxazol in soils in tropical and temperate contexts. |
Tannin impacts on microbial diversity and the functioning of alpine soils: a multidisciplinary approach. |
Theoretical evidence of maximum intracellular currents versus frequency in an Escherichia coli cell submitted to AC voltage. |
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles strongly impact soil microbial function by affecting archaeal nitrifiers. |
Towards a metatranscriptomic comparison between two alpine soils. |
Towards the semi-passive biological treatment of arsenic rich acid mine drainage : physico-chemical and microbiological dynamics of field-scale bioreactors. |
Toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles on soil nitrification at environmentally relevant concentrations: Lack of classical dose-response relationships. |
Tracing the origin and fate of NOx in the Arctic atmosphere using stable isotopes in nitrate |
Transport de nanoparticules de TiO2 en milieux poreux saturés et non saturés : expériences et modélisation |
Transport of rimsulfuron and its metabolites in soil columns |
Transport of TiO2 nanoparticles in saturated and unsaturated porous media : experiments and modeling. |
The unexpected role of bioaerosols in the Oxidative Potential of PM. |
Variability of the Atmospheric PM<sub>10</sub> Microbiome in Three Climatic Regions of France |
Vers le traitement biologique semi-passif de Drainages Miniers Acides arséniés : dynamique physico-chimique et microbiologique dans des bioréacteurs mis en œuvre in-situ |
Vers une comparaison métatranscriptomique entre deux sols alpins sous couvert nival contrasté |
Zinc sorption to three gram-negative bacteria: combined titration, modeling, and EXAFS study |