Longcamp, Marieke, 1977-....
Marieke Longcamp neuroscientifique française
VIAF ID: 191695622 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/191695622
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Title | Sources |
Activation of writing-specific brain regions when reading Chinese as a second language. Effects of training modality and transfer to novel characters. | |
Behavioral and neurofunctional study of motor-perceptual interaction in the perception of lettres : does the way we write contribute to the way we read?. | |
"Biological geometry perception": visual discrimination of eccentricity is related to individual motor preferences | |
Brain correlates of phonological recoding of visual symbols. | |
Brain responses to handwritten and printed letters differentially depend on the activation state of the primary motor cortex. | |
Caractéristiques développementales du geste graphique et investigations exploratoires des troubles de l'écriture chez l'enfant | |
Cueing method biases in visual detection studies. | |
Developmental characteristics of the graphic gesture and exploratory investigations of handwriting disorders in children. | |
Effect of training status on beta-range corticomuscular coherence in agonist vs. antagonist muscles during isometric knee contractions. | |
Evaluation de l'écriture au clavier des enfants : élaboration d'un test en ligne permettant de caractériser les performances au clavier d'enfants entre 9 et 14 ans (CM1-3ème) | |
Functional specificity in the motor system: Evidence from coupled fMRI and kinematic recordings during letter and digit writing | |
The graphemic/motor frontal area Exner's area revisited. | |
How specialized are writing-specific brain regions? An fMRI study of writing, drawing and oral spelling. | |
Implication du cortex moteur primaire dans la régulation de la coactivation musculaire : étude de la modulation des oscillations corticales et des interactions cortico-musculaires | |
Influence du mode d'écriture (manuscrit ou clavier) sur l'apprentissage des lettres arabes chez l'élève débutant et corrélats cérébraux de l'écriture des lettres arabes et latines chez l'adulte bigraphe | |
Influence of writing mode (handwriting or typewriting) on the acquisition of Arabic letters in beginners and brain correlates of Arabic and Latin letter writing in adult biscripters. | |
The influence of writing practice on letter recognition in preschool children: a comparison between handwriting and typing | |
Involvement of primary motor cortex in the regulation of antagonist coactivation : study of the alteration of cortical oscillations and corticomuscular interactions. | |
Learning through hand- or typewriting influences visual recognition of new graphic shapes: behavioral and functional imaging evidence. | |
Measuring sequences of keystrokes with jsPsych: Reliability of response times and interkeystroke intervals. | |
Motor control of handwriting in the developing brain: A review | |
Neural bases of handwriting in adults and children : from spelling to gesture. | |
A new statistical test based on the wavelet cross-spectrum to detect time-frequency dependence between non-stationary signals: application to the analysis of cortico-muscular interactions. | |
Proactive inhibitory control of movement assessed by event-related fMRI. | |
Quel est le rôle fonctionnel du cortex moteur primaire dans la perception visuelle de traces graphiques ? : études comportementale et neurophysiologique | |
Response planning in word typing: evidence for inhibition. | |
The Scope of Planning Serial Actions during Typing | |
The Serial Order of Response Units in Word Production: The Case of Typing. | |
Testing the physiological plausibility of conflicting psychological models of response inhibition: A forward inference fMRI study | |
Two thumbs and one index: A comparison of manual coordination in touch-typing and mobile-typing. | |
What differs in visual recognition of handwritten vs. printed letters? An fMRI study | |
What is the functional role of the primary motor cortex in visual processing of graphic traces ? : behavioral and neurophysiological studies. |