241: A holistic programme of cardiac rehabilitation is able to improve anxiety and depression in diabetic's men with coronary heart disease |
265 Screening for obstructive sleep apnea in patients in phase II cardiac rahabilitation. A preliminary study |
Autonomic nervous regulation of cardiovascular functions : involvement during exercise, exercise training, overtraining and during water immersion. |
Biomechanical adaptation of preferred transition speed during an incremental test in a gradient slope |
Cardiovascular and oxygen uptake kinetics during sequential heavy cycling exercises. |
Changes in femoral artery blood flow during thermoneutral, cold, and contrast-water therapy |
Les chaussures minimalistes modifient-elles la raideur musculotendineuse lors de la course à pied ? |
Conditions of autonomic reciprocal interplay versus autonomic co-activation: effects on non-linear heart rate dynamics. |
Cross-Country Skiing and Postexercise Heart-Rate Recovery |
Delayed parasympathetic reactivation and sympathetic withdrawal following maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in hypoxia |
Do subjective assessments of running patterns reflect objective parameters? |
Duty Factor Is a Viable Measure to Classify Spontaneous Running Forms |
Effect of endurance training on different mechanical efficiency indices during submaximal cycling in subjects unaccustomed to cycling. |
Effect of slope and footwear on running economy and kinematics |
Effects of a primary rehabilitation programme on arterial vascular adaptations in an individual with paraplegia |
Effects of the cold pressor test on cardiac autonomic control in normal subjects. |
Effects of thermoneutral water, cold-water and contrasting water temperature immersions on lower limb vein cross-section |
Effects of three postexercice recovery treatments on femoral artery blood flow kinetics. |
Effet dose-réponse de la compression élastique sur les vibrations musculaires |
Effets d’une compression élastique portée au cours et au décours du Trail des Forts de Besançon |
Effets périphériques et centraux de l'exercice excentrique aigu sur bicyclette ergométrique chez le sujet sain et le patient atteint de BPCO |
Elastic band exercise induces greater neuromuscular fatigue than phasic isometric contractions |
Elite swimmers' internal markers trajectories in ecological training conditions. |
Energetically optimal stride frequency is maintained with fatigue in trained ultramarathon runners |
Entraînement en musculation et remodelage myocardique : Influence du sexe, du niveau de pratique et de la prise régulière de stéroïdes anabolisants |
Etude des exigences physiologiques du hurling. |
Évaluation d'un procédé de cryothérapie gazeuse hyperbare: effets thermiques et modulation vasomotrice neurovégétative |
Evaluation et prévention des états de stress et de récupération du sportif : suivi psychophysiologique et processus cognitivo-affectif |
Evaluation of cardiorespiratory functional reserve from arm exercise in the elderly |
Evaluation of fitness level by the oxygen uptake efficiency slope after a short-term intermittent endurance training. |
Exercice, veines et maladie veineuse chronique : effets de l'exercice et des conditions de récupération |
Exercise-Derived Microvesicles: A Review of the Literature |
Exercise Rehabilitation Restores Physiological Cardiovascular Responses to Short-term Head-Out Water Immersion in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure |
Exercise, veins and chronic venous disease : effecs of exercise and recovery conditions. |
Greater fatigability in knee-flexors vs. knee-extensors after a standardized fatiguing protocol |
Haemodynamic changes after prolonged water immersion |
Heart rate variability in preterm infants and maternal smoking during pregnancy |
Hyperbaric Gaseous Cryotherapy: Effects on Skin Temperature and Systemic Vasoconstriction |
Impact of the initial classic section during a simulated cross-country skiing skiathlon on the cardiopulmonary responses during the subsequent period of skate skiing |
The implications of time on the ground on running economy: less is not always better |
Influence de la préparation physique sur la dynamique de groupe en rugby |
Influence of strength and conditioning in rugby on group dynamics. |
The influence of surface on the running velocities of elite and amateur orienteer athletes. |
Interest and limitations of heart rate variability use in sports field. |
Intérêts et limites de l'utilisation de l'analyse de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque pour la pratique sportive |
Intermittent versus constant aerobic exercise: effects on arterial stiffness |
An Investigation into the match-play demands of hurling |
Is Maximal Heart Rate Decrease Similar Between Normobaric Versus Hypobaric Hypoxia in Trained and Untrained Subjects? |
Late effects of cycle competition on arterial stiffness. A preliminary study |
Limitation of Maximal Heart Rate in Hypoxia: Mechanisms and Clinical Importance |
The Match Heart-Rate and Running Profile of Elite Under 21 Hurlers During Competitive Match-Play. |
Measurements of Cardiac Output During Constant Exercises: Comparison of Two Non-Invasive Techniques |
Metabolic power in hurling with respect to position and halves of match-play |
Military Diving Training Improved Arterial Compliance |
Modalités d'exercice et de récupération : approche cardiovasculaire et performance |
Monitoring stress and recovery states: Structural and external stages of the short version of the RESTQ sport in elite swimmers before championships. |
Muscle Oxygenation Responses to Low-intensity Steady Rate Concentric and Eccentric Cycling. |
Overall increase in heart rate variability after the Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test training |
Peripheral and central effects of acute and chronic eccentric exercise on cycle ergometer in healthy subjects and patients. |
Personal exposure to noise and heart rate variability. |
Post-Exercise Hypotension and Reduced Cardiac Baroreflex after Half-Marathon Run: In Men, but Not in Women |
Quantitative Poincar� plot analysis of heart rate variability: effect of endurance training |
Régulation neurovégétative des fonctions cardiovasculaires : étude lors de l'exercice, de l'entraînement, du surentraînement et lors de l'immersion |
Relevance of Water Gymnastics in Rehabilitation Programs in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure or Coronary Artery Disease With Normal Left Ventricular Function |
Second Ventilatory Threshold from Heart-Rate Variability: Valid When the Upper Body Is Involved? |
Short- and long-term effects of a single bout of exercise on heart rate variability: comparison between constant and interval training exercises |
Short-term vasomotor adjustments to post immersion dehydration are hindered by natriuretic peptides. |
Side-effects of L-dopa on venous tone in Parkinson's disease: a leg-weighing assessment |
Similar cardiovascular and autonomic responses in trained type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy participants in response to half marathon |
Similar Running Economy With Different Running Patterns Along the Aerial-Terrestrial Continuum. |
Similar substrate oxidation rates in concentric and eccentric cycling matched for aerobic power output. |
Strength training and myocardial remodeling : Impact of sex, level and anabolic androgenic steroids consumption. |
Stress and recovery in sports: Effects on heart rate variability, cortisol, and subjective experience |
Stroke volume and cardiac output measurement in cardiac patients during a rehabilitation program: comparison between tonometry, impedancemetry and echocardiography |
Supra-maximal cycling efficiency assessed in humans by using a new protocol |
Terrien et aérien : concept, validation et implications |
Therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects of cryotherapy in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. |
Typology of “Fatigue” by Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Elite Nordic-skiers |
Ventilatory adaptation to eccentric cycling in moderate to severe COPD patients |
Ventilatory thresholds determined from HRV: comparison of 2 methods in obese adolescents |
Whole body immersion and hydromineral homeostasis: effect of water temperature |