Werts, Martinus, 1972-....
Martinus H. V. Werts researcher
VIAF ID: 172726711 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/172726711
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Title | Sources |
Approche multidisciplinaire pour la détection de métaux lourds en environnements aquatiques | |
Auto-assemblage de fullerènes C60 sur surfaces d'oxyde de silicium et d'or fonctionnalisées NH2 | |
Brownian Motion and Large Electric Polarizabilities Facilitate Dielectrophoretic Capture of Sub-200 nm Gold Nanoparticles in Water | |
Caractérisation de nano-sources de lumière en régime microfluidique grâce à la microscopie non-linéaire | |
Characterization of nano emitter of light in a microfluidic regime using non-linear microscopy. | |
Développement et caractérisation de matériaux moléculaires luminescents et leur application dans des textiles techniques | |
Diélectrophorèse de nanoparticules en système microfluidique ˸ étude par vidéo-microscopie numérique et application à l'analyse par spectroscopie optique | |
Distance-dependent fluorescence quenching on gold nanoparticles ensheathed with layer-by-layer assembled polyelectrolytes | |
The effectiveness of essential-state models in the description of optical properties of branched push-pull chromophores. | |
Effects of (multi)branching of dipolar chromophores on photophysical properties and two-photon absorption | |
Excimer probe of the binding of alkyl disulfides to gold nanoparticles and subsequent monolayer dynamics. | |
Fate of Micro-Nano-Plastics (MNP) at contact with biomimetic membranes and proteins : tracking in 4D(r,t) via optical microscopy and scattering techniques | |
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy reveals strong fluorescence quenching of FITC adducts on PEGylated gold nanoparticles in water and the presence of fluorescent aggregates of desorbed thiolate ligands. | |
Functionalised gold, silver and gold-silver nanoparticles as resonant scatterers of light and quenchers of molecular fluorescence in colloidal suspension. | |
The intrinsic luminescence of individual plasmonic nanostructures in aqueous suspension by photon time-of-flight spectroscopy. | |
[Mesoporous silica nanoparticles for two-photon fluorescence] | |
A modular approach to two-photon absorbing organic nanodots: brilliant dendrimers as an alternative to semiconductor quantum dots? | |
Multidisciplinary approach to heavy metal ion sensing in aquatic environments. | |
A NADPH substitute for selective photo-initiation of reductive bioprocesses via two-photon induced electron transfer | |
Nanoparticules d'or, argent et or-argent fonctionnalisées pour la diffusion résonante de la lumière et l'extinction de la fluorescence moléculaire en suspension colloïdale | |
Nanostructures plasmoniques dynamiques assemblées sur ADN | |
A Near-Infrared Luminescent Label Based on Yb(III) Ions and Its Application in a Fluoroimmunoassay This work was supported by Akzo Nobel Central Research (Arnhem, The Netherlands). Dr. Fokke Venema and Dr. Harrie Kreuwel of Organon Teknika B.V. (Box | |
Optical extinction and scattering cross sections of plasmonic nanoparticle dimers in aqueous suspension | |
Organization and orientation of amphiphilic push-pull chromophores deposited in Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers studied by second harmonic generation and atomic force microscopy | |
Photoluminescence spectra and quantum yields of gold nanosphere monomers and dimers in aqueous suspension. | |
Probing the interactions between disulfide-based ligands and gold nanoparticles using a functionalised fluorescent perylene-monoimide dye. | |
Quantitative full-colour transmitted light microscopy and dyes for concentration mapping and measurement of diffusion coefficients in microfluidic architectures. | |
Quenching of molecular fluorescence on the surface of monolayer-protected gold nanoparticles investigated using place exchange equilibria | |
Spectroscopic and Hydrodynamic Characterisation of DNA-Linked Gold Nanoparticle Dimers in Solution using Two-Photon Photoluminescence. | |
Study of plasmonic and photoelectrocatalytic properties of gold nanoparticle modified electrodes. | |
Towards "smart" multiphoton fluorophores: strongly solvatochromic probes for two-photon sensing of micropolarity. | |
Transfert d'énergie par résonance de type Förster entre des complexes de terbium et des boîtes quantiques pour des immunodosages et des reglettes moléculaires multiplexés. | |
Two-photon transitions in quadrupolar and branched chromophores: experiment and theory |