Dorard, Géraldine 1981-...
Géraldine Dorard researcher
VIAF ID: 172288980 (Personal)
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4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
[Binge eating disorder: Links with personality and emotionality] | |
Bonding and expressed emotion: two interlinked concepts? | |
Connaissances et pratiques des professionnels de santé en oncologie auprès des jeunes aidants : une étude visant à améliorer les pratiques | |
Knowledge and practices of healthcare professionals in oncology, regarding young carers : a study to improve practices. | |
À la recherche du beau en orthodontie : savoir identifier une insatisfaction pathologique et dépister une dysmorphophobie | |
Maternal Burnout Syndrome: Contextual and Psychological Associated Factors. | |
Multimethod alexithymia assessment in adolescents and young adults with a cannabis use disorder. | |
Les patient·e·s et leurs proches face à la maladie rénale chronique avancée : étude de leur ajustement et de leur perception du choix de traitement | |
Patients and their relatives facing advanced-stage chronic kidney disease : study of their adjustment and their perception of treatment choice. | |
Personality and Defense Styles: Clinical Specificities and Predictive Factors of Alcohol Use Disorder in Women. | |
Predictive factors for outcome in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: To what extent does parental Expressed Emotion play a role? | |
Régulation émotionnelle et consommation de substances psycho-actives: étude chez des adolescents dépendants au cannabis et leurs parents | |
Seeking for beauty in orthodontics : how to identify a pathologic insatisfaction and detect a body dysmorphic disorder. | |
[Self-esteem, coping, perceived social support and substance use in young adults with a cannabis dependence disorder] | |
[Vegetarianism and veganism lifestyle: Motivation and psychological dimensions associated with selective diet] | |
[Which psychiatric comorbidities in cannabis dependence during adolescence? Comparison of outpatients and controls]. |