Besson, Mireille.
Mireille Besson
VIAF ID: 159858556 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Besson, Mireille
- 100 1 _ ‡a Besson, Mireille
- 100 1 _ ‡a Besson, Mireille
- 100 1 _ ‡a Besson, Mireille
- 100 0 _ ‡a Mireille Besson
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Approche multi-méthodologique de la lecture musicale = pproccio multi-metodologico alla lettura musicale = multi-methodological approach to music reading | |
Audiovisual interactions in music reading. A reaction times and event-related potentials study | |
Behavioural and event-related potentials evidence for pitch discrimination deficits in dyslexic children: improvement after intensive phonic intervention | |
Brain potentials during semantic and prosodic processing in French | |
Cinquante ans de psychologie de la musique, c2010: | |
Comparison between language and music | |
Contes, mondes et récits : [rencontres Recherche et création du Festival d'Avignon organisées les 11 et 12 juillet 2022] | |
Controlling the Perceived Material in an Impact Sound Synthesizer | |
Le désordre du monde | |
Développement de l'attention visuelle sélective : rôle de l'apprentissage et de la directionnalité de la lecture | |
Editorial: Neuro-Education and Neuro-Rehabilitation | |
Effect of aging in arithmetic : behavorial, electrophysiologic (ERPs) and neuroaging (fMRI) studies.. | |
Effectiveness of music therapy as an aid to neurorestoration of children with severe neurological disorders | |
Effects of aging on arithmetic problem-solving: an event-related brain potential study | |
Effects of Psychoacoustic Training on the Pre-Attentive Processing of Harmonic Sounds and Syllables | |
Effet d'expertise sur le traitement des structures musicales | |
Effets du vieillissement dans la cognition numérique : études comportementale, électrophysiologique (ERPs) et neurofonctionnelle (IRMf) | |
An electrophysiological study of dyslexic and control adults in a sentence reading task. | |
The emergence and the evolution of the obligatory characteristic of cognitive automatisms. | |
Emotional prosody: sex differences in sensitivity to speech melody | |
The Evocative Power of Sounds: Conceptual Priming between Words and Nonverbal Sounds | |
Facteurs métalinguistiques et cognitifs prédictifs de la dyslexie chez l’enfant arabophone apprenant le français (L2) | |
From auditory perception to memory : musicianship as a window into novel word learning | |
Influence de l'apprentissage musical sur le traitement des syllabes chez des enfants normolecteurs et dyslexiques | |
Influence d'une rééducation cognitivo-musicale sur la réhabilitation de la dyslexie | |
Influence of musical and linguistic expertise on linguistic and non-linguistic sounds processing. | |
Is the distinction between intra- and extra-musical meaning implemented in the brain? Comment on "Towards a neural basis of processing musical semantics" by Stefan Koelsch | |
Le jeu et la règle | |
La mémoire du futur | |
Mises en intrigues | |
More to explore in music reading as a cross-modal process: a comment on Lee and Lei (2012). | |
Music and Dyslexia: A New Musical Training Method to Improve Reading and Related Disorders. | |
Music and song : a behavioral and electrophysiological approach of music and language processing. | |
The music of speech: music training facilitates pitch processing in both music and language. | |
Musical expertise and foreign speech perception. | |
Musical expertise and second language learning | |
Musical training and language-related brain electrical activity in children. | |
Musical training influences linguistic abilities in 8-year-old children: more evidence for brain plasticity. | |
Musicians and the metric structure of words. | |
Musique et cerveau : nouveaux concepts, nouvelles applications | |
Musique et chant : approche comportementale et électrophysiologique du traitement de la musique et du langage | |
Musique et langage : entre perception et apprentissage | |
N400: une composante tardive du potentiel évoqué associée au traitement sémantique | |
Neural signature of metrical stress processing in French | |
Neural substrates of cognitive processes : special issue in honor of Jean Requin | |
Neurocognitive processing of Mandarin two character compounds with a neutral tone | |
On-line processing of "pop-out" words in spoken French dialogues | |
On the lateralization of emotional prosody: an event-related functional MR investigation | |
Pratique musicale et effets de transfert : de la perception à la cognition | |
Processing interactions between phonology and melody: vowels sing but consonants speak | |
Processing pitch and duration in music reading: a RT-ERP study. | |
Professional Music Training and Novel Word Learning: From Faster Semantic Encoding to Longer-lasting Word Representations | |
Le rôle de l'accent prosodique lors du traitement auditif de mots composés et de syntagmes du chinois mandarin. | |
Role of stress pattern in production and processing of compound words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese | |
Separable neuronal circuitries for manipulable and non-manipulable objects in working memory | |
Signature neuronale du traitement de l'accent métrique en français. | |
Similar cerebral networks in language, music and song perception. | |
Songs as an aid for language acquisition. | |
Sound Categorization and Conceptual Priming for Nonlinguistic and Linguistic Sounds | |
Symphonie des oscillations cérébrales lors de la perception de la parole : études comportementale et en magnétoencéphalographie chez les enfants neurotypiques et dysphasiques | |
Symphony of cerebral oscillations during speech perception : Behavioral and magnetoencephalography studies in children with typical and atypical language development. | |
Traitement neurocognitif des mots composés de deux caractères portant un ton neutre en mandarin. | |
Transfer of Training between Music and Speech: Common Processing, Attention, and Memory | |
Traversées des mondes. | |
Twelve months of active musical training in 8- to 10-year-old children enhances the preattentive processing of syllabic duration and voice onset time | |
Violence et passion : [actes de la 3e édition des "Rencontres Recherche et Création", 8 et 9 juillet 2016] | |
Vowelling and semantic priming effects in Arabic | |
Words and melody are intertwined in perception of sung words: EEG and behavioral evidence |