Ontario Genealogical Society
VIAF ID: 159392631 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/159392631
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Ontario Genealogical Society
- 110 2 _ ‡a Ontario Genealogical Society
- 110 2 _ ‡a Ontario Genealogical Society
- 110 2 _ ‡a Ontario Genealogical Society
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (10)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Ontario
Title | Sources |
The best of the branches : a selected collection of articles from recent OGS branch newsletters | |
A call to the colours : tracing your Canadian military ancestors | |
CNS (Collection) (Ontario Genealogical Society. Hamilton Branch) | |
Conserving, preserving, and restoring your heritage | |
Crime and punishment in Upper Canada : a researcher's guide | |
A Dictionary of Scottish emigrants to Canada before Confederation | |
A directory of surnames | |
Discover your Metis ancestry : a beginner's guide | |
Education and Ontario family history : a guide to resources for genealogists and historians | |
Families. | |
Family health trees : genetics and genealogy | |
Genealogy, geography, and maps : using atlases and gazetteers to find your family | |
Genealogy in Ontario : searching the records | |
Help! I've inherited an attic full of history : a guide for genealogists, and others, on ways to hand the past on to the future | |
Index of some passengers who emigrated to Canada between 1817 & 1849 | |
Index to overseas deaths of Ontario servicemen and servicewomen : 1937-1947 | |
Index to the 1871 census of Ontario | |
An index to the articles referred to in Genealogy in Ontario 4th edition by Brenda Dougall Merriman | |
Index to the Upper Canada land books. Vol. 1 : February 1787 to December 1797. | |
Inheritance in Ontario : wills and other records for family historians | |
Introduction to genealogy education unit | |
Lambton settlers series | |
Land claim certificates | |
Local histories of Ontario municipalities, 1997-2007 : a bibliography | |
Lost names and places of eastern Ontario : previous names of places and the names of abandoned places in the geographical counties of Carleton, Dundas, Frontenac, Glengarry, Grenville, Lanark, Leeds, Lennox and Addington, Prescott, Renfrew, Russell, Stormont : the counties of region VIII of the Ontario Genealogical Society | |
The McCabe list : early Irish in the Ottawa Valley | |
Membership list, 1989. | |
Men of Upper Canada : militia nominal rolls, 1828-1829 | |
Mennonite immigration to Waterloo County, 1997: | |
Monumental transcriptions | |
MP (Series) (Ontario Genealogical Society. Kawartha Branch) | |
News leaf | |
OGS annual report | |
OGS publications for sale | |
Ontario cemetery recordings : list no. 1. | |
The Ontario Genealogical Society Seminar 2001 : quest for opportunity : in region III of the Ontario Genealogical Society at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario | |
Ontario land records : a beginner's guide | |
Proceedings, Seminar | |
Publication (Ontario Genealogical Society. Brant County Branch) | |
Publication (Ontario Genealogical Society. Kingston Branch) | |
Publication (Ontario Genealogical Society. Ottawa Branch) | |
Recommendation for revised bylaws, 1994. | |
Researching your Irish ancestors at home and abroad | |
Roots and remembrance : explorations in Jewish genealogy | |
Semin. annu. - Ont. Geneal. Soc. | |
Seminar annual : [papers]. | |
Solving cemetery problems : how to deal with vandalism, abandoned cemeteries, and registration and heritage designation | |
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Cemetery. Rayside Township, C4 L11 Chelmsford (City of Greater Sudbury), Ontario. Recorded Summer - 1992 | |
Strays! : an index to the OGS Strays Project. | |
Syllabus | |
Time traveller's handbook : a guide to the past | |
Townships of the Province of Ontario, Canada : a complete index of the townships in all the counties and districts | |
Understanding Ontario First Nations genealogical records : sources and case studies | |
Upper Canada naturalization records, 1828-1850 | |
Using forms for Canadian genealogical research | |
Wesleyan Methodist baptismal register master index : a genealogical reference | |
Who's who in Ontario : a biographical record of the men and women of our time, 1995-1999. |