Betelgeuse workshop 2012 the physics of red supergiants recent advances and open questions Paris, France, November 26-29, 2012 |
Binary system characterization with fibered non-redundant interferometer for high dynamic range imaging. |
Caractérisation de systèmes binaires par imagerie haute dynamique non redondante fibrée |
Contribution à une description syntaxique et sémantique d'un langage extensible |
The dusty circumstellar environment of Betelgeuse during the Great Dimming as seen by VLTI/MATISSE |
Étude systématique de la diffusion élastique et inélastique de deutons polarisés de 29 MeV sur des noyaux pairs-pairs |
The flux distribution of Sgr A* |
The GRAVITY fringe tracker |
GRAVITY in the galactic center : exploring the central parsec through optical interferometry |
GRAVITY: Observing the Universe in motion |
GRAVITY: The AO assisted, two object beam combiner instrument for the VLTI |
The GRAVITY/VLTI acquisition camera software |
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey |
High dynamic range imaging by pupil single-mode filtering and remapping |
High-resolution IR and radio observations of AGB stars |
Imaging the innermost gaseous layers of the Mira star R Car with GRAVITY-VLTI |
Improved GRAVITY astrometric accuracy from modeling optical aberrations |
Infrared interferometric imaging and prospectives for the interferometric observation of the Galactic center : the GRAVITY project. |
The inner dust shell of Betelgeuse detected by polarimetric aperture-masking interferometry |
Interferometric connection of large ground-based telescopes |
Interferometric coupling of the Keck telescopes with single-mode fibers. |
Interferometric observations of R Leonis in the K band. First direct detection of the photospheric pulsation and study of the atmospheric intensity distribution |
Interferometrie optique : ombres et lumieres sur l'univers |
L'exploration du trou noir super-massif Sgr A* au centre galactic par astrométrie des sursauts. |
Long-term spectropolarimetric monitoring of the cool supergiant betelgeuse |
The magnetic field of Betelgeuse: a local dynamo from giant convection cells? |
Mass distribution in the Galactic Center based on interferometric astrometry of multiple stellar orbits |
The mass of Beta Pictoris c from Beta Pictoris b orbital motion |
Maximizing the community exploitation of the VLTI 2nd-generation instruments |
Methods for multiple-telescope beam imaging and guiding in the near-infrared |
Mid-infrared interferometry of the Mira variable RR Sco with the VLTI MIDI instrument |
Mid-infrared sizes of circumstellar disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars measured with MIDI on the VLTI |
Minimization of fiber dispersion effects in double Fourier stellar interferometers |
Modeling the orbital motion of Sgr A*’s near-infrared flares |
MOLsphere and pulsations of the Galactic Center’s red supergiant GCIRS 7 from VLTI/GRAVITY |
Multiple star systems in the Orion nebula |
Near-infrared aberration tracking using a correlation algorithm on the Galactic Center |
No circumstellar disk around 68 Ophiuchi? |
Observation of the central part of the beta Pictoris disk with an anti-blooming CCD |
Observations of Mira stars with the IOTA/FLUOR interferometer and comparison with Mira star models |
Observations of the inner jet in NGC1068 at 43 GHz |
The origin of the dusty envelope around Betelgeuse |
Parsec-scale dust distributions in Seyfert galaxies. Results of the MIDI AGN snapshot survey |
PEGASE, an infrared interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass companions around nearby stars |
Performance of astrometric detection of a hotspot orbiting on the innermost stable circular orbit of the galactic centre black hole |
Perte de masse des étoiles massives évoluées : l'environnement circumstellaire à haute résolution angulaire |
Polarized signatures of orbiting hot spots: Special relativity impact and probe of spacetime curvature |
Proceedings of the 2002 EuroWinter school Observing with the VLT interferometer Les Houches, France, February 3-8, 2002 |
Pupil remapping for high contrast astronomy: results from an optical testbed |
Radiative hydrodynamics simulations of red supergiant stars. II. Simulations of convection on Betelgeuse match interferometric observations |
Reaching micro-arcsecond astrometry with long baseline optical interferometry. Application to the GRAVITY instrument |
The resolved size and structure of hot dust in the immediate vicinity of AGN |
Resolving the complex structure of the dust torus in the active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy |
Scalar field effects on the orbit of S2 star |
Scientific prospects for VLTI in the Galactic Centre: Getting to the Schwarzschild radius |
La sécurité sociale : son histoire à travers les textes. |
Single-mode waveguides for GRAVITY. I. The cryogenic 4-telescope integrated optics beam combiner |
The size-luminosity relation of local active galactic nuclei from interferometric observations of the broad-line region |
The spatially resolved broad line region of IRAS 09149−6206 |
Squared visibility estimators: calibrating biases to reach very high dynamic range |
Studying relativistic effects in strong gravitational fields : simulating observations at the Galactic centre with the GRAVITY instrument. |
The Subaru coronagraphic extreme adaptive optics system : enabling high-contrast imaging on solar-system scales |
Submilliarcsecond Optical Interferometry of the High-mass X-Ray Binary BP Cru with VLTI/GRAVITY |
Subtracting the photon noise bias from single-mode optical interferometer visibilities |
Suivi de franges à quatre télescopes pour GRAVITY et astrométrie de précision |
Test of the Einstein Equivalence Principle near the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole |
Testing the validity of the ray-tracing code GYOTO |
Thermal infrared stellar interferometry using single-mode guided optics: first results with the TISIS experiment on IOTA |
Toward measuring supermassive black hole masses with interferometric observations of the dust continuum |
Towards a coherent view at infrared wavelengths of mass loss in Betelgeuse |
Unveiling Mira stars behind the molecules. Confirmation of the molecular layer model with narrow band near-infrared interferometry |
Unveiling the β Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, interferometric, and radial velocity data |
VLBA observations of SiO masers towards Mira variable stars |
VLTI/GRAVITY Observations and Characterization of the Brown Dwarf Companion HD 72946 B |
The wind and the magnetospheric accretion onto the T Tauri star S Coronae Australis at sub-au resolution |
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