Vrije universiteit Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam
Frije Universiteit
Vrije Universiteit
VIAF ID: 157932098 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/157932098
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Frije Universiteit
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vrije Universiteit
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vrije Universiteit Te Amsterdam
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vrije universiteit (Amsterdam)
- 210 | | ‡a Vrije universiteit ‡c Amsterdam
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (150)
5xx's: Related Names (5)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Amsterdam ‡4 orta ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBusiness
- 551 _ _ ‡a Amsterdam (North Holland, Netherlands) (inhabited place)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Bibliotheek der Universiteit van Amsterdam
- 510 2 _ ‡a Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Niederlande ‡4 geow ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#spatialAreaOfActivity
Title | Sources |
Anthropological papers (Amsterdam, Netherlands) | |
Anthropological studies VU | |
Antropologische bijdragen | |
Antropologische studies VU | |
Antropologische VU papers | |
Applicatio | |
Bijdragen tot de sociale geografie en planologie | |
Bunyan in England and abroad, 1990: | |
CDCS-series | |
CentREPOL-VU studies | |
Commonwealth literature, mostly Canadian papers presented at the Fourth Literature conference held at the Vrije universiteit on Friday 18 January 1985 | |
Complementary views on complementarity : proceedings of the International Roundtable on the Complementary Nature of the International Criminal Court, Amsterdam, 25/26 June 2004 | |
DCID | |
Diagenetic screening of bone samples : tools to aid taphonomic and archaeometric investigations | |
Disability, CBR and inclusive development. | |
Economie | |
The effects of some external and internal factors on the carbohydrate metabolism of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis | |
The estimation of the bone and air conduction thresholds using brainstem auditory evoked potentials and cancellation techniques : an experimental and clinical study | |
European Meeting (1st : 1982 : Free University of Amsterdam). Studies in the history of psychol. and the soc. sciences, 1983: | |
Feministische antropologie | |
Few-body problems in physics : the 19th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, the Netherlands, 23-27 August, 2004 : EFB 19 | |
Geneeskunde | |
Geoarchaeological and bioarchaeological studies | |
Geografische en planologische notities | |
Gids. | |
Heat and health in vulnerable populations | |
Historische reeks VU | |
The hyperosmolar non-ketoacidotic diabetic syndrome : a clinical study | |
In search of an ancient countryside : the Amsterdam Free University field survey at Oria, province of Brindisi, South Italy (1981-1983) | |
Interacties | |
The isolated cat cat heart under control of noradrenaline | |
Juridische reeks Vrije Universiteit | |
Kahier van het Bezinningscentrum | |
Kuyper lectures | |
Levend Nederlands, 1984: | |
Literaturszene Bundesrepublik : ein Blick von Draussen : Symposion an der Freien Universität Amsterdam | |
The matt-painted pottery of Southern Italy : a general survey of the matt-painted pottery styles of Southern Italy during the final Bronze Age and the Iron Age : academisch proefschrift... | |
Meidielingen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Stúdzjerjochting Frysk) | |
Microfinance in Nicaragua, c2004: | |
Migration law papers | |
El movimiento pentecostal en la sociedad chilena, 1985: | |
Natuur/Sterrenkunde | |
Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur | |
Opgravingen bij Tiel-Passewaaij | |
Opgravingen op het Rosveld bij Nederweert | |
Passage (Amsterdam, Netherlands) | |
Pedagogische publikaties Vrije Universiteit | |
Peripheral lymphoid organs : an ontogenetic and histochemical study | |
Perspectives of scholarly editing | |
Perspektiven der Textedition | |
Pollution-induced changed in soil invertebrate food-webs : volume 2 | |
Presynaptic alpha-adrenoceptors and neurotransmitter release from central noradrenergic neurons | |
Proclus on nature, 2010: | |
The promise of hope : a tribute to Dom Hélder | |
Psychologie/Pedagogiek | |
Publikatiereeks van het Instituut voor Godsdienstwetenschap | |
Quantitative morphology of the testis of fertile and infertile males | |
Rechtsgeleerdheid | |
Reeks Medische filosofie | |
Reflection of pressure and flow waves in arteries | |
Release of ACTH by rat pituitary cells | |
Rezeptionsforschung zwischen Hermeneutik und Empirik | |
The role of catecholamines in the control of the secretion of pro-opiomelanocortin derived peptides from the rat pituitary gland, and its implications in the response to stress | |
The role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of urinary calcium-stone disease | |
Scanning microfluorimetric study on noradrenergic neurotransmission | |
Scheikunde | |
Science education and ethical values, 1985, c1984: | |
Secularization and sanctification : a study of Karl Barth's doctrine of sanctification and its contextual application to the Korean Church | |
Serie "Mededelingen van de Subfakulteit der Sociaal-Kulturele Wetenschappen" | |
Serie Publicaciones ocasionales | |
Serie Research memoranda | |
Severian von Gabala : In illud: Pone manum tuam, et in diversa testimonia (CPG 4198) : Kritische Edition mit Einleitung und Übersetzung, im Anhang zwei Fallstudien zur Sprache Severian | |
Shades of grey in human albinism | |
Stigma research and action. | |
Studies in Dutch religious history | |
Studies in religion, science, and society | |
Studies on high molecular secretory sialoglycoproteins from human submandibular salivary glands | |
Studies on sialyltransferases from human placenta and bovine colostrum | |
Studies over levensbeschouwing, wetenschap en samenleving | |
Study of the impact of heterogeneity on the modeling of fluid-flow, based on a turbidite reservoir analogue Ainsa-1 quarry outcrop, Spain | |
Tactical ballistic missile defence in Europe : feasible, affordable, desirable? | |
Tandheelkunde | |
Testicular hormones and the secretion of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin | |
Trade in transit : world trade and world economy--past, present, and future | |
Transsexualisme, medecine et droit : actes | |
Trito-Isaiah, 1984: | |
Urban research working papers | |
Views on Europe : report of the inter-academic East-West conference organised by the Political Society of the Amsterdam Free University and held on the 15th, 16th and 17th of January 1969 | |
Visco-elasticity of the human aorta in vitro in relation to pressure and age | |
Vitalis van Savigny ([d.] 1122) : bronnen en vroege cultus : met editie van diplomatische teksten | |
Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. | |
Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. | |
VU magazine. | |
VU studies on Protestant history | |
VU studies Vrede en veiligheid | |
Wear of composite resin | |
Wijsbegeerte | |
Wiskunde Informatica | |
Work document (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Ekonomische Fakulteit) | |
Zelfkritiek in de wetenschap : interfacultaire voordrachten in 1960 gehouden aan de Vrije Universiteit | |
Životni ciklus i ekologija glavate želve (Caretta caretta, Linnaeus, 1758) |