United States. Bureau of Prohibition
Bureau of Prohibition US law enforcement agency
VIAF ID: 157554136 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/157554136
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4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (13)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
Title | Sources |
Annual report of the Commissioner of Prohibition, 1927: | |
Digest of Supreme court decisions interpreting the National prohibition act and Willis-Campbell act (in chronological order) ... | |
How agents are taught to "enforce the law within the law": their duties and limitations. | |
Laws relating to national prohibition enforcement, November 1929 | |
Public cooperation in prohibition law enforcement June, 1930. | |
Regulations, no. 1. Field office manual for use of prohibition administrators. September 1927. | |
Regulations no. 4. Manual of instructions for officers and agents in the field. October 20, 1927. | |
State cooperation. Federal and state responsibility under the concurrent power. | |
Statistics concerning intoxicating liquors. | |
The value of law observance, a factual monograph. |