Annual report |
The Archaean of the Karelia Province in Finland |
Arseeni Suomen luonnossa : ympäristövaikutukset ja riskit |
Arsenic in Finland distribution, environmental impacts and risks |
Assessment of Kisii stone deposits, Got Chaki and Tabaka areas, Kenya |
Assessment of Lolkidongai wollastonite deposit in Kajiado District, Kenya |
Assessment of Parminter's bentonitic clay in Meru District, Kenya |
Assessment of phosphate and niobium in carbonatitic and alkaline silicate complexes of South Nyanza, Kenya |
Assessment of phosphate in the Ikutha iron ore deposit, Kenya |
Assessment of western Kenya limestone deposits for cement manufacture : West Pokot deposits |
Bedrock of Finland at the scale 1:1 000 000 : major stratigraphic units, metamorphism and tectonic evolution |
Brownfield Exploration Project 2013-1026 |
Bull. - Geol. sur. Finl. |
Bulletin (Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Finland))
The chronostratigraphy of southwestern Finland : with special reference to Postjotnian and Subjotnian diabases |
Electrical and hydraulic classification of forest till soils in Central Lapland, Finland |
Environmental geochemical atlas of the central Barents region |
Geological map of Finland explanation to the maps of Pre-Quaternary rocks |
Geological Survey of Finland current research 2003-2004 |
Geology and geodynamic development of Uganda with explanation of the 1:1,000,000-scale geological map |
Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Fe-Co-Au-(U) deposits in the Palaeoproterozoic Kuusamo Schist Belt, northeastern Finland |
Geophysical signatures of mineral deposit types in Finland |
Glacial morphology and dynamics with till geochemical exploration in the ribbed moraine area of Peräpohjola, Finnish Lapland |
Global peat resources |
Gravity anomaly map, northern Fennoscandia : terrain corrected Bouguer anomalies |
Groundwater and factors affecting its quality : examples from the Rovaniemi district of northern Finland and western Nicaragua |
GTK Consortium Geological Surveys in Uganda 2008-2012 : Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources Project |
Julkaisut ja kartat 1895-1985, 1986: |
Map of ore deposits in central Fennoscandia |
Map of Quaternary geology, northern Fennoscandia |
Maps of northern Fennoscandia : exposition of Nordkalott maps : 28th IGC, July 9-14, 1989 Washington, D.C., USA |
Metamorphic, structural, and isotopic age map, northern Fennoscandia |
Mineral resource assessment map, northern Fennoscandia : regions and locations highly favourable for mineral deposits |
Modelling of glacial transport of basal tills in Finland |
NGU-GTK-CKE special publication |
Novel technologies for greenfield exploration |
Opas (Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Finland))
Opas = Guide |
Orbicular rocks in Finland |
Ore boulder discoveries of Finland |
Paleoproterozoic volcanism in the Kiihtelysvaara-Tohmajärvi district, eastern Finland |
Pleistocene stratigraphy of Finnish Lapland |
Prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain 1986 : papers presented at the seventh international Prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain symposium |
Proterozoic black shale formations and aeromagnetic anomalies in Finland |
Publications, 1895-1985 |
Regional geochemical surveys in Biharamulo, Kahama, and Mpanda areas in 2004-2006 |
Report of investigation |
Special paper (Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Finland))
Suomen geokemian atlas = The geochemical atlas of Finland. |
Suomen geologinen yleiskartta: Maaperäkartta. = General geological map of Finland: Quaternary deposits. |
Suomen malmiesiintymäkartta |
Suomen malmilohkarelöydöt |
Suomen mustaliuskeet aeromagneettisella kartalla |
Tiedonanto YST
Toimintakertomus |
Towards climate change adaptation strategies in the Baltic Sea region : developing policies and adaptation strategies to climate change in the Baltic Sea region |
Tutkimusraportti (Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Finland))
Two early Proterozoic tholeiitic diabase dyke swarms in the Koli-Kaltimo area, eastern Finland - their geological significance |