New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
VIAF ID: 152413455 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Algae control by mixing : staff report on Kezar Lake in Sutton, N.H., for calendar year 1971. | |
Annual report | |
Assessment of total nitrogen in the upper Connecticut River basin in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts, December 2002-September 2005 | |
Blue crab report | |
The effect of industrial wastes on sewage treatment | |
Estimation of total nitrogen and phosphorus in New England streams using spatially referenced regression models | |
Guides for the design of wastewater treatment works. | |
Industrial waste surveys of two New England cotton finishing mills | |
IWR | |
IWR, interstate water report | |
Keeping the plants in good hands | |
The Lake Champlain Basin atlas | |
Leaking underground storage tanks line | |
Long Island Sound hypoxia season review | |
LUSTline bulletin | |
NEIWPCC aqua news | |
News letter, Nov. 1953. | |
Report to the governors of the six New England States and New York State | |
A simplification of textile waste survey and treatment | |
Sound health : a report on status and trends in the health of the Long Island Sound. | |
Textile wastes; a review, 1936-1950. | |
Toward quality water | |
L.U.S.T.line | |
Uniform guidelines for prevention and control of oil spills, and for oil terminal and vessel handling of petroleum and petroleum products. | |
Water connection : the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission newsletter. | |
Water law: streamflow rights in New England and New York State. | |
White water wastes from paper and paperboard mills; pollution sources and methods of treatment. |