2D long-streamer seismic waveform tomography imaging : contribution to the study of the Sanak forearc basin, Alaska subduction zone. |
The Aden-Afar-southern Red sea triple junction lithosphere : magmatism and continental breakup. |
Afar triple junction triggered by plume-assisted bi-directional continental break-up |
Along-Axis Variations of Rift Width in a Coupled Lithosphere-Mantle System, Application to East Africa |
Arabia-Somalia plate kinematics, evolution of the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg triple junction, and opening of the Gulf of Aden |
Contrasted styles of rifting in the eastern Gulf of Aden: A combined wide-angle, multichannel seismic, and heat flow survey |
Deep structure and evolution of the Northeastern Gulf of Adfen margin from wide-angle seismic and thermomechanical modeling. |
Du rifting continental aux marges conjuguées : aperçus de la modélisation analogique et numérique. |
Dynamic of a transform boundary in an oblique collision context : the Northen Caribbean plate boundary in the Haiti aera. |
Dynamique d'une frontière transformante dans un contexte de collision oblique : étude de la limite nord de la plaque Caraïbe dans la région d'Haïti. |
Encyclopédie Sciences |
Etude comparée du volcanisme permien de la région de Toulon et de Sardaigne : proposition d'un massif d'alimentation pour le volcanisme du bassin de Lodève. Implications géodynamiques |
Etude de la géométrie, de la nature et des déformations de la zone de subduction des Petites Antilles du Nord |
Evidence for magma entrapment below oceanic crust from deep seismic reflections in the Western Somali Basin |
Évolution des bassins de l’avant-arc en Equateur : de l'accrétion de terranes océaniques au soulèvement des cordillères Côtière et Andine. |
Evolution géodynamique de la Mer d'Alboran par l'étude des bassins sédimentaires |
Evolution of the forearc basins in Ecuador : from the accretion of oceanic allochthonous terranes to the uplift of the Andes and Coastal Cordilleras |
Évolution tectono-magmatique menant à l'océanisation sur les marges passives pauvres en magma : exemple des marges Australie-Antarctique |
Evolution tectono-sédimentaire des marges orientale et méridionale de la plaque arabe (Sultanat d'Oman) |
From continental rifting to conjugate margins : insights from analogue and numerical modelling |
High-resolution ambient-noise and earthquake surface-wave tomography of the Alps Apennines and Dinarides |
Imaging Lithospheric Discontinuities Beneath the Northern East African Rift Using S-to-P Receiver Functions |
The initiation of segmented buoyancy-driven melting during continental breakup |
Inversion de forme d'onde de données sismiques multitraces longue-flûte : contribution à l'étude du bassin avant-arc de Sanak en Alaska |
Joint inversion receiver functions - gravity - teleseismic tomography : development and applications. |
Magmatism on rift flanks: Insights from ambient noise phase velocity in Afar region |
Magmatisme, héritage et déformation autour de l'archipel des Comores, dans le bassin de Somalie. Implications géodynamiques |
Modeling of overpresure evolution during the gravitational collapse of the Amazon deep-sea fan, Foz do Amazonas Basin |
Modélisation de l’évolution de la géopressure lors de l’effondrement gravitationnel du Bassin amazonien de Foz do Amazonas. |
Non-uniform splitting of a single mantle plume by double cratonic roots: Insight into the origin of the central and southern East African Rift System |
Plume‐Induced Breakup of a Subducting Plate: Microcontinent Formation Without Cessation of the Subduction Process |
Polyphase Tectonic Evolution of Fore‐Arc Basin Related to STEP Fault as Revealed by Seismic Reflection Data From the Alboran Sea (W‐Mediterranean) |
Relations entre systèmes tectoniques et sédimentaires à la limite Nord de la plaque Caraïbe (Cuba-Hispaniola) : implications géodynamiques |
The role of subducting heterogeneities and fluids on the Northern Lesser Antilles margin deformation and seismogenesis. |
Sedimentary architecture and post-rift dynamics of the eastern Gulf of Aden conjugate margins. |
Segmentation and along-strike asymmetry of the passive margin in Socotra, eastern Gulf of Aden: Are they controlled by detachment faults? |
Segmentation and kinematics of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary offshore Hispaniola |
Seismic tomography of an amagmatic ultra-slow spreading ridge |
Sismotectonique du prisme de la Barbade : implications sur le potentiel sismogénique de la zone de subduction des Antilles |
Small-scale thermal upwellings under the northern East African Rift from S travel time tomography |
Spatial Variations in Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy Across the North American‐Caribbean Boundary on Haiti |
Strain partitioning in an context of oblique convergence : geodynamic evolution of the Moroccan margin of the Alboran Basin during the PLio-Quaternary. |
Structural modelling of the complex Cenozoic zone of the Levant Basin offshore Lebanon |
Structure lithosphérique des marges continentales du Yémen et sismicité récente : implications géodynamiques |
Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Ouest Africaine |
Structure profonde et évolution du Nord du golfe d'Aden oriental : sismique réfraction et modélisation thermomécanique |
Subsurface imaging using a 2D structural cooperative inversion approach of multi-method geophysical data : theoretical formulation, numerical and experimental applications to electrical and seismic data. |
Tectonic evolution, fault architecture, and paleo-fluid circulation in transpressive systems - southern Haiti |
The Tectonics and Active Faulting of Haiti from Seismicity and Tomography |
Tectono-magmatic evolution leading to the onset of oceanic spreading at magma-poor rifted margins : example of the Australia-Antarctica margins. |
Tectono-magmatic interactions during volcanic margin extension : new reading of the afar province evolution as an active analogue. |
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of an obducted margin : the example of New Caledonia and its offshore domain (South West Pacific). |
Tomographie des ondes de surface de la croûte et du manteau supérieur sous les Alpes et régions aux alentours. |
Tomographie sismique d’une dorsale ultra-lente très pauvre en magma. |
Traçage thermique et géochimique des systèmes hydrothermaux : exemple d'un domaine océanique jeune et d'une marge continentale |
Transition from compression to strike-slip tectonic styles along the northern margin of the Levant Basin |
Upper mantle anisotropy of Southeast Arabia passive margin [Gulf of Aden Northern conjugate margin], Oman |
Upper mantle structure of the southern Arabian margin: Insights from teleseismic tomography |
Uppermost mantle velocity from Pn tomography in the Gulf of Aden |
Le visage sous-marin de la Terre : éléments de géodynamique océanique |