United States. Energy Research and Development Administration
Energy Research and Development Administration
États-Unis. Energy Research and Development Administration
Förenta staterna. Energy Research and Development Administration
USA Energy Research and Development Administration
Stany Zjednoczone. Energy Research and Development Administration.
Energy Research and Development Administration predecessor to the United States Department of Energy
VIAF ID: 150075396 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/150075396
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Energy Research and Development Administration
- 110 2 _ ‡a Energy Research and Development Administration ‡c predecessor to the United States Department of Energy
- 210 | | ‡a Etats-Unis ‡b Energy research and development administration
- 110 1 _ ‡a Förenta staterna. ‡b Energy Research and Development Administration
- 110 1 _ ‡a USA ‡b Energy Research and Development Administration
- 110 2 _ ‡a United States. Energy Research and Development Administration
- 110 1 _ ‡a United States. ‡b Energy Research and Development Administration
- 110 2 _ ‡a United States. ‡b Energy Research and Development Administration
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (45)
5xx's: Related Names (18)
- 510 _ _ ‡5 a ‡a Etats-Unis ‡b Atomic energy commission
- 510 _ _ ‡5 b ‡a Etats-Unis ‡b Department of energy
- 510 1 _ ‡a États-Unis. ‡b Dept. of Energy
- 510 1 _ ‡a Förenta staterna. ‡b Dept. of Energy
- 510 1 _ ‡a Förenta staterna ‡b Atomic Energy Commission
- 510 2 _ ‡a Förenta staterna ‡b Dept. of Energy
- 510 0 2 ‡5 a ‡a U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
- 510 2 _ ‡a U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
- 551 _ _ ‡a USA ‡4 adue ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#hierarchicalSuperiorOfTheCorporateBody
- 510 1 _ ‡a USA ‡b Atomic Energy Commission ‡4 vorg ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#precedingCorporateBody ‡e Vorgaenger
- 510 1 _ ‡a USA ‡b Department of Energy ‡4 nach ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#succeedingCorporateBody ‡e Nachfolger
- 510 1 _ ‡a United States. ‡b Department of Energy
- 510 1 _ ‡a United States. ‡b Dept. of Energy
- 510 2 _ ‡a United States ‡b Atomic Energy Commission
- 510 2 _ ‡a United States ‡b Department of Energy
- 510 0 1 ‡5 b ‡a United States ‡b Dept. of Energy
- 510 2 _ ‡a United States ‡b Dept. of Energy
- 551 _ _ ‡a Washington, DC ‡4 orta ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBusiness
Title | Sources |
Challenge of the future. | |
Coal liquefaction quarterly report | |
Conservation : investing in tomorrow. | |
The Effects of nuclear weapons | |
Energy--a family album | |
Energy abstracts ... 1975: | |
Energy, the American experience. | |
ERDA/ACS research monographs in radiation chemistry | |
ERDA authorization fiscal year 1977 | |
ERDA critical review series | |
ERDA energy res. abstr. | |
ERDA reports abstracts. | |
ERDA research and development report | |
ERDA symposium series | |
Financial report | |
Fossil energy | |
Geothermal, nature's boiler. | |
Information from ERDA | |
Liquid metal fast breeder reactor program : final environmental statement | |
Master schedule for ... Hanford environmental surveillance routine program. | |
Mathematics Panel progress report for period ... | |
A National plan for energy research, development & demonstration: | |
Near-Normal Geothermal Gradient Workshop (1975 : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory). Near-Normal Geothermal Gradient ... 1976: | |
New developments affecting the supply of oil to the free world | |
Nuclear power reactors in the United States | |
Nuclear reactor shielding | |
Nuclear science abstracts | |
Nuclear systems reliability engineering and risk assessment : papers | |
Nukleonika. | |
ORNL | |
ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) | |
The Park. | |
Physics Division annual review | |
Phytoplankton of Lake Michigan | |
Plant res. | |
Populations of small mammals under natural conditions : a symposium, held at the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, May 14-16, 1976 | |
Proc. ERDA Air Clean. Conf. | |
Proc.- Geopress. Geotherm. Energy Conf. | |
Proceedings | |
Proceedings of the Conference on Assessing the Effects of Power-Plant-Induced Mortality on Fish Populations, Riverside Motor Lodge, Gatlinburg, Tennessee May 3-6, 1977 | |
Prog. rev. - U. S., Energy Res. Dev. Adm. | |
Progress review | |
Refining synthetic liquids from coal and shale : final report of the Panel on R&D Needs in Refining of Coal and Shale Liquids, Energy Engineering Board, Assembly of Engineering. | |
Regulatory controls over water pollution | |
Rep. ORO | |
Report on strategic special nuclear material inventory differences | |
Reserved for tomorrow. | |
Safety : report of a panel of the interagency Task Force on Motor Vehicle Goals Beyond 1980 : revised report | |
SAND. | |
Semiconductor measurement technology: | |
Stamps tell the story of nuclear energy | |
The stratigraphy and environments of deposition of the Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation (reconnaissance) and the Paleocene Ludlow Formation (detailed), southwestern North Dakota | |
Studies on methods of reducing heat losses from flat plate solar collectors, phase 2 : annual progress report for period Feb. 1, 1976-Jan. 1, 1977, project no. 510-08 | |
Technical books and monographs | |
Technol. use lignite | |
TIC--index to energy. | |
Tire rolling losses and fuel economy : an R & D Planning Workshop | |
Transportation, the way ahead. | |
TRI-GAS process | |
U.S. Cong. House. Com. on Govt. Op. Legis. and Mil. Op. Subcom. Department of Energy ... 1973 (subj.) | |
U.S. energy and economic growth, 1975-2010 | |
U.S. nuclear power export activities final environmental statement | |
The Ultimate energy. | |
太陽システム設計ハンドブック |